[GWE] What's the Best Number of Plants to Grow?

Published: Sun, 01/08/17

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Issue #247 - Sunday, January 8, 2016 

Dear Fellow Grower, 

In today's issue... 

  • Learn the pros and cons of growing a lot of plants vs just one or two, and discover which one yields the most!

  • Mold can sometimes attack your buds when you least expect it! Learn how to prevent this unwanted visitor from getting anywhere near your buds!

  • This week's trophy pic features a gorgeous pink bud from Maine!

Nebula Haze & Sirius Fourside (founders of GrowWeedEasy.com)​​ 

"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it."

~Charles R. Swindoll
Best Number of Plants to Grow
by Nebula Haze
Should you grow just one cannabis plant or many to maximize your yields? What's the best number of plants to grow considering your grow light and the size of your grow space? 
How many plants should you grow? 
There are a few different schools of thought when it comes to the best number of marijuana plants to grow in an indoor setup. I'll walk you through the benefits of growing just one plant vs the benefits of growing many, and then give you some real-life examples with specific setups. That way you get the information you need to make the best decision for your garden!

One or Many Cannabis Plants: Costs vs Benefits

Growing Just 1-2 Cannabis Plants at a Time

  • Easier - Easier to care for your garden because you're able to better focus on each individual plant, and you won't need to compromise between different plants if they end up having different needs 

  • Less Time Daily - Spend less time on a daily basis caring for plants (less time making nutrient water, watering, training plants, etc) and it's usually easier to reach all the plants

  • May Be Only Legal Choice - Some growers live in areas with limits on the number of plants they can grow (for example in some states you are only allowed to grow 3 mature plants at a time), so these growers don't have a lot of choice when it comes to how many plants to grow
  • Less Variety - You'll only be able to grow one or two strains, instead of many strains at once.

  • Longer Vegetative Stage - With just one or two plants, it may take them extra time to fully spread out and fill the grow space in the vegetative stage, which means it can take longer to start flowering and get to harvest
Should you grow just one or two plants at a time and let them get big?
It took just under 2 months in the vegetative stage to train the plant to grow this way 
In the flowering stage the grower was rewarded with buds that filled the space where the plant was trained 

Growing Many Cannabis Plants at a Time

  • Shorter Vegetative Stage - Especially in a large grow space, several plants can usually fill the space faster during the vegetative stage than just one or two plants. This allows the grower to switch to the flowering stage sooner. A shorter vegetative stage means you can possibly get to harvest sooner.

  • Max Yield for the Time/Electricity - If you are looking to get the biggest yield in the shortest amount of time (which also maximizes your yield for the electricity), this is likely going to be the most effective strategy!

  • More Variety - With a higher number of plants, you'll have the ability to grow a greater variety of strains at the same time
  • More Daily Care - You will usually spend more time on a daily basis tending your plants, and it's often more difficult to reach the plants in the back

  • Different Plants Have Different Needs - Each plant might need slightly different levels of nutrients, light intensity, etc. The differences can be especially stark when growing many different strains at once.

  • More Difficult to Train - It can be more difficult to train multiple plants to grow wide and flat since you have to work around all the other plants, and some plants grow much taller/faster than others. In fact, to simplify things some growers choose to avoid training their plants at all when growing many plants at once

  • May Be Illegal Where You Live - In some cases, even if growing is legal where you live, it may be against the law to grow a large number of plants

Should you grow many smaller plants so they fill your grow space sooner?
It only took 6 weeks for the plants to completely fill up the space. Imagine how long it would have taken for one plant to grow this big! 
No Matter How Many Plants You Grow...​​​​​​​
  • Similar Yields Per Square Foot - Cannabis yields are based mostly on the size/shape of the canopy in relation to your grow light, not the number of plants. Filling the total surface area of plants under the light with bud sites is what matters, and it doesn't really matter if you use one plant or many to fill the space before flipping to the flowering stage.
That means even if you can only grow a few plants at a time, you can still get the same yields in your grow space as someone who can grow more plants! It just might take a little bit longer in the vegetative stage.

It doesn't matter whether this canopy has been created by one plant or many. Whichever way you got here, your yields will be about the same as long as everything else is equal!
Why Growing Many Plants Reduces the Time Needed in the Vegetative Stage

When it comes to getting the best yields as fast as possible, you will often have better luck growing several plants than just one or two. This is because it takes several plants less time to completely fill up a space than it would take one plant to fill up that same space.

However, time might not be the main concern. Many growers don't mind an extra week or two in the vegetative stage if it makes the growing process easier and more fun!

But in the end, the actual yields will be about the same as long as the space does get filled. Given the same total number of colas and size of plants, it won't matter much if you have one plant or twenty as far as yields are concerned. 
What's the "Optimal" Number of Cannabis Plants?

If you can legally grow as many marijuana plants as you want and are willing to put in the extra time and effort needed to grow as many plants as necessary, what's the best number of plants to grow?

Each plant should get plenty of direct light and at least a foot or two of space to itself 
The optimum number of plants depends mostly the size of the area under the grow light. A plant generally should get at least a foot of space to itself to really be able to grow and spread out, and it's often better to give plants a little more space, especially if you have powerful grow lights like HPS' or LEDs!

Suggestions for Example Grow Spaces

2'x2' Space - 1-4 Plants

2'x4' Space - 1-6 Plants

3'x3' Space - 1-6 Plants

4'x4' Space - 2-9 Plants

These suggestions definitely aren't set in stone, but they serve to give you general starting guidelines. It is possible to grow more plants in these spaces successfully, but with more plants you will often start running into difficulty being able to reach the plants in the back and care for them properly, and sometimes it's more of a pain than it's worth!

These two plants fill this entire 4'x4' space, but you could get the same amount of canopy coverage with many smaller plants. It's up to you to decide how you want to fill your space! 
Keep in Mind! Your yields are limited by the size of your grow light, not the number of plants. Light is like food for your plants and has a direct correlation with yields. The more plants you grow, the less each individual plant will get as far as light. Think of your grow light like a pie, with each additional plant getting a smaller slice to eat every day.

It's tempting to grow a lot of plants, but you don't want to spread your light out too thin! If you grow too many plants you might get less than an ounce per plant, and your buds will be airy and light! 

Your yields are ultimately limited by the size of your grow light, regardless of how many plants you grow! 
It can be hard deciding what number of plants to grow in your space, but ultimately the best thing you can do is to pick a number and dive right in to growing. I believe in listening to your gut. When in doubt, always start with more plants than you need so you have the option of ditching any plant that doesn't germinate, grows poorly or ends up being a male or hermie.

Always start with more plants than you need, just in case! But remember, you may have to throw some of them away... 

Each grower has a different style, and as you get more experience, you'll be able to dial in your grow to what's best for you and your setup!

For me, I usually end up growing just a few plants (or even just one) because I find that more relaxing and enjoyable. But many other growers prefer growing many plants at once! It all depends on you and your needs.

So unfortunately I can't give you a "best" number to end all numbers, but I hope you now have a better idea of how many plants to grow in your space!
Don't Let Mold Ruin Your Harvest!
Yuck!!!!! NEVER smoke moldy buds! If buds look brown or gray, don't smoke them!

Unfortunately, mold has a way of creeping into your life when you least expect it!

It's possible to get mold at any point at any point in your plant's life, but even if you make it through your entire grow without mold, the last 2 weeks before harvest (and the first few weeks after harvest) are actually the times when you're most likely to get attacked!

This is extra frustrating because mold makes buds completely unsafe to smoke, and it most often gets you after you've already dedicated months and months of work into your grow. If you're not careful mold can decimate your entire crop!

Even if you've had several successful grows, there may be things you're accidentally doing which can increase your chances of mold.

Luckily, mold is really easy to prevent, and you have a lot of tools to help you combat mold so you never have to worry about it again! If you cover your bases, you can prevent this gross affliction from ever ruining your crops! 

Keep Reading!
(and learn how to prevent the 3 most common types of cannabis mold!)
Some strains, like Sweet Tooth, are particularly resistant to mold. Mold-resistant strains can be a good choice if you find yourself constantly battling mold!
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Subject: Great site .....starting my grow soon

Thank you for so much info on your site. I have read everything you suggest in the last 3 days, made my choices for equipment and chose my seedbank. Really looking forward to this, pics will follow once I'm up and running.  Thanx again

Trophy Pics of the Week!

This picture of a beautiful pink cannabis bud came all the way from Maine!​​​​​​​
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    I'll be honest with you, when I first started growing, I struggled. Now, it is my mission to make it easier for new growers to get started as well as help advanced growers get bigger, better yields with less time and money. We are updating and adding articles every single week and our goal is to eventually build a comprehensive growing resource so anyone and everyone can grow if they want to! If we all share the knowledge there's more buds in the world for everyone :)
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    Sirius Fourside:

    Sirius Fourside is a hobbyist grower who has gained the bulk of his experience growing in water as a medium (deep water culture, bubbleponics).

    "Growing cannabis is a relaxing hobby in and of itself, but it also saves you money and keeps you from having to deal with shady characters. Cannabis is much easier to grow than people give it credit for, and growing in water doesn't increase the difficulty much, if any. But whether you want to grow in water, coco, or a different medium, we'll show you how easy it can be!"
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    Disclaimer: Grow Weed Easy only recommends products that we've either personally checked out ourselves, or that come from people we know and trust. For doing so, we may receive a commission. Nothing in this e-mail should be considered personalized Financial, Legal, or Medical Advice. The contributors to this magazine grow legally under their local laws but are not lawyers or medical professionals. Any decision to grow marijuana should only be made after consulting with an experienced lawyer or other legal adviser. Any medical decisions should only be made after speaking with a doctor or other medical professional. Be safe!

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