[GrowWeedEasy] Too Busy To Grow?

Published: Sun, 12/16/12

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Issue #35 - Sunday, December 16, 2012

Dear Fellow Grower,

In today's issue you'll discover...

  • Learn how grow weed even if you're super busy.
  • Check out growing expert Ryan Riley's 700-page picture guide to growing marijuana.
  • Incredible picture from one of our readers. Get inspired to start growing, grow better, or show off your own homegrown buds-in-the-making!

We hope you enjoy this issue of Grow Weed Easy!

Happy Growing!
Nebula Haze and Sirius Fourside (founders of GrowWeedEasy.com)

"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."
― Marthe Troly-Curtin

How Can I Grow If I'm Really Busy?
by Nebula Haze
In last week's newsletter, we covered how you can grow your plants and get the quickest harvest possible.

Now the time to harvest isn't the only time concern for new growers. Many of us have jobs and other commitments that keep us busy.

So for those of us with only a little bit of time, can we still find a way to grow our own weed?

Yes we can!
Are you feeling way too busy and stressed to even think about growing weed?
Let me explain exactly what a new grower would need to know if...

"I'm Really Busy, But I Still Want To Grow Weed."

Follow these steps to save yourself lots of time while ensuring you still get the potent buds and great yields you deserve.
Fat marijuana cola, click to see the whole marijuana plant and closeup
1.) Get An Easy Nutrient System Formulated To Grow Marijuana

Instead of mixing your own nutrients, just choose from some of the pre-formulated mixes that take just a few seconds to measure out and you're done.

View recommended marijuana nutrient systems here:

2.) Choose A Semi-Automatic System

Bubbleponics (top-fed DWC) is a great choice and takes less than a half an hour a week to take care of. This type of grow can be simple to start, and eventually you can upgrade to include an extra water reservoir, automatic pH monitoring and more. 

Bubbleponics systems produce faster vegetative growth than any other method of growing I've observed or used myself. 

Learn about growing marijuana with bubbleponics here: 

Another popular option for those who want a "low-maintenance" grow is soil. 
These marijuana girls were grown in coco coir under an HPS grow light
While soil-grown plants tend to grow slower than in hydroponics, they also tend to be simple to care for. When growing in soil, your care can be as easy as watering them once or twice a week. If you get big pots, you'll be able to get away with watering them even less often.

For those who want the growing speed of hydroponics, yet the ease of a hand-watered plant , you may be interested in learning about growing in coco coir, which is a soil-alternative made of coconut husks (usually mixed with something to aerate the soilless medium like perlite) and has a lot of the benefits of both soil and hydroponics.

Learn more about growing weed in coco coir:

3.) Invest In High Quality Equipment

So you probably know that you can save money in the beginning if you decide to grow with CFL bulbs in a closet, or a plant in a window.

These "cheaper" methods take a smaller up-front investment, and can be a great way for a new grower to get used to growing without having to put a lot of money down in the beginning.

Yet the hard truth is, if you want to have the smoothest grow with the fewest possible problems, and to grow in a way that takes the least of your time, it will benefit you to invest in higher end equipment that has been specifically designed to grow marijuana.

One of the biggest investments that new indoor growers will make is grow lights. 

You can grow great plants by investing in several CFLs and constantly re-adjusting the lights, yet all the extra adjustment will end up taking extra time. 

A field of buds growing under an HPS light (which gives the distinct yellow color)
In contrast, a MH/HPS (Metal Halide/High Pressure Sodium) grow light system with an enclosed hood and a real exhaust system will save you tons of time in the long run, because you won't have to adjust multiple lights in a tiny space. 

When you see rows of huge colas that have a yellowish tint, as pictured here, what you're seeing is the result of marijuana grown under an HPS grow light during the flowering stage. These lights give off a distinctive yellowish color, which mimics the Autumn sun and helps give your plants the right light spectrum to produce the biggest buds possible.

As you can see in the pic, there aren't tons of lights to adjust everywhere. In fact, HID lights make it pretty simple to grow huge rows of marijuana buds, and still be able to keep all the lights and equipment in easy to access rows on top or along the sides.

A 400W or 600W MH/HPS grow light is enough to cover quite a large area. The exhaust system takes care of heat, so you need less moving parts in your grow tent or closet itself. 

Learn everything you need to know about choosing the perfect MH/HPS grow light in next week's newsletter!
This 600W HID Grow Light System comes with a digital, dimmable ballast, an HPS and MH bulb, plus just about everything you need to set up your first 600W HID grow light

4.) Choose the Right Grow Method: Indoors or Outdoors

Growing indoors gives you the ultimate control over how big your plants get, how long to keep them in the vegetative stage, and more. 

Plus, growing indoors can be easier for many growers, since the plants are right in your house, and tending to them can be something you do before you go to work in the morning.

A view of a house from a secret outdoor marijuana garden hidden out back

For those of us who live in a city, growing indoors may be your only option.

Yet if you happen to live in a place with great growing conditions (long sunny summers, temperate climate, a nearby water source, and plenty of privacy), then growing outdoors could be the easiest way for you to grow.

If marijuana can naturally survive in your climate, than growing outdoors could be as simple as planting seeds in Spring and waiting until harvest.

Yet it often doesn't work that way, especially for new growers who will need to spend extra time tending to their plants until they get the hang of things.

Also take into account that the further away you get from your strain's natural growing conditions, the more you will have to baby the plants in order to get great harvests.

Even when things are going great, you will want to check back often to see how things are going, especially during your first couple of grows.

And don't forget! When growing outdoors, you also must consider the time it takes to travel back and forth from your home to your plants.

5.) Choose A Hardy Strain

Some strains tend to be a bit more "finicky" than others. These strains will take extra time and effort as you try to figure out exactly what they need to be happy.

Other strains are sturdier and can handle a lot more variations in your environment. 

A great strain that tends to have relatively few problems is Northern Lights. In fact, many of the Indica hybrids tend to be easy to grow indoors and outdoors. 

Avoid Sativas and Hazes until you're more comfortable with your growing skills.

Learn more about picking the perfect marijuana strain right here: 

6.) Plan Out Your Grow Area So Everything Is Easy To Reach

Optimally, you'd like enough room to be able to easily get around, and get quick and easy access to a water source.

In addition to your actual plants and lights, you'll also need to have room to store your growing supplies, such as nutrients, supplements, water jugs, etc.

If you are lucky enough to be able to invest in grow tent, I highly recommend getting the largest size you can afford and which will be able to fit in your grow space. 

Believe me, nothing is more frustrating and time consuming than stooping in a too short, too tall grow tent and trying to adjust your lights or get a good look at your plants.

7.) Do Your Research BEFORE You Invest In Equipment And Start Growing

Don't forget to do your research BEFORE you start investing in marijuana growing equipment!

This may seem like common sense, but one of the best things you can do to save you time during your grow is to properly educate yourself about how to grow marijuana before you ever even see your first plant.

Resources like GrowWeedEasy.com and this  growing newsletter are here to keep you informed, and if you scroll down below, I have information about a single book you can read and be totally prepared for your first grow.

And stay tuned for next week, where I will teach you everything you need to know about choosing the perfect MH/HPS grow light and getting it set up as cheaply and easily as possible, while ensuring you set up your grow room the right way to get mega yields.

Who Runs This Newsletter?
Nebula Haze:

Marijuana has literally saved my life, and I'm dedicated to showing you how easy it can be to grow.

I have made it my mission in life to build the best growing resources available for new and advanced growers, while working to get marijuana legalized for everyone.
Sirius Fourside - Grow Weed Easy.com
Sirius Fourside:

Sirius Fourside is a hobbyist grower who has gained the bulk of his experience growing in water as a medium(deep water culture, bubbleponics).

"Growing cannabis is a relaxing hobby in and of itself, but it also saves you money and keeps you from having to deal with shady characters. Cannabis is much easier to grow than people give it credit for, and growing in water doesn't increase the difficulty much, if any. But whether you want to grow in water, perlite, or a different medium, we'll show you how easy it can be!"
Are You Ready To Go Pro With Your Garden?
I know you are dedicated to growing the best marijuana possible or you wouldn't be reading this right now.

As you probably know by now, marijuana plants are quite a bit more complex than a regular houseplant, but learning how to grow isn't as crazy complicated as a lot of growers make it seem. 

Still, you need to learn this plant's language if you want to grow real chronic buds and get great yields. 

So you could spend years and years learning from trial and error... 

Or you can take the shortcut to consistently producing outstanding results by learning from real growers who have done all the work for you.
Click here to learn more about growing elite marijuana!
Every experienced grower has their own grow style, and over time as you get exposed to more info, you will begin to finely tune your personal grow style.

Now, there is a lot of great info in Ryan Riley's Growing Elite Marijuana book. If you read the entire thing from front to back, even a totally experienced grower will learn something, and probably a whole lot of things. For a beginner, this book has literally everything you will need to know.

As you probably know, the growing forums can be a rough place to learn how to grow weed, You must be on the lookout for bad information and will always be second-guessing whether this or that person in the forums actually knows what they're talking about. That's why investing in growing books by known pros will pay off in the long run.

Learn How To Grow "Chronic" Marijuana Today

I've read several marijuana books over the last decade (read some of my reviews about the best growing marijuana books), and learned a lot from all of them. Each book I've read has leveled up my growing skills

Now the price tag for this resource is pretty high, so it's only recommended for growers who want to go pro with their growing skills Still, I'm glad that I invested in this book, and I definitely have gotten my money's worth out of it 100x over via increased yields and saved time/frustration. If the price of this book is going to kill your growing budget, than you are going to have a tough time growing elite marijuana anyway. ;) 

This book isn't for you if you're just looking to grow a tiny amount of buds to smoke a few times a year.

Yet if you're a daily smoker like me and are dedicated to growing a constant supply of chronic buds for as cheap and easy as possible, you'll be glad you invested in Ryan Riley's ultimate guide to growing.

Feedback From Our Readers
The following pics were sent in by one of our readers, bonedaddy4u

It was hard to pick which pictures to share since he sent in so many incredible ones! Take a look below to see what can be accomplished by a master of low stress training (LST). I don't think I've ever seen such short plants with so many chunky colas! I'm impressed to say the least. Great work!

And don't forget to clicks each picture for a closeup!


Short and bushy marijuana plant in flowering Another shot of the purple buds in a different light - growing weed is addictive! Purple marijuana buds with incredible growth structure - LST'ed to stay short and bushy I don't think I've ever seen a shorter plant with more buds. Well done! bonedaddy4u shows off the chronic marijuana buds he's grown - wow!
Have some beautiful trophy pics you'd love to share?

Submit your marijuana pictures here: http://growweedeasy.com/submit-trophy-pics

Anyone who sends us pictures is kept completely anonymous!
We thoroughly inspect pictures to ensure your privacy remains safe.
Buy Marijuana Seeds Safely Online
Common Question:

Where do I get marijuana seeds?

Now you have 2 real options:

1.) Use random bagseed that you find

2.) Buy seeds of specific marijuana strains online

Now if you want to pick the perfect strain for your needs, it's going to be hard with bagseed.


Remember, sharing is caring!

Forward this email to a friend in need!

Copyright (c) 2012 GrowWeedEasy.com

NOTE: If URLs do not appear as live links in your e-mail program, please cut and paste the full URL into the location or address field of your browser. 

Disclaimer: Grow Weed Easy only recommends products that we've either personally checked out ourselves, or that come from people we know and trust. For doing so, we may receive a commission. 

Nothing in this e-mail should be considered personalized Financial, Legal, or any other kind of Advice. The contributors to this magazine grow legally under their local laws. If you cannot legally grow where you live, we DO NOT recommend that you start growing marijuana, as you can be arrested, put in prison, or worse! 

Any decision to grow marijuana should only be made after consulting with an experienced lawyer or other legal adviser. Although our employees may answer your general customer service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment or legal situation. No communication by our employees to you should be deemed as personalized Financial or Legal Advice. Any investments and steps recommended in this letter should be made only after consulting with your lawyer or other legal or investment adviser. 

Nothing in this e-mail should be considered personalized Health Care Advice. Although our employees may answer your general customer service questions, they are not licensed health care professionals. No communication by our employees to you should be deemed as personalized Health Care Advice. Any Health Care recommended in this letter should be made only after consulting with your Doctor and licensed Health Care Advisor.