[GWE] Where's the best place to put your plants?

Published: Sun, 03/20/16

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Issue #204 - Sunday, March 20, 2016 

Dear Fellow Grower, 

In today's issue... 

  • Learn how to plan the perfect indoor grow room!

  • Want to get your grow journal published? Learn how!

  • Discover how to control smells coming from your plants so no one will know they're there!

  • Diagnose your sick plant!

  • Find out how you can use CO2 in the grow room to increase your yields!

  • Check out this week's trophy pic featuring an enormous auto-flowering plant that's less than 2 months old!

Nebula Haze & Sirius Fourside (founders of GrowWeedEasy.com)​​ 

"Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort."

~Paul J. Meyer

How to Pick the Perfect Grow Room!
by Sammy Spade & Nebula Haze
A lot of new growers rush into setting up their indoor garden without a proper plan. And dare I blame you? As an exciting new chapter in your life with great rewards, you're anxious to get started... but it's also an endeavor rife with challenges. Challenges you need to take very seriously.

Deciding which room of your house to use for producing home-grown weed presents a complex problem, and reserving some meaningful consideration goes a long way towards making your job easier and your grow a more successful endeavor.

Would you launch a business without a plan? Probably not. Or perhaps your answer is yes. Perhaps you would start a business by just moving forward and winging it as you went along.

Fair enough, so would I, to be completely honest with you. But even so, I strongly encourage a methodical process for setting up your grow.

Although it's possible to wing it with growing cannabis, there is so much at stake and so much room for failure that the importance of a plan is crucial to saving you a lot of time and more importantly money!

Let's look at some of the different aspects you want to take into account before choosing a room to try out your green thumb.​​​​​​​
7 Guiding Principles To Creating the Perfect Grow Room
1.  Concealment 
A smart grower puts a lot of effort into concealment. Even if you are growing medical marijuana and have gone through all the motions demanded of a legal pot farmer (and I still highly encourage you to do so), you don't want the whole world knowing what you are up to.

Even though you can run a legitimate operation these days, headaches are no less real if the authorities decide to give you a little trouble, even if just to make you uncomfortable. On top of that, you face a real danger from burglars, many of who are armed and dangerous.

So, secrecy is paramount.

Look at the different rooms in your house and consider how easy their location will make it to hide your grow once it's set up. If growing inside, will guests notice something fishy going on, or can you just keep them away from the door to the room and call it good?
A stand-alone room separated from the main house is a fantastic location for minimizing damages and keeping it away from guests (dogs loose in the yard serve as a fantastic burglar deterrent), but how will you keep light from spilling out the door every time you enter the room during the "day cycle?"

2.  The Exhaust System

Your exhaust system creates another challenge. With any powerful grow light (even LEDs start getting hot once you get to the larger models that pull more than 250W of power out the wall), your room will surely need a nice system that pulls out hot, stale air and replenishes the garden with cool, fresh air.
A common option (this is what I do and probably what most hobbyist growers do) is to vent heat out a window using a fan plus ducting to suck air out of your grow space. The main challenge with this is making sure that your window still looks normal from the outside so no one can tell you're using it as a vent. There are several ideas on how to do this!
If you can't vent out a window for whatever reason, there are many possible solutions for building your exhaust system directly in your house if that option is open to you. One idea to vent your hot air is to cut a hole into the ceiling and run insulated ducting through the ceiling. The ducting should run all the way to an outside vent to prevent heat and moisture buildup in your attic, which can ruin the structure up there, so make sure the crawlspace is big enough for you to get up in the attic and work.

If you're doing this, make sure to check out the gaps between your ceiling beams ahead of time to make sure you can run the ducting through without cutting through important framework.  Running ducting into the floor and under the house offers another options (if you don't mind a little tangling with cobwebs). If you happen to have a convenient chimney near your grow spot, that can also be a lucky option.

No matter what, figure out your exhaust system ahead of time when first choosing your room!

3.  Space

How much home-grown weed do you want to produce?  How many patients are you serving? 

Quick Reference
  • Stealth Boxes, Small Tents and Cabinets (up to 2'x4' or 3'x3') - yields up to several ounces
  • Hobbyist Size Tent - (larger than 3’x3’, but no larger than a 5’x5’) - yields from several ounces up to about a max of 2 lbs
  • Large Rooms/Tents - (larger than 5' x 5') -  yields 1-2 lb and greater
Remember that you need enough height to support both your lights and plants, so a 3' tall cupboard isn't going to cut it if you're using LED grow lights! If you're using CFLs or fluorescent lighting you can get by with a short space, but with LEDs or HPS you need to give yourself at least a foot (and usually more) between the light and the top of your plants, so don't forget to consider that! The more you want to yield, the more height you need (up to a point of course) because bigger plants tend to yield more bud than small ones.

In addition to the space needed by your plants, you also need room to get in and around your plants so you can tend to them. Resist the urge to fill every space in the room because if working on your plants becomes a hassle, you may not do it at all, a negligence that will surely lead to problems with mold or bugs in the future.

What about the other appliances needed for growing premium home grown weed?  Where will you hang your fan and carbon filter?  Will you mount your oscillating fans on the walls, or will they just stand in the aisles?  Do you have room for a dehumidifier or even a heater should the need for either arise?

When your grow space is completely filled with cannabis plants, it become almost impossible to tend the plants near the back and sides
Break out a paper and pen and draw a to-scale diagram of your room, deciding where each item will go beforehand.  You will likely need to redraw the diagram over and over before coming up with the perfect layout for your room.

If I have one piece of advice, always give yourself a little more space than you think you need! It's better to have too much than not enough!

4.  Noise and Smell

Perhaps your neighbors cannot see your room, but will they hear it through the walls--the rattle of oscillating fans, your exhaust, and the hum of the ballasts?  Perhaps your guests will never pass by the door to your grow, or perhaps the door will be cleverly concealed to the point of invisibility.  But will the location adjacent to the living room make it impossible to mask the smell?

Will the grow affect your social life, or can you find a location in your home more fitting?

Of course, there are ways to deal with smells and noises, like carbon filters and sound boards as well as other techniques, but plan ahead so you know which measures you need to take, if any.

5.  Moving Supplies In and Out

No matter how well-concealed your room, you will need to move supplies as well as finished medical marijuana in and out each time you harvest. If living in a residential area, you can find a house with an attached garage so you can easily pull your vehicle in to unload. However, many growers with garages find it the optimal place for farming home grown weed (lots of space, minimal damages, and easy to hide from nosy guests).

If you're growing in a room in your backyard, as discussed before, how will you get stuff in and out in front of the eyes of suspicious neighbors? How will you move harvested plants out? Smuggling stuff in boxes, contractor bags, and plastic totes at night could help provide the answer... Plan, plan, and plan some more!

How will discreetly move stuff (including plants and supplies) in and out of the grow space?
6.  Running Electricity

Running electricity provides yet another challenge. The wiring in a spare bedroom may prove inadequate for running a set of 1000 watt lights as well as the other high-voltage electrical appliances like ACs. If you're going for a big grow, chances are you'll need to run a whole new source of power from the fuse box. And the farther you run that power, the more inefficient it becomes. Where will you run the power cables to keep them from being seen? Through the attic?  Under the house? Always consult with an electrictian before attempting to make any changes to the electrical system in your house!

However, for a smaller hobbyist size grow your house will likely be able to handle the electricity! At that point it's more a matter of figuring out how much electricity is going to cost!

7.  Damages

Finally, damages to your home present another major concern for the indoor medical marijuana grower.  Measures for minimizing the effect of humidity and heat go a long way, but given time, these elements take a toll nonetheless.

Can you afford to sacrifice a little wear and tear on that extra bedroom? Using a room meant for utility purposes, like a shop or garage, could spare the home interior, or should you just take all the necessary precautions and set an additional fund aside for repairs later?

One thing that may help is to use a cannabis grow tent, since these are at least designed to contain spills and other common causes for damage!

But aside from a grow tent or building a room specifically for growing home grown weed, you will surely find that every room has its advantages and disadvantages. You cannot change that. But you can plan well in advance, and by foreseeing future challenges, you can come up with a plan that minimizes or dissolves all of them from the get-go!
To find out more about planning out your indoor grow room, you might want to check out the complete marijuana guide I recommend and e-Book, Growing Elite Marijuana. Learning how to grow weed indoors takes time and energy - rely on those who have gone before you and reap the rewards!

About Sammy Spade

Sammy Spade is a Humboldt County native and writes articles about growing premium pot to help new growers succeed on every single grow, including their first one!

Do You Want to Get Published?

We occasionally publish finished grow journals to our website to help other growers get an idea of what to expect given a specific setup, training tactics and strain.

Do you have a grow journal you would like to get published to GrowWeedEasy.com? Want to show off your skills and/or get more exposure to your blog, profile or website? 

We're most likely to publish grow journals that include:
  • A picture of your setup
  • At least one picture of your plants at every stage of life - seedling, vegetative stage, flowering stage, and at harvest.
  • Final yield weights

If you're interested, please reply to this email with a link to your journal! (whether it's in a forum, on imgur.com, a blog, or some other website)

We can't promise we'll publish every grow that gets sent in, but if you include the information above it's a lot more likely! It doesn't matter if you're a beginner with a small setup, or if you ran into problems along the way; we're most interested in hearing your story and seeing the progress of your plants! 
Want to publish your grow journal?
How Do I Control Smells?

So you've figured out the perfect place to grow, but how do you plan to control smells?

Some cannabis plants actually start smelling when they're very young (I was pretty surprised at how much my Super Skunk plant started smelling when it was barely older than a seedling), but most cannabis plants don't have much of a smell until they start making buds.

However, most cannabis plants will be reeking by the time they get close to harvest so if you want to keep your grow stealthy you'll need to take action to keep smells from escaping either into the house or outside.

Don't let the skunky smell of cannabis leak out of your grow space!
Diagnose Your Sick Plant

Does your plant look a little under the weather? Have you experienced any of the following?
  • Drooping
  • Leaves Turning Yellow
  • Dark or Pink/Red/Purple Leaves
  • Brown Edges or Tips
  • Spots or Mottling
  • Bugs or Other Pests
We have an interactive tool on GWE to help you figure out exactly what's going wrong with your plant!

Have You Heard About CO²?
Is it time to take your grow and yields to the next level?

If you've got your grow room set up and customized, you've maxed out on your lights, and you want to help your cannabis plants produce even more bud, then you might be interested in supplementing your grow with additional CO².

Plants use CO² as part of the photosynthesis process and with very bright lights your plant might need more CO² than it's getting from the air to keep up! That's where CO² supplementation comes in.

​​​​​​​This cannabis grower uses CO2 injection to increase yields!
Look Who's Talking!

You people are the best in your field!!! I have recently been checking out MANY weed growing sites and have decided to get rid of everybody but GWE. It's all anyone will ever need. Outstanding, so .....thank you from the bottom of my heart. I feel my days of getting ripped off are gone......Gratefully Bobby
Trophy Pics of the Week!

"Auto White Widow XXL (in back) - day 59 from seed

Here's a picture of the plant by itself along with a bud closeup. Pretty amazing for being less than 2 months from seed! 
Submit YOUR Trophy Pics Here:


We encourage you to forward this email to a friend in need!

Who Runs This Newsletter?
Nebula Haze:

Medical cannabis is important to me personally, and I'm dedicated to showing others how easy it is to grow their own supply of cannabis at home.

It is my mission to educate and build growing resources to help both new and advanced growers get bigger, better yields with less time and money. We update GrowWeedEasy.com at least weekly (often even more often!) to make sure that our website provides you with all the information you need to succeed at growing!
Learn which seed sources are personally recommended by Nebula Haze
Sirius Fourside:

Sirius Fourside is a hobbyist grower who has gained the bulk of his experience growing in water as a medium (deep water culture, bubbleponics).

"Growing cannabis is a relaxing hobby in and of itself, but it also saves you money and keeps you from having to deal with shady characters. Cannabis is much easier to grow than people give it credit for, and growing in water doesn't increase the difficulty much, if any. But whether you want to grow in water, coco, or a different medium, we'll show you how easy it can be!"
Get Your Seeds Delivered Safely!
Get your seeds today!
GrowWeedEasy.com has put together a hand-picked list of all the available SEED BANKS including what type of payment they accept and where they ship in the world!

View complete list of trusted seed sources:

Why not start your grow with quality genetics from an award-winning strain? Or choose a strain that suits your growing style and personal needs.

Still not sure? We recommend Nirvana. They've been breeding award-winning strains for decades and offer some of the most reliable stealth shipping in the industry.


In our complete seed sources list you'll discover...

  • Which Seed Sources are Fast, Safe and Reliable (list is updated regularly)
  • Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Check Money Order, Paypal & even more secure payment options!
  • Connoisseur, High-CBD & Medical Grade Strains Available
  • Find Out Which Seed Sources Deliver to YOU!

Copyright (c) 2016 GrowWeedEasy.com

NOTE: If links aren't working or if pictures are not showing up properly, please view the full newsletter here: http://archive.aweber.com/gwe-updates

Disclaimer: Grow Weed Easy only recommends products that we've either personally checked out ourselves, or that come from people we know and trust. For doing so, we may receive a commission. 

Nothing in this e-mail should be considered personalized Financial, Legal, Medical or any other kind of Advice. The contributors to this magazine grow legally under their local laws. If you cannot legally grow where you live, we DO NOT recommend that you start growing marijuana, as you can be arrested, put in prison, or worse! 

Any decision to grow marijuana should only be made after consulting with an experienced lawyer or other legal adviser. Although our staff may answer your general customer service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment or legal situation. No communication by our staff to you should be deemed as personalized Financial or Legal Advice. Any investments and steps recommended in this letter should be made only after consulting with your lawyer or other legal or investment adviser. 

Nothing in this e-mail should be considered personalized Health Care or Medical Advice. Although our staff may answer your general customer service questions, they are not licensed health care professionals. No communication by our staff to you should be deemed as personalized Health Care Advice. Any Health Care recommended in this letter should be made only after consulting with your Doctor and licensed Health Care Adviser.

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