Hi 2 methods to try free: End weight-gain, anxiety, stress, money & health issues quickly.

Published: Wed, 04/25/12

Quick-Good-Fortune Tips

 Specials -- Tips -- Good Stuff -- Limited Time -- Check it Out!


Free PSTC webinar this Thursday April 26th to finally lose extra weight - and keep it off.

The Tapping World Summit offers 20 FREE sessions on a wide range of topics, plus 3 free intro videos to get started today.
Both are FREE - do yourself a favor and join in each to see what methods work best for you. Success that counts - is ONLY - your success. Only you can determine what works through experimenting and testing.

PSTEC is offering  a rare - and excellent FREE webinar that can give you one simple tool that you can implement immediately in your daily life that just might make all the difference in whether or not you achieve your natural weight. Act quick - it is  April 26th - 5 pm EST.

Learn "How to Create Your Own Weight Loss POWER WORD with PSTEC." Professional advice is from Sally Baker, the co-author of Achieve Your Natural Weight. Sally is a certified hypnotherapist, an expert in the use of PSTEC as well as EFT and, most importantly, she is also a very successful therapist in helping her clients overcome their weight loss issues.
Sally will guide you in creating a daily tool that helps you become and stay focused and energized on your weight loss goal. This simple technique can help shift you from feeling stuck and dis-empowered to the state of being that makes achieving your natural weight yours by right!
You can join this webinar..."How to Create Your Own Weight Loss POWER WORD with PSTEC" either on your phone or your internet connection... register for this FREE online webinar now while "spaces" are still available... Click Here Now...

AND THERE IS MORE - 20 on-line workshops in 10 days - featuring a huge range of topics.
"Winning isn't everything,
but the will to win
is everything

Vince Lombardi

If you could learn a technique that could drastically improve your life and you could learn how to do it for free...wouldn't you want to?

This event is 100% content, all designed to help you get results...and the entire 10 days of the event are free.

In the event you'll learn exactly how to use Tapping for a variety of different issues. 

This is the 4th year that this event has run.  Last year there were over 300,000 people who registered. 

There's a reason why the event keeps growing from year to year...it's because Tapping works! 

And since this event only happens once per year...you want to make sure to check it out right away so you can learn how to use Tapping in your life.

"Winners have simply
formed the habit of
doing things losers
don't like to do

Albert Gray

When you register for the event you actually get three really cool audios to listen to right away so that you can learn the basics of Meridian Tapping and see the results for yourself immediately. 

Cheryl Richardson discusses two important topics:

How to remove fear, anxiety and overwhelm
in order to live a soul-directed, purpose-driven life where you actually get to have what you want and feel good doing it...


How to set boundaries and say no to others in order to get what you want
(and how to do it without feeling guilty and worrying that you're hurting or letting others down).

She also gives some powerful and easy-to-implement steps that you can use right away.

Another video deals with FEAR
Whether it's a fear of public speaking, fear of heights or any other phobia, fear of standing out, fear of success, fear of failure...the list goes on and on.

What would your life be like without these fears? Imagine for a second, that the biggest thing holding you back...was gone..

"A great attitude does much
more than turn on the lights
in our worlds; it seems to
magically connect us to all
sorts of serendipitous
opportunities that were
somehow absent
before the change
Earl Nightingale

Watch this video with NY Times bestselling author Kris Carr as she shares some of her deepest fears and what she did to overcome them:

You'll also learn:

-The 3 things that Kris believes are the key to balanced health (And why most people ignore one of these in particular)

-Why most people fail at losing we*ght and meeting their health goals...(it's not what most people think and is the leading reason why so many diets fail)

-Why emotions play such a big role in our health and what Kris dos on a regular basis to stay balanced...


The video is guaranteed to be one of the most eye opening videos you'll see all year.

Lots of information - and actual techniques that you can use immediately. Don't miss out - these are only offered one time a year.
Register for both now, while this is in front of you and get the results you want - quickly and easily!
All best wishes for good insights,
Good Fortune,
Cheryl Janecky
P.S.   EFT or Tapping is a healing form of alternative psychotherapy that uses tapping on acupuncture points while a patient focuses on stressful emotions or specific traumatic memories. Tapping clears the energy field associate with the human body.

Tapping is a simple and powerful tool for changing your life and removing blocks that hold you back. Follow along and experiment with this simple affective method.  Register for the seminars now.

Be sure to share this email with your friends and family so that they can also learn how to live a better life  --They'll thank you for it!