[GWE] Beginner Grow Guide w/ CFL Grow Lights

Published: Sun, 11/19/17

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Issue #292 - Sunday, November 19, 2017 

Dear Fellow Grower, 

In today's issue...
  • Looking to get started growing cannabis? Maybe you're just looking to boost your confidence with a simple and rewarding grow. This is the way!
  • You can go find your own supplies to get started, or you can use our everything-in-one-place guide to find all the equipment you need!
  • A reader offers us all a sneak peak into his thriving tent. I love that stage right before buds start blowing up!
Nebula Haze & Sirius Fourside (founders of GrowWeedEasy.com)​
"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them."
~Galileo Galilei
Easy Beginner Grow Cannabis Guide
w/ CFL Grow Lights
by Nebula Haze
"Wait! Why aren't you doing this article on the household LED bulbs they sell nowadays? You know, the ones that are replacing CFLs?"

We'll address this fully in a later issue, but the short answer is: most household LED bulbs have a plastic shield on top to disperse light. It's really nice for homes, but it dulls the bulbs ability to grow cannabis effectively because it reduces the amount of light that gets to your plants.
-Nebula & Sirius
This easy indoor hydroponic cannabis grow guide uses common CFL bulbs as grow lights and forgiving coco coir as a growing medium. It's designed for the beginner as a cheap and easy way to introduce yourself to growing marijuana.

Growing weed doesn't have to be hard!
Startup Cost: Around $300 to get started
(materials listed here)

Maintenance Cost: $50/month

Yields to Expect: 1-3 ounces/plant (if you follow the directions in this tutorial)

Time to Harvest: An average CFL cannabis grow takes about 12 weeks from seed to harvest. Some strains (like auto-flowering cannabis strains) can be ready as soon as 8 weeks from seed. With other strains, you may need 14 weeks or more to get to harvest (learn how to get to harvest sooner). Strain choice is very important when it comes to timelines! Learn how to find the right strain.

Recommended for: People who want a super-cheap, super-easy grow style. Great for new growers who want to get introduced to the process without going all in.

Don't be fooled just because it's easy. Even though I was a complete beginner when I started, I ended up getting 6.2 ounces of dried buds off my very first cannabis plant from my very first grow, which I grew using this system! (Pics below). That is an unusually lot of cannabis for a CFL grow and took using a LOT of bulbs, but if you read through this whole tutorial you'll learn step-by-step how you can do it, too.

It helps to use a high-yielding strain (Northern Lights is great because it's high-yielding, tends to grow short, and is low odor). 

I also train my cannabis plants to take advantage of the great light that CFLs produce within 2-8" of the bulb.

These results are not typical for your first try unless you've put in a lot of extra research and really watch and tend to your plants throughout your grow. Which brings me to my next point.

This method is not for everyone!

That's because growing weed with CFLs isn't the highest yielding method. It doesn't get the most yields for the electricity, it's not suitable for a large grow, and it's not going to work if you aren't willing to watch over your plants closely throughout the grow.

However, it's super cheap, super easy, and if you just need a few ounces of bud every few months, it may be the perfect "low-maintenance" way for you to grow weed!

I think it would be safe to assume that even a beginner can expect to get 1-3 ounces of dried buds per plant if you just follow these instructions. Even if you mess up (and you will, but don't worry), you'll still get at least that if you can get your plants to harvest.

Here's a pic of my very first grow using this method! 
You will be growing your marijuana plants indoors in a soil-less medium called Coconut Coir (usually called coco coir, or even just coco...and sometimes coir). Coco coir (pronounced 'koh-koh koy-er') is a natural fiber made from the husk of coconuts that naturally stimulates the roots of plants and is forgiving when growing marijuana.

For feeding (water plus nutrients), you will hand-water them whenever your plants get dry and you will provide them with all the nutrients they need right in their water.
For lights, all you need are some cheap CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Lights) like the ones you get from your local hardware store. 

These common bulbs are much more efficient than old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs (which can't be used to grow plants) and CFLs don't use much electricity or produce as much heat compared to some other grow lights.

For a stealth marijuana grow inside a tiny space, nothing can beat CFLs as grow lights.

Because CFLs have a very short light range (8-12 inch max), this tutorial works best for growing plants that are kept shorter than 3-4 feet. You want to focus on training your plants to grow wide instead of tall.

That means you will choose either...
You can still get at least a couple of ounces off each plant, even when plants are kept short and you will be able to harvest your crop in only 3-4 months.

This system reduces many of the problems associated with an indoor soil grow and is also much easier than almost any other hydroponic style grow.

It is a great way to learn about how marijuana plants grow and after doing one harvest yourself, I guarantee that you will start getting tons of ideas on how you want to do your next grow.

Pros of Growing Marijuana with CFL Grow Lights and Coco Coir

  • Cheap and easy to start
  • Cheap and easy to maintain even for a complete beginner
  • Forgiving way to learn how to grow weed
  • Perfect for growing 1-2 plants
  • Get 1-3 ounces/plant (harvest yields depend on the strain, how big you grow your plant, and the light intensity you provide to the buds during the flowering stage)
  • High-quality bud since the plant is fed hydroponically
  • Suitable method for a very small grow space 
  • Can be used with any strain of marijuana, whether starting with seeds or clones
  • If you ever upgrade down the road, you'll still be able to use all this equipment for seedlings and vegetating marijuana plants; this setup is easily turned into a dedicated vegetative chamber
Cons of Growing Marijuana with CFL Grow Lights and Coco Coir

  • CFL grow lights are not cost-effective when growing more than 1-2 flowering marijuana plants at a time, if you're growing more than a handful of plants, you'll probably want to invest in a LED grow light or LEC grow light to as your main source of light intensity. Learn about the various marijuana grow lights you can add if you want to really ramp up your yields (instead of just trying to add more CFLs).
  • CFL grow lights have a short light range and thus, aren't efficient for larger plants. The bigger the cannabis plant, the more bulbs you'll need to cover the canopy.
  • Hand-watering plants is simple but can be a pain if you have a lot of plants OR very small pots (which need to be watered more often).
  • You have to adjust your CFL bulbs 1-2 times a week, as your plants will be rapidly growing into them. Fast growing strains may require even more adjustment.
  • For best results and to be able to harvest several ounces/plant with this method, you will need to invest your time to learn how to keep your marijuana plants short with basic marijuana growth control techniques.
This is really a perfect way to grow your first harvest if you "just want to get your feet wet" because it's low cost and so forgiving that it's hard to lose everything. Plus, you will learn an incredible amount about cannabis growing by using this method. 

I used this technique for my first grow, and even though I made a lot of mistakes, my plants produced great buds.
​​​​​​​Make sure you have the tools to

If you're a new to growing and looking to get your feet wet, the link below is for you.

If you've had some bad luck growing and need to build your confidence with a win, the link below has been looking for you.

If you want to try growing but are wary of any type of significant investment, the link below is now your destiny.

If you're a power-hungry, early-tech adopting kind of person who always starts 3 steps ahead of where you should...first, welcome to the club!
This link is for you.
Look Who's Talking!
"Just wanted you to know that this is about the most amazing site to get started. I really appreciate all the articles,I think I have read everyone at least twice. Just started on the 14 and already have babies sprouting....I am so excited and thanks again for this website.....I am a supporter!!!"

Trophy Picture of the Week!

"Good article.
I use Coco Loco and Mephisto Super Soil. And Mephisto seeds.

I have also used Kind Soil with great results.

Here are my [plants] in 5 gal "squat" Root Trapper II pots under a Sun Systems 315 LEC/CMH. These popped October 8th.



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Who Runs This Newsletter?
Nebula Haze:

I'll be honest with you, when I first started growing, I struggled. Now, it is my mission to make it easier for new growers to get started as well as help advanced growers get bigger, better yields with less time and money. We are updating and adding articles every single week and our goal is to eventually build a comprehensive growing resource so anyone and everyone can grow if they want to! If we all share the knowledge there's more buds in the world for everyone :)
Learn which seed sources are personally recommended by Nebula Haze
Sirius Fourside:

Sirius Fourside is a hobbyist grower who has gained the bulk of his experience growing in water as a medium (deep water culture, bubbleponics).

"Growing cannabis can be a relaxing hobby in and of itself, but it also saves you money and keeps you from having to deal with shady characters. Cannabis is much easier to grow than people give it credit for, and growing in water doesn't increase the difficulty much, if any. But whether you want to grow in water, coco, or a different medium, we'll show you how easy it can be!"
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Disclaimer: Grow Weed Easy only recommends products that we've either personally checked out ourselves, or that come from people we know and trust. For doing so, we may receive a commission. Nothing in this e-mail should be considered personalized Financial, Legal, or Medical Advice. The contributors to this magazine grow legally under their local laws but are not lawyers or medical professionals. Any decision to grow marijuana should only be made after consulting with an experienced lawyer or other legal adviser. Any medical decisions should only be made after speaking with a doctor or other medical professional. Be safe!

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