[GWE] Top-Fed DWC Cannabis Setup Guide - Bubbleponics

Published: Sun, 01/29/17

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Issue #250 - Sunday, January 29, 2017 

Dear Fellow Grower, 

In today's issue... 

  • One of our most-viewed articles got a make-over! Learn how to get started with top-fed DWC, aka Bubbleponics!

  • If you're growing in hydroponics, you already have a best friend that you might not have met yet...

  • Sometimes a grow light can cast just the right light to make pictures look great. This weeks trophy pics are no exception!

Nebula Haze & Sirius Fourside (founders of GrowWeedEasy.com)​​ 

"I do not yet know why plants come out of the land or float in streams, or creep on rocks or roll from the sea. I am entranced by the mystery of them, and absorbed by their variety and kinds. Everywhere they are visible yet everywhere occult."

~Liberty Hyde Bailey

Welcome, fellow cannabis growers!

This Bubbleponics grow guide will show you how to go from planting your seed to actually enjoying your cannabis buds in just 3-4 months using an efficient hydroponic system that fits in your closet. I decided to make a tutorial about growing marijuana with Bubbleponics because I've found it is not only one of the best ways to produce consistently huge yields, it also allows for a quicker harvest than pretty much any other grow method!
Did You Know? One of the major advantages to Bubbleponics and DWC is actually the air being bubbled up through the water. The bubbles give your roots more oxygen than they could normally get in soil which contributes to getting significantly faster vegetative growth!​​​​​​​
3 young DWC cannabis plants in the vegetative stage
Before I get started, I want to give a quick shout-out to a gracious fellow named Roseman who, long ago in the vast reaches of the internet, wrote a tutorial on Bubbleponics that actually made growing cannabis in water seem accessible. That simple guide made it possible for someone like me (who'd never grown any type of plant before) to succeed and I've grown cannabis with Bubbleponics ever since!

Over the years I've learned exactly what you need to do to get consistently great results (as well as what doesn't work), so I decided it's time to pass the knowledge on!

Hopefully this step-by-step walkthrough will make growing weed with bubbleponics even easier for you to get into!

If you follow the simple steps outlined in this tutorial, you will great yields on your very first attempt!
Pros of Growing Cannabis with Bubbleponics:
  • Yields - Very high yields compared to the amount of light/nutrients/time that goes into each plant
  • Faster Growth - Super fast vegetative growth. (I've personally seen marijuana plants grow over 3 inches in a single day using this system). In particular, plants grow faster in the first few weeks of the vegetative stage than with any other method
  • No Bugs - Much less likely to get bugs or other pests
  • Potency - Perceived potency seems to be higher with cannabis grown in hydroponics vs. soil
  • Big Plants - Larger plants can be supported by smaller containers since water takes up less space in the container than soil
  • Simple to Maintain - Not hard to maintain once it's set up; can be left alone for a couple of days
  • Fits in Your Closet - Doesn't need much room for cannabis plants to thrive
Cons of Growing Cannabis with Bubbleponics:
  • Getting Set Up - Setting up a bubbleponic reservoir takes a more time and effort than starting with soil
  • Top-Feed is Most Effective for First Few Weeks - The top-feed takes the most time during the setup process, and can be skipped, but it's recommended because it causes your plant to grow faster during the first few weeks of life. Unfortunately, the benefits of the top-feed decrease as the plants root system grows larger, and after a certain point the top-feed becomes unnecessary.
  • Root Rot - Your cannabis roots are more likely to suffer from root problems like root rot when growing directly in water. However, root problems are easy to prevent with a little preparation!
  • Must Keep Heat Under Control - Maintaining a proper temperature is important for the fastest growth and healthiest roots in hydroponics. That means you will likely need a proper venting/exhaust system to control the heat if you're using hot grow lights. However, bubbleponics works astonishingly well with high-powered lights if temps are kept under control!
  • Smell - The smell of hydroponically grown buds may not be as complex as organically grown buds.
Looking "under the hood" into a DWC reservoir
"Bubbleponics" is just a fun word to describe a top-fed Deep Water Culture (DWC) hydroponic system, which is a slightly fancier version of DWC (Deep Water Culture).

In DWC, your plant roots are grown in a reservoir of aerated nutrient water that's been adjusted to the correct pH. The roots are allowed to hang with only oxygenated nutrient water as a medium in order to get the best access to water, oxygen, and nutrients. This allows your plants to grow much faster as a result!

Bubbleponics/Top-fed DWC is basically the same thing as DWC except for one small, but important, addition. A small stream of that same aerated, pH-balanced nutrient water is trickled over the young roots of your cannabis plants. This encourages the roots to grow faster and reach the reservoir water in less time, making for faster growth during the first part of the vegetative period.

The roots are allowed to hang with just aerated nutrient water as a medium in order to get the best access to water, oxygen, and nutrients.
Bubbleponic Grow Journals
Here are a few journals of growers using Bubbleponics:
Overview of Growing Cannabis with Bubbleponics
Here's a simple diagram to show you how growing cannabis with bubbleponics works:
How to grow cannabis with bubbleponics - diagram
As you can see from the diagram, the cannabis roots have unlimited access to the oxygenated, nutrient-filled water, as well as plenty of access to the oxygen from the air space in the reservoir.

You can use almost any hydroponic nutrients formulated for cannabis that don't have organic stuff to clog the pumps, but I recommend the General Hydroponics Flora Nutrient System since it's simple and relatively inexpensive, yet very effective.
A Few Starting Tips:
  • Growing marijuana really isn't that complicated, people just make it seem that way!
  • Marijuana is a fairly resilient plant, and can survive a fair amount of stress. Ideally, you want your cannabis plants looking pristine through the whole grow but don't worry if your plants get a little beat up along the way. I've had plants look rough towards the end and still produce high quality bud!
  • If something is wrong with your plants but you can't figure out what it is, change the reservoir water. There is a wide array of problems that can be fixed by a reservoir change!
  • Use less nutrients than indicated by nutrient labels. Feel free to experiment and see how your plants react to different amounts, but treat the amount specified on the label as the maximum amount. I suggest starting off at 1/2 of the amount specified.
  • Be nice to yourself! This is likely a new skill to you and there's no shame is making mistakes... I made many!
Answers to a few questions we get a lot:
  • "How do I make the holes in the lid?"
    • Unfortunately, there's no easy answer here. A power drill and a hole saw is the quickest way but you can get creative (carefully!) with a box cutter or sharp scissors.
  • "Why do you make 6 holes in the lid if you only grow one plant? Should I just drill one hole?"
    • I make 6 ports so I can start a bunch of seeds and only grow the strongest looking one. After thinning out to just one or a few plants, I still use the extra holes for easy access to the reservoir/roots. However, you could definitely just drill one larger hole, or any combination of holes depending on your needs. 
  • "Do I really need to do the top-feed? Is it even worth it?"
    • The short answer: No, you don't need it. Yes, it is worth it!
    • Longer answer: Bubbleponics without the top-feed is just DWC (Deep Water Culture) which is already amazing for growing cannabis. The top feed takes the same idea and speeds up the beginning at the cost of a little extra setup/power. It ends up being a personal choice, but I use it every time I do DWC.
Curious about growing with Bubbleponics? Well, there's still a lot more article left!
​​​​​​​Click here to read the rest! 
Who is Bubbleponics' best buddy?

I know we might sound like a broken record, but bare with us this last time because it really is that important! 

If you're going to try your hand at the wonderful world of hydroponics (especially bubbleponics), definitely make sure you pick up a bottle of Hydroguard to protect against root rot.
In fact, Hydroguard is so important to our hydroponic grows that it's the only supplement we use in most grows; just the basic nutrient line and a bottle of Hydroguard! 

If you're living in a warmer climate, don't even take the risk of growing in hydro without it! Click here to learn more!
Look Who's Talking!
Subject: Just a big shout out
Message: I can't thank you enough for being out there. Your site is marvelous. I'm a new grower I'm in my fifties and I enjoy being outside in the yard.  But in the winter time I can't be outside so I wanted to grow cannabis in my house. So big thumbs up to all the personnel that help keep this site going.
Trophy Pics of the Week!

First grow ever. This is three plants. Just been reading a lot, taking advice from your page, trying a bunch of different techniques. I have documented everything with pics. If you would like to see what I have I would be happy to share what I have learned.  AWESOME webpage!!  Would not have had this much success with out you guys!!

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    Nebula Haze:

    I'll be honest with you, when I first started growing, I struggled. Now, it is my mission to make it easier for new growers to get started as well as help advanced growers get bigger, better yields with less time and money. We are updating and adding articles every single week and our goal is to eventually build a comprehensive growing resource so anyone and everyone can grow if they want to! If we all share the knowledge there's more buds in the world for everyone :)
    Learn which seed sources are personally recommended by Nebula Haze
    Sirius Fourside:

    Sirius Fourside is a hobbyist grower who has gained the bulk of his experience growing in water as a medium (deep water culture, bubbleponics).

    "Growing cannabis is a relaxing hobby in and of itself, but it also saves you money and keeps you from having to deal with shady characters. Cannabis is much easier to grow than people give it credit for, and growing in water doesn't increase the difficulty much, if any. But whether you want to grow in water, coco, or a different medium, we'll show you how easy it can be!"
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    Copyright (c) 2016 GrowWeedEasy.com

    Disclaimer: Grow Weed Easy only recommends products that we've either personally checked out ourselves, or that come from people we know and trust. For doing so, we may receive a commission. Nothing in this e-mail should be considered personalized Financial, Legal, or Medical Advice. The contributors to this magazine grow legally under their local laws but are not lawyers or medical professionals. Any decision to grow marijuana should only be made after consulting with an experienced lawyer or other legal adviser. Any medical decisions should only be made after speaking with a doctor or other medical professional. Be safe!

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