Hi Quick reminder - Free sessions with experts and special gifts - register now.

Published: Sat, 05/05/12

Quick-Good-Fortune Tips

 Specials -- Tips -- Good Stuff -- Limited Time -- Check it Out!


Full Moon magic opens up doorways of opportunities. Catch the Full Moon tonight or tomorrow - the biggest one this year.
Are you really focused on what you want?
Seeing yourself clearly is often a surprise if you are wanting - and not getting what you want.

Try something new - and see if a few changes in YOU doesn't change your life. It is the quick path to finding new opportunities.

Many have struggled with money issues, health and body we.ight - Free downloads of 2 different techniques might just help you achieve what you desire.

Are you happy with your body w.eight? Ready for swim suit weather? Want a quick weight loss method: that works?

How about some FREE help to achieve your own ideal body weig.ht? PSTEC is offering a FREE Mp3 download. Create Your Own Weig.ht Loss POWER WORD. Learn from experts with proven track records. Try a FREE method on how to flip the switch and start shedding pounds. Can't hurt to give it a try. ♥ ♡♡

PSTEC also offers a free audio download of the click track tapes too. After you sign in for the webinar - take a few moments and experiment with the PSTEC method.

Many have achieved amazing results. This process can be used on any trauma or issue you have that is holding you back from living the life you want to live. ♥ ♡♡

Download the Free Audio   

Not all change is good - but nothing is going to get better until you commit to changing. The reason "changes" (jobs, mates, towns) don't usually work out - is that we stay the same - and change circumstances.

That doesn't work. Wherever you go: There you are. The only change that will change your life is a change IN YOU.  How? It means changing limiting ideas about who you are and your right to BE YOU - the real you.

"Genius is the ability
to put into effect what
is in your mind."

Oliver Wendell Holmes

Good News:  the TAPPING SUMMIT (20 workshops) begins on Monday and it is FREE. The specials end Sunday night though, if you think you want to own it. It's very inexpensive and comes with a full guarantee.

If you could learn a technique that could drastically improve your life and you could learn how to do it for free...wouldn't you want to?

You may have done the EFT process of tapping - but there is more: working with experts is 100% more affective.

This event is 100% content, all designed to help you get results...and the entire 10 days of the event are free. In the event you'll learn exactly how to use Tapping for a variety of different issues. 

This is the 4th year that this event has run.  Last year there were over 300,000 people who registered.  There's a reason why the event keeps growing from year to year...it's because Tapping works!  ♡♡♡♡

Register here

"There is only one decision you need to make:
You are either working at your Freedom or
you are accepting your bondage."

Robert Adams

If this is your first Tapping Summit then here's what happens:

 * The Summit lasts TEN days with 2 sessions a day. And begins on Monday.
* There are TWENTY presentations - two a day - with the best experts in their field giving you their secrets to making tapping work.

* Each session is online for 24 hours at no charge.

 * You can upgrade for just $97 to receive all the workshops to keep (That's a very good value of less than $5 per 50-60 minutes each.)

 * There are also many great video bonuses if you opt to upgrade before the summit begins on Monday, May 7th.

Sign in and you will receive the links to the sessions. You can review them now and save the URL so you can go back and review and not miss the ones you want.

*  The guarantee is excellent - a 90-day money-back no questions asked guarantee. There is zero risk involved in upgrading today.

Register here


"Wealth is the ability to

fully experience life."
Henry David Thoreau

When you register you'll have instant access to several really cool audios to listen to and learn the basics of Meridian Tapping before the sessions begin.

At least check it out and see if there aren't a few of all the talks that answer the problems you face today.  It's free. Can't hurt to try it.

Good Fortune and
All best wishes for good insights,

Cheryl Janecky

P.S.   EFT, or Tapping as it's commonly called is a healing form of alternative psychotherapy that uses tapping on acupuncture points while a patient focuses on stressful emotions or specific traumatic memories. Tapping clears the energy field associate with the human body.

Tapping is a simple and powerful tool for changing your life and removing blocks that hold you back. Follow along and experiment with this simple affective method.

Tapping or EFT is one of many techniques. Discover how to use it for yourself, others and even your pets. Free links to more info and a link to the FREE PSTEC audio track tape too. ♡♡

 EFT info and other methods.
Here's more info on PSTEC - results, methods and tips on how to break through limitations. The intro audio is FREE - experiment with a process that works for many. ♥ ♡♡

Be sure to share this email with your friends and family so that they can also learn how to live a better life  --They'll thank you for it!