[GWE] 7 Tips to Increasing Bud Quality

Published: Sun, 02/19/17

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Issue #253 - Sunday, February 19, 2017 

Dear Fellow Grower, 

In today's issue... 

  • Learn 7 different ways you can increase the quality of your buds, (including appearance, density and potency!)

  • If you are interested in growing auto-flowering strains, check out our list of 3 highly recommended auto-flowering breeders!

  • Today's Trophy Pic of the Week features a neat double-tipped leaf mutation!

Nebula Haze & Sirius Fourside (founders of GrowWeedEasy.com)​​ 

"Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence."

~Abigail Adams
7 Tips to Improving Bud Quality
by Nebula Haze & Sirius Fourside

Table of Contents

  1. Start with Top-Shelf Genetics - get the effects and appearance you want! Your grow skill makes a huge difference, but a plant can't overcome its genes! If you want buds that are potent, dense, sparkly or purple/pink, you need the right genetics.

  2. Give Your Cannabis Lots of Light! - this increases yields, density and potency

  3. Nutrients & Supplements - learn about smell enhancers, bloom boosters and bulk builders!

  4. Better Taste, Better Smell - learn other techniques to increase terpene content so buds taste and smell better

  5. Manipulate Temperature & Humidity in the flowering stage to increase resin production ("glitter" and stickiness), bring out colors like pink or purple & prevent smells from burning away

  6. Great Air Flow Around Every Cola - you can gain surprising increases in the size and density of your buds by making sure that every cola gets lots of direct light and good air flow from the beginning to the end of the flowering stage. Cannabis is wind-pollinated in the wild and so more energy is put into buds that have been exposed to a breeze from when they first started forming. 

  7.  Master the Basics of Growing - especially harvesting, trimming and drying/curing! Although a lot of growers don't pay as much attention to what happens to plants after harvest as during the grow itself, these 3 post-harvest factors determine almost 50% of your final bud appearance. Properly drying/curing also intensifies smell and increases bud potency!
Have you ever had weed that knocks your socks off? The kind of cannabis buds that people brag/warn their friends about?

I'm talking about the really really good stuff!

The truth is, you can successfully grow cannabis with very little effort, make a ton of mistakes, and still harvest buds that will do the job.

But have you ever wondered how people grow truly top-shelf buds? The kind of bud that beats the marijuana you get in a dispensary?

If so, you're in luck, because today I'm going to teach you 7 tips to consistently growing top-tier quality cannabis buds with effects that will stick in your memory for years to come. Plus, I'll teach you how to make your cannabis look pretty! 
1.) Start with Top-Shelf Genetics

It's really tough to get truly top-shelf buds if you start with mid-grade seeds, clones, or the dreaded bagseed; you're giving yourself a much higher chance of disappointment because no growing method can overcome genetics! 

These buds were both grown in the exact same setup at the same time, but have different genetics. Look how differently the buds turned out! Choosing the right strain lets you choose the looks and effects you want! 
When I first started growing, I would grow any seeds I could find. These would usually grow pretty well but the resulting weed never ended up being as good as the buds I found them in. And sometimes the buds would be airy and not-that-potent.

After a few attempts at growing bagseed, I tried buying marijuana clones from the local dispensary with crazy strain names like "Super Grand Daddy Purple" and "Grapefruit Bubblegum Kush," but my yields and results still left a lot to be desired. It's not that there's any inherent problem with clones - clones are awesome! - but I got a feeling these plants weren't really the strains the dispensary claimed them to be. I didn't have any grower friends at the time and I thought bag seed and local clones were my best choices.

Until I discovered online seed banks.

Ever since I started buying seeds from a reputable cannabis seed bank and getting my chosen strains shipped to me, I have been able to consistently produce high-quality buds!

Getting your genetics from a reputable breeder is key to producing gorgeous and potent buds! 
If you want to grow buds that are pink or purple, you must choose the right genetics! 
Just switching to better seed stock caused a dramatic increase in my yields without any other changes. But even more importantly, the quality of my harvests drastically improved. Not to mention the freedom of being able to choose which strain you want to grow instead of hoping to find a good seed in your buds!

Clones are still a great way to start a grow with good genetics, but you have to make sure you always get clones from a trustworthy source!

If you want to take your quality to the next level, don't start with just any clones or seeds. Search for the right, true quality genetics and don't be afraid to research to make sure you're getting exactly what you want! Good seeds cost more than bagseed, but the money you pay for quality is worth it, especially when you consider what you're getting in return!

2.) Give Your Cannabis Lots of Light!

If you want great bud, you have to provide plenty of light!

When you start a grow with good genetics - from good seeds or clones - your plant has the potential for a high level of quality (yields, potency, resilience). However, it's nearly impossible to get your buds to reach that potential if you use lights that are underpowered.

Powerful grow lights like HPS, LECs or LEDs produce the biggest and most dense buds 
For example, there's no amount of plant training or growing skill that can make up for the amount of light produced by an incandescent bulb; the bulb simply doesn't have what it takes to do the job.

Similarly, growers can have the same problem when they try to grow a larger plant with a few small CFLs or T5s. Although CFLs and T5s make great growing lights and produce a high-quality product, it's important to pick the right tool for the job. These two types of lights are better at stealth, discretion, and smaller grows than producing lots of super potent bud.

Strong, bright light is what powers the growth of buds in the flowering stage - light is like "food" for your plants! 
When it comes to indoor cannabis gardening, more light is better...to an extent. If you give your flowering cannabis plants all the light they can handle without giving them too much, it increases your potency, density and yields.

Strong, brigh
t light is a crucial part of reaching a strain's full potential!

Strong light is incredibly important for the highest bud density, potency and yields

3.) Nutrients & Supplements to Increase Bud Quality

Interested in Auto-Flowering Strains?

Most auto-flowering cannabis strains are ready to harvest about 3 months from germination, no matter what you do as a grower. This means that you can often get to harvest several weeks earlier than just about any non-auto strain!
Modern auto-flowering strains are potent!

Auto strains first started getting popular around the late 2000s because of their quick time-to-harvest and easy care requirements, but originally they weren't very potent and tended to get very small yields.

Yet in the last decade the quality of auto-flowering strains has improved dramatically! The following breeders have created comprehensive auto-flowering breeding programs, and their strains are all 7+ generations from the original auto-flowering strains.

By sticking to trusted breeders you can get the buds of a photoperiod plant, but with the advantages of an auto-flowering strain!

3 Leading Auto-Flowering Breeders

These breeders are leaders in the auto-flowering industry!
  • Dinafem

  • Dutch Passion

  • Mephisto <-- Over the last few years this breeder has really taken off with amazing auto-flowering genetics, highly recommended

Which auto-flowering breeders do you use? Reply to this email and let us know!
Look Who's Talking!
Message: Hey my name is Matt and I'm a new grower. I'd just like to say thank you.

Before I started growing I had no idea of what to do... I've used your website as a step by step guide to completing my grow and it's worked out fantastic. Thank you.​​​​​​​
Trophy Pics of the Week!

"Anyone have this happen before?"

​​​​​​​~Mr. B

Growers who see a lot of plants will eventually run into cool leaf mutations like this! Sometimes you'll see a mutation on just one leaf, or sometimes you'll see it on the whole plant. It's especially common to see oddities when it comes to the number of "fingers" on leaves :)


P.S. If any of you have mutation pictures, I'd love to see them! Feel free to reply to this email with your own mutants :)
Check Out Our New Grow Forum!

We opened a free public forum in September 2016 so growers like you can ask questions and talk with each other anonymously! If you sign up to join, please be patient because it may take us a few hours to let you in, but we'll accept you as soon as humanly possible!

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    Who Runs This Newsletter?
    Nebula Haze:

    I'll be honest with you, when I first started growing, I struggled. Now, it is my mission to make it easier for new growers to get started as well as help advanced growers get bigger, better yields with less time and money. We are updating and adding articles every single week and our goal is to eventually build a comprehensive growing resource so anyone and everyone can grow if they want to! If we all share the knowledge there's more buds in the world for everyone :)
    Learn which seed sources are personally recommended by Nebula Haze
    Sirius Fourside:

    Sirius Fourside is a hobbyist grower who has gained the bulk of his experience growing in water as a medium (deep water culture, bubbleponics).

    "Growing cannabis is a relaxing hobby in and of itself, but it also saves you money and keeps you from having to deal with shady characters. Cannabis is much easier to grow than people give it credit for, and growing in water doesn't increase the difficulty much, if any. But whether you want to grow in water, coco, or a different medium, we'll show you how easy it can be!"
    Get Your Seeds Delivered Safely!
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    GrowWeedEasy.com has put together a hand-picked list of all the available seed banks including what type of payment they accept and where they ship in the world!

    List of trusted seed sources:

    Copyright (c) 2017 GrowWeedEasy.com

    Disclaimer: Grow Weed Easy only recommends products that we've either personally checked out ourselves, or that come from people we know and trust. For doing so, we may receive a commission. Nothing in this e-mail should be considered personalized Financial, Legal, or Medical Advice. The contributors to this magazine grow legally under their local laws but are not lawyers or medical professionals. Any decision to grow marijuana should only be made after consulting with an experienced lawyer or other legal adviser. Any medical decisions should only be made after speaking with a doctor or other medical professional. Be safe!

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