Hi New Discovery - it's possible to -STAY- fit and healthy for Life!

Published: Tue, 06/05/12

Quick-Good-Fortune Tips

 Specials -- Tips -- Good Stuff -- Limited Time -- Check it Out!

There's no magic bullet - but there is good research that shows consistent and sustained successful weight and vitality results. Good to know - and if you need a boost to get started - it is available here too.

"A great attitude does much more
than turn on the lights in our worlds;
it seems to magically connect
us to all sorts of serendipitous
opportunities that were
somehow absent before the change."

Earl Nightingale

It's never too late to change unhealthy habits. What makes it tough? Your outlook. With the proper attitude we can find exercise fun and rewarding. With a healthy outlook on life, we can enjoy good nutrition and pass on the fast foods and fattening sweets.
With an optimistic attitude we have every right to expect a long healthy life full of smiles and laughter.
With an attitude of respect and love toward ourselves, we find our body remains young, fit and healthy! That's not a guess: it's a fact.

So why is it so hard for us to keep to our fit and healthy goals? Why has another winter passed, and we are no closer to losing those extra pou.nds, or strengthening our bodies, even though we were determined to look out best before summer comes? Why is that extra food item or an evening in front of the TV so enticing they distract us from the goals that matter? 

What if I told you there was an easy way to overcome the excuses and find motivation to not only start but also maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle? And what if you were to learn that it's actually pretty easy?

The solution lies within the mind. The fact is, new research shows that our thoughts, attitudes and expectations determine our behavior and health, and unfortunately, they can be self-sabotaging. Eldon Taylor has been researching the mind for over thirty years and has come to the conclusion that we are our own worst enemy.

"To live your dream
do not worry about
what to do--
just do what
needs to be done.

It is decisions,
not conditions,
that determine
your destiny."

Stuart Avery Gold,"ping"

The choices we make are made by the subconscious, which has been programmed largely for failure. Eldon's patented and proven effective InnerTalk technology goes to work rescripting the negative self-defeating and self-limiting information contained in the subconscious, thereby facilitating an entirely new level of self-actualization. It's only by reprogramming our self-talk that we can break through our unhealthy habits and create a lasting change.

It really is possible to change our internal programming so that, "I don't feel like exercising," becomes "I love exercising!" or "I'm tired--lets drive two blocks," becomes "I love walking, let's leave the car at home!"
Eldon's InnerTalk technology has been researched by numerous independent universities and institutions (such as Stanford University, Weber State University and many more), and been demonstrated effective at priming how you speak to yourself.
When your self-talk changes, so does the reality you experience!
And now it is available - in a special package, called Fit and Healthy, that Eldon has put together, specifically to assist you in achieving your fit and healthy goals!

More information on Fit and Healthy

Your new Fit and Healthy collection will:

1.    Help you maintain a young and healthy attitude;
2.    Tap into the mind/body connection to help tone your body;
3.    Motivate you to enjoy exercise;
4.    Improve your posture so you can face the world with confidence;
5.    Change your thinking about food and assist you in losing those extra poun.ds;
6.    Create the fittest you possible;
7.    Make participating in sports fun;
8.    Turn walking into fun!

Eldon's amazing Fit and Healthy collection consists of 9 InnerTalk programs on 8 CDs. This set is valued at over $250, but for a limited time you can get your copy for only $79! Also, as part of this special offer you will receive access to hundreds of dollars worth of bonus gifts from numerous sponsors of this program - many support a real breakthrough!


Check out Fit and Healthy and the bonuses here.


"Continuing to repeat
the same behavior and
expecting different
results is the
definition of insanity."

Albert Einstein 

If you are ready to make changes - this could be it. There are many excellent bonus programs available too - that your success is assured if you follow through.

Good Fortune and
All best wishes,

Cheryl Janecky

P.S.    Here's what customers are saying:

"When I look in the mirror I see a more confident person heading the right direction, I do not see a negative overweight person. I feel better about everything and the weight is creeping down. I do not feel so tempted to eat unhealthy foods and I am going to recommend this program to friends. I was considering joining a slimming club but I am much happier working through this on my own with the strength and willpower the program gives me."
- H.M.

"I absolutely love the OZO experience! It is the quickest, easiest, most effective sports psychology tool I have ever used. Eldon Taylor, thank you for talking to my mind in a way that has convinced me that I am a champion.
- Debbie Lawrence, U.S.A. Olympian

Success is more a
function of consistent
common sense than it
is of genius."

An Wang

NOTE: This product cannot be shipped to the UK, Malaysia, Brunei or Singapore.
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