[GrowWeedEasy] My First Grow in Pictures - Seedling to Harvest

Published: Sun, 11/04/12

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Issue #29 - Sunday, November 4, 2012

Dear Fellow Grower,

In today's issue you'll discover...

  • What an entire first grow looks like, from beginning to end, complete with pictures and grower profile!
  • For Serious Growers Only: Push your growing skills to the next level with this treasure trove of advanced mega-bud-producing knowledge!
  • Learn how you can give back to the marijuana growing community
  • Some beautiful trophy pics from one of our readers. Get inspired to start growing, grow better, or show off your own homegrown buds-in-the-making!

We hope you enjoy this issue of Grow Weed Easy!

Happy Growing!
Nebula Haze and Sirius Fourside (founders of GrowWeedEasy.com)

"When I was a boy I was told that anybody could
become President. Now I'm beginning to believe it.

-Clarence Darrow

My First Marijuana Grow in Pictures - Seed to Harvest
by Bliss86

Total Yield:
120 grams, or about 4.25 ounces

Time: Exactly 14 weeks from seed to smoking
  • 4 weeks growth (vegetative stage)
  • 7 weeks budding (flowering stage)
  • 3 weeks drying/curing

Strain: White Widow

Started with 10 feminized White Widow seeds (they didn't all make it) purchased from a seed bank online.

Grow Tent Setup
  • 1.20m x 1.20m x 2m (4 feet x 4 feet x 6 feet) tent
  • 400W MH and HPS and a Cooltube to keep lights from getting too hot)
  • 400 cm³ Vent dimmed with 500 cm³ carbon filter (to pull out hot air and remove odors)
This huge marijuana cola shows that you can get chronic results in your first grow - White Widow
My marijuana babies are born via the Paper Towel Germination method
I'm pretty excited about the results and I didn't know anything about growing just a few months ago. A friend lent me his grow tent and I started reading a lot.
There were definitely a few points where I could have done better and I still have a lot of room for improvement. I'm in the process of planning my new grow in my own box and hope to make use of that experience to improve my growing skills even more.

I didn't trim or ScrOG, though these techniques are definitely something I will try the next time.

In hindsight, I can see that I wasted a lot of room in my tent and the temperatures were towards the upper limit.

Feedback from the buds has been pretty great, it's strong and potent, resulting in a great head high.

My next grow will be a 600W grow light for sure  ;)

These White Widow plants are showing some slight signs of trouble during the Vegetative Stage (they seem slightly droopy)
I lost about 30g due to rot/mold, sad but better to be safe than sorry.

This was an important learning experience about really paying attention to the buds all the way to the end.

At the beginning of drying I had them in cold wet air, and it apparently took me to long to bring them in a better climate.

Q: Did you do anything in particular to keep your plants short?

A: No, nothing. I only invested in a cooltube, that let me hang the light much closer without adding any heat to the top of the plants.

I actually wanted to have them larger; they were short of 1m the last I checked. I had 2m of total height in the tent, so a bit was wasted.

These White Widow plants are staying short and bushy considering they didn't receive any traditional growth control techniques
Q: Knowing what you know after completing this, what would you change if you were to start again, if anything?

A: I need to use my space more efficiently, in this tent 4 additional plants would have found space.

So I would either add more plants, than can grow higher, or I would start using a net to scrog.

Also my nutrients added to the water were eye-balled, and I'm certain they could have grown a bit better.

Then my tent was located outside, and I had many problems with temperature in the summer, and only relocated it inside while drying, too late to prevent the rot in some of the buds due the colder temperatures in the last few weeks.

I'm currently in the process of building my own cabinet that is a bit bigger, and eventually I will be adding a 600W light.

I didn't do any trimming, cutting and all the advanced techniques and will educate myself in the following weeks.

First result was 730g when webt This is half the final yield (after removing all the moldy buds)
Q: Humidity was probably an issue, considering you were growing outside in a tent. What was your RH (relative humidity) during flower?

A: I don't think the RH during flower (between 30% and 55%) was the problem, as the light warmed them during the night and the days were generally warm.

The problem was while drying, there was no warmth during the night, dropping many times below 10°, resulting in 60-70% RH. After I transferred them inside, the RH dropped to 50% constantly.

Wanna see ALL the pictures that Bliss86 uploaded for you?

View the entire album here: http://imgur.com/a/vpUzB/all

Click here to view the entire picture album by Bliss86!
Who Runs This Newsletter?
About Nebula Haze:

Marijuana has literally saved my life, and I'm dedicated to showing you how easy it can be to grow.

I have made it my mission in life to build the best growing resources available for new and advanced growers, while working to get marijuana legalized for everyone.
Sirius Fourside - Grow Weed Easy.com
About Sirius Fourside:

Sirius Fourside is a hobbyist grower who has gained the bulk of his experience growing in water as a medium(deep water culture, bubbleponics).

"Growing cannabis is a relaxing hobby in and of itself, but it also saves you money and keeps you from having to deal with shady characters. Cannabis is much easier to grow than people give it credit for, and growing in water doesn't increase the difficulty much, if any. But whether you want to grow in water, perlite, or a different medium, we'll show you how easy it can be!"
For Serious Growers Only

You've told me you're looking for a complete guide to growing marijuana that covers everything, from beginner to ultra-advanced.

Is today the day for you?

If you want to learn ALL the secrets...

The fastest way is to learn from the best!

Invest in the most advanced Grow Bible Available:
Growing Elite Marijuana + 6 bonuses (including a strain guide)

Total care explained step-by-step... indoors... outdoors...

  • Monster cropping...
  • Advanced growth control...
  • Bud production secrets... 
  • Bigger yields without spending more...
  • Nutrients...
  • Grow lights vs growing in the sun...
  • and much, much more!
Click here to learn more about growing elite marijuana!

Over 700 pages of pictures, tutorials and advanced insider tips!

Get Instant Access to It All Right Here: http://GrowWeedEasy.com/growing-elite-marijuana

I thought I already knew it all, but after I went through this grow bible, I discovered that there were still lots of easy ways I could increase my yields and grow even more potent buds! I find myself going back to it again and again for new ideas.


All I'll say about this book is that I own a copy even though I had to pay full price, and I keep it on every device I own. 'Nuff said.

Click here to learn more
We Need Your Help!

Ever wondered how you could help overgrow the world?

Interested in getting exposure while showing off your growing skills and helping other growers around the world produce bigger, more potent buds?

Do you have experiences, pictures, or lessons learned that you believe will be helpful for other growers? 

If so, we want to hear from you!

Nebula Haze and Sirius Fourside, founders of GrowWeedEasy.com, have dedicated their lives to building the most comprehensive, easy-to-follow marijuana growing resource in the world. 

We know that the best way to get medicine into the hands of those in needs is to provide people with information that makes it easy for anyone to grow it themselves....

Click here to find out how you can help:

Look Who's Talking!

wuv you wuv you

Ur newsletter is gr8! TyRT

You guys rock. I have been reading your site for some time now. It's very helpful.

Best article yet. Looks and sounds so simple that I plan on ordering a stealth system as soon as I get my income taxes back this year. Thanks. Your friend in Tn

Trophy Pics!

From the grower, Mr. Skullcandy:
uper Skunk and Swiss Cheese under CFL grow lights with Fox Farm nutrients.

Great job, they look like they're loving life!

Click To See These Plants Up Close and Personal!

Image Growing weed with CFL grow lights

At GrowWeedEasy.com, we recommend Fox Farms nutrients (used for plants in picture above) as a simple, effective organic nutrient system in soil.

Learn more about marijuana nutrients here:

Want to show off your beautiful trophy pics?

Submit your marijuana pictures here: http://growweedeasy.com/submit-trophy-pics

Anyone who sends us pictures is kept completely anonymous!
We thoroughly inspect pictures to ensure your privacy remains safe.

Remember, sharing is caring!

Forward this email to a friend in need!

Copyright (c) 2012 GrowWeedEasy.com

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Disclaimer: Grow Weed Easy only recommends products that we've either personally checked out ourselves, or that come from people we know and trust. For doing so, we may receive a commission. 

Nothing in this e-mail should be considered personalized Financial, Legal, or any other kind of Advice. The contributors to this magazine grow legally under their local laws. If you cannot legally grow where you live, we DO NOT recommend that you start growing marijuana, as you can be arrested, put in prison, or worse! 

Any decision to grow marijuana should only be made after consulting with an experienced lawyer or other legal adviser. Although our employees may answer your general customer service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment or legal situation. No communication by our employees to you should be deemed as personalized Financial or Legal Advice. Any investments and steps recommended in this letter should be made only after consulting with your lawyer or other legal or investment adviser. 

Nothing in this e-mail should be considered personalized Health Care Advice. Although our employees may answer your general customer service questions, they are not licensed health care professionals. No communication by our employees to you should be deemed as personalized Health Care Advice. Any Health Care recommended in this letter should be made only after consulting with your Doctor and licensed Health Care Advisor.