[GWE] Complete Beginner Tutorial: Grow 4-7 oz in 3 Months!

Published: Sun, 08/28/16

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Issue #228 - Sunday, August 28, 2016 

Dear Fellow Grower, 

In today's issue... 

  • Learn how to grow cannabis step-by-step and harvest 4-7 oz in about 3 months if you follow this tutorial!

  • Get a complete supplies list for today's tutorial so you can copy and get the exact same results!

  • This week's trophy pic features a big chunky nug grown by a first-time grower!

Nebula Haze & Sirius Fourside (founders of GrowWeedEasy.com)​​ 

"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can."

~Arthur Ashe
Introduction for First-Time Growers

Hundreds of cannabis growers have written in over the years and it seems that many, many growers are looking to produce about an ounce a month. There are lots of ways to achieve that yield, but how do you do it using the least amount of time, money and effort? How can you get to harvest as fast as possible?

Today's step-by-step tutorial uses a 250W HPS, coco coir as a growing medium and auto-flowering cannabis strains. This combination makes it easy and relatively cheap to produce 4 ounces in 4 months...or even more!

You don't have to know anything about growing cannabis to follow this beginner's tutorial!
This tutorial will give you a green thumb even if you've struggled with plants in the past, or just never grown anything! Everything that needs to be done will be explained step-by-step for each stage of your plant's life. You'll get a list of supplies with everything you need to grow, from measuring spoons to rope ratchets to seeds to your grow tent! 

I have links to every item so you get exactly the same setup and get exactly the same results as you see in this tutorial. Once you've completed this grow, the next ones get easier and easier!

Here's the breakdown:

  • $652 Setup - Total setup cost for 1st grow including grow tent, seeds & all supplies (cost breakdown). Your 2nd grow will only cost about $112 for seeds and supplies.

  • $30-60/Month Electricity - Average Cost of Electricity (based on $0.12/kWh - $0.25/ kWh). You may pay more or less depending on where you live; 12¢ is the overall US average, 25¢ is the big city average - (electricity breakdown)

  • 4-7 Ounces - Average Yield/Harvest - if you follow all the instructions on this page and get the full setup you could possibly get even better yields!

  • 3.5 Months - Average Time from Seed to Bud

  • 1+ Ounce/Month - Comfortably grow this much (and probably a lot more) without needing advanced knowledge or experience!
Why a 250W HPS Grow Light?

A lot of cannabis growers think they need big grow lights to get the yields they're looking for, and for some growers that may be true! But for growers looking for about an ounce a month, a 250W HPS may be the best grow light available. A 250W HPS doesn't get even close to as hot as the bigger HPS grow lights like the 400W and 600W, but it still gets the improved yields, density and appearance of buds grown under an HPS.

A 250W HPS can easily produce 1+ oz/month. If you follow this tutorial you can expect to harvest 4-7 oz every 3-4 months. 
Example Harvest in This Setup - 6.7 ounces
(plants pictured above - view the grow journal
Why a 250W HPS is a Great Choice for Marijuana Growers:

  • Bigger Yields for the Same Electricity - For the same amount of wattage, an HPS grow light gets (on average) 10-20% higher yields than LEDs, and 25-50% higher yields than CFLs or T5s

  • Longer & Denser Buds - Buds grown under HPS are usually longer and often more dense than buds from other types of grow lights

  • Low Setup Cost - HPS grow lights usually cost quite a bit less to get started with than LEDs, and the cost is similar to starting with CFLs or T5s. The entire grow setup from today's tutorial including seeds and supplies will cost less than $700, which is cheaper than many similar-wattage LED grow lights are by themselves, and similar to what you'd pay for an equivalent CFL or T5 setup (at least on this scale; small CFL setups can be really cheap!).

  • Manageable Electricity Cost - With a 250W HPS and the 3 fans recommended in this tutorial, you can expect to pay around an extra $30-60 in electricity/month (electricity breakdown).
Big HPS grow lights have a reputation for getting very hot, but a small one like the 250W is a lot easier to keep cool. In fact, a 250W HPS doesn't put out more total heat than an LED that pulls 250W out of the wall!

A strong exhaust fan recirculates and constantly replaces all the air in a sealed environment like a grow tent. This keeps a small 250W HPS grow light cool enough without ducting. This technique works with both air-cooled hoods and "wing" style reflectors
What about outside the grow space? If venting into a closet, a 250W HPS could raise the temperature by 5°F (3°C) degrees or more. In a regular size room it has less of an effect and may only raise the temperature of the room by a few degrees. 

I have my grow tent in my bedroom and a window fan keep temps cool enough to almost completely mitigate the heat created by the HPS.

In my experience a 250W light will raise the temperature of a large room by a few degrees. If you use a window fan to blow out hot air, that can help keep the room cooler.

In an ideal world it's probably a good idea to set up your 250W light with a "real" exhaust system with ducting going from your light to a fan to a window, but in a pinch you can do without and upgrade later (that's what I did!). Every grow you can make your setup a little bit better, but in the meantime you can harvest lots of beautiful and potent bud!

Why No MH (Metal Halide) bulbs in the Vegetative Stage? Many growers start plants under a metal halide (MH) bulb while the plant is vegetating, then switch over to HPS once their plants start flowering. MH encourages short bushy growth while HPS encourages long/stretchy growth and flowering. I personally use an HPS grow light from seed to harvest because it's easier and I like how plants grow, but it definitely works either way!
Why Use Coco Coir for Growing Cannabis?
  • Feels Like Growing in Soil - Coco coir is a soilless growing medium which gives the feel of growing in soil. Plants are kept in regular containers, and growers simply water their plants with nutrient water. Coco coir can be treated basically the same as (non-amended) soil for growing cannabis.

  • Great for Plant Roots - Coco coir is effective at holding onto moisture and nutrients for roots, but also has a lighter texture that lets it hold onto more oxygen. This helps prevent over and under-watering. Coco coir tends to promote healthy and fast root development compared to other potting mixes.

  • Does Not Attract Insects - Coco coir does not make a good home for many garden pests that affect soil growers. As such, cannabis growing in coco coir is much less likely to be attacked by pests or bugs.

  • Benefits of Hydro - Hydroponics (growing plants directly in water while pumping in air to provide oxygen) is effective at making plants grow faster because it gives oxygen and nutrients to the roots in the most easily accessible form, saving the plant precious energy. However, hydroponics takes extra preparation compared to growing a potted plant and for those looking for a hand-watered experience, coco coir gives many of the benefits of hydro. This results in a quicker harvest and bigger yields compared to growing in soil, without having to manage a water reservoir.
Why grow an auto-flowering strain?

Auto-flowering strains are like regular cannabis plants except an auto-flowering plant will automatically start making buds around week 3-4 of its life ("regular" strains need a special light schedule to make buds). Most auto-flowering plants will be ready to harvest by the time they are 3-4 months old, making them one of the fastest ways to get to harvest.

One nice feature of auto-flowering buds is they tend to be more relaxing and anti-anxiety because they naturally have slightly higher levels of CBD. This is because the ancestor of auto-flowering strains produced a lot of CBD. Although the original auto-flowering strains from years ago were not as potent as regular cannabis plants, the modern strains by trustworthy breeders are as potent as any non-auto (photoperiod) plant!  
Auto-flowering strains are also really neat in the way that they act exactly how you'd think a plant should act if you've never grown cannabis before.

You plant a seed, water the plant while it grows, and harvest after it finishes making buds on its own. This simplistic approach can help get rid of some of the complication of learning how to grow cannabis. By the time you get to the end of your first grow, you'll be expert enough to tackle any strain!

This bud is from an auto-flowering Lemon OG Haze plant 
Get Supplies!

This list breaks down piece by piece what you need to grow in this setup! If you get the supplies and follow the tutorial you will be able to harvest 4-7 ounces by December!

Look Who's Talking!
Dear Nebula and Sirius,

I am located in Alaska, which recently passed recreational use laws. As a state, we always had a very liberal personal use policy, but as a non-smoker I never took advantage of the opportunity to grow.

My very closest friend has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and is in constant pain. Narcotics don't help bc they just put her to sleep. Our state rules say that an individual can have three flowering plants, and three veg plants, and that the product of these plants can be used or given away (just not sold). In light of her diagnosis, I decided to give growing a try.

I followed your website religiously using the CFL set up, coco coir, and general hydroponics nutes. I pH'ed my water at every feeding. I allowed for at least 20% run off. I did my best to train my girls (feminized AK-48 seeds from Nirvana). And have been rewarded with a combined dried weight of 6.4 ounces (plus 3 ounces of super glittery trim).

Thank you, thank you, thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I have always had a green thumb, but I had zero clue where to start on this project until I found your site. You are both amazing for making this information so easily available and accessible.

Thank you!

PS. Seriously, thank you.

Lisa you've warmed my heart! ~Nebula
Trophy Pics of the Week!

This is my forth grow ever so pleased in general. Grow Weed Easy is an awesome site, learnt loads and thank you...mellow :)

~Pagan Rich
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Who Runs This Newsletter?
Nebula Haze:

I'll be honest with you, when I first started growing, I struggled. Now, it is my mission to make it easier for new growers to get started as well as help advanced growers get bigger, better yields with less time and money. We are updating and adding articles every single week and our goal is to eventually build a comprehensive growing resource so anyone and everyone can grow if they want to! If we all share the knowledge there's more buds in the world for everyone :)
Learn which seed sources are personally recommended by Nebula Haze
Sirius Fourside:

Sirius Fourside is a hobbyist grower who has gained the bulk of his experience growing in water as a medium (deep water culture, bubbleponics).

"Growing cannabis is a relaxing hobby in and of itself, but it also saves you money and keeps you from having to deal with shady characters. Cannabis is much easier to grow than people give it credit for, and growing in water doesn't increase the difficulty much, if any. But whether you want to grow in water, coco, or a different medium, we'll show you how easy it can be!"
Get Your Seeds Delivered Safely!
Get seeds!
GrowWeedEasy.com has put together a hand-picked list of all the available seed banks including what type of payment they accept and where they ship in the world!

List of trusted seed sources:

Copyright (c) 2016 GrowWeedEasy.com

Disclaimer: Grow Weed Easy only recommends products that we've either personally checked out ourselves, or that come from people we know and trust. For doing so, we may receive a commission. Nothing in this e-mail should be considered personalized Financial, Legal, or Medical Advice. The contributors to this magazine grow legally under their local laws but are not lawyers or medical professionals. Any decision to grow marijuana should only be made after consulting with an experienced lawyer or other legal adviser. Any medical decisions should only be made after speaking with a doctor or other medical professional. Be safe!

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