[GrowWeedEasy] How to Make Your Own Feminized Cannabis Seeds!

Published: Sun, 05/13/12


Issue #4 - Sunday, May 13, 2012


Dear Fellow Grower,

In today's main essay Nebula Haze shows you how to get unlimited seeds without having to throw away half your plants.... by making your own feminized cannabis seeds (it's easier than you probably think)!
Also in today's issue...

You'll learn where you can get the simple tools for making feminized seeds in Check it Out, a Quick Tip about where you can get a personal diagnosis for your sick plant, and the answer to a question about why male marijuana plants are "bad" in Your Questions

We hope you enjoy your issue of Grow Weed Easy!

To your success!
Nebula and Sirius 

"In gardens, beauty is a by-product.  The main business is sex and death."

~Sam Llewelyn


How to Make Your Own Feminized Cannabis Seeds!
by Nebula Haze


Ever wondered how those marijuana seed banks make feminized seeds?

It's actually pretty easy, and you can easily make your own feminized marijuana seeds at home using the following technique.

"Feminized" seeds means all-female seeds. All female seeds means that every single plant will grow the prized marijuana buds, and you won't have to throw any plants away because they end up being boys (which don't produce buds).

How to Make Feminized Marijuana Seeds

The main idea is you get two female plants to make seeds with each other. With two female parents, all the resulting seeds end up being female too.

The secret is a special substance known as "colloidal silver" which simply means water that has silver particles suspended in it. You can make colloidal silver at home (instructions below), with a colloidal silver generator, or you can purchase colloidal silver at health stores and online (some people drink it).

For some reason, when a female marijuana plant is exposed to colloidal silver during the early flowering stages, all the exposed parts which would normally grow THC-laden buds instead will grow male "balls" or pollen sacs.

Science: The concentration of silver ions in the water actually act as an ethylene inhibitor / antagonist on the plant, which forces the plant to create male pollen sacs instead of female buds. 

The pollen produced from these special balls can be used to pollinate a female plant. Except since
both pollen and bud come from female plants, you have two female parents and end up creating feminized seeds.

Where do I get colloidal silver?
Instructions and information below.

Let me break it down for you: 

Collect Pollen from Female Plant 

Step 1: You change one female marijuana plant to the flowering stage by changing the light schedule to 12-12 (12 hours light, 12 hours total darkness each day).

Step 2: Thoroughly mist the parts of the female cannabis plant that you'd like to grow male pollen sacs with colloidal silver solution every day. Keep misting with colloidal silver daily until she starts growing male "balls" full of pollen, usually after 10-14 days.

You don't have to keep misting with colloidal silver once the balls have formed. You can choose to treat just part of the plant, and only the parts that are misted with colloidal silver will change.

However, it is not safe to use any buds that have come into contact with colloidal silver so be very careful not to get in on any part of the plant you plan on directly smoking or consuming.

Where to get Colloidal Silver:
  1. Buy Colloidal Silver: You can actually buy colloidal silver which has already been prepared and is ready for use. If you're purchasing colloidal silver, try to find a solution that has at least 30 PPM (parts per million) of silver. However, buying Colloidal Silver that is already prepared can get expensive if you're making lots of seeds.
  2. Buy A Generator Kit: A cheaper long-term option is to buy a colloidal silver generator, so you can easily make your own endless supply of colloidal silver.This Colloidal Generator kit comes with everything you need including silver. All you need to do is provide the water and a container.
  3. Make Your Own: You can make your own colloidal silver generator at home. The diagram below should illustrate what you need to do.

PIcture of "How to Make Your Own Colloidal Silver" diagram: http://growweedeasy.com/sites/growweedeasy.com/files/how-to-make-colloidal-silver-generator-to-make-feminized-cannabis-seeds.jpg

Set this up, leave her on overnight, and you've got colloidal silver!

Article continues below....


Interested in Making Your Own FEMINIZED Seeds?

You'll need colloidal silver to make feminized seeds, but luckily you can buy a simple kit to make as much colloidal silver as you want.

Get A Kit Here: Colloidal Silver Generator (complete kit)

All you need to add is a 9-V battery and water for as much colloidal silver as you want!
OR... opt for colloidal silver that's already made:
Get Ready-to-Use Colloidal Silver Here

Just spray your female marijuana plant with colloidal silver solution to get feminized pollen that you can use to breed all-female seeds.

Step 3: Wait until the pollen sacs are ready. Let them swell like a big empty balloon. You will be able to tell when they are ready because they look about to burst and the leaf section protecting the pollen starts to crack.

Step 4: At this point, simply remove the pollen sacs carefully from the plant and place them in a cool dry place for a week to let them dry.

Step 5: Place the sacs in a small ziploc bag. The pollen will come out if you shake them a bit, or you can cut open the sacs manually to get to the pollen inside.

How to Store Pollen: Moisture is your main enemy when storing pollen. That's why I double the mass of the pollen collected by adding regular cooking flour. This will absorb any moisture during storage plus as an added bonus, it will make application easier when you get to pollinating. I triple-bag the pollen-flour mixture, and stick it in the freezer with a good nametag so I know where the pollen came from. With this method, marijuana pollen can be stored for a year or longer.

Use the Feminized Pollen to Pollinate Another Female

Step 6: When your chosen mother is 2-3 weeks into the flowering stage, take a paintbrush and 'paint' your feminized pollen on bud sites of the branches you want to pollinate. Only the buds that come in contact with pollen will start to grow seeds. You can choose to pollinate all of your buds, but most growers will only choose to pollinate a few, so they can harvest and smoke the rest. (Seed-laden buds focus all their energy on making seeds, not on growing buds)

Step 7: It usually takes about 6 weeks for your feminized seeds to fully develop. Some plants are literally dying right as the seeds become ready, so to get the most viable seeds, you need to try to keep the plant alive until the seeds actually start dropping. The seeds can be used right away, or stored in a cool, dry place for several years. Don't forget to label them with the date!

Learn more about making colloidal silver and creating feminized marijuana seeds here: http://growweedeasy.com/how-to-make-your-own-feminized-marijuana%20seeds

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Plant looking sick?

It happens to every grower.

So don't beat yourself up about it.

Luckily, many problems are easy to fix once you know what you need to do. 

GrowWeedEasy.com has a Nutrient Problems & Symptoms page as well as a Bugs & Pests page so you can learn how to diagnose and treat the problems yourself.

Or... starting today, we now have a Waiting Room where you can get your sick plant diagnosed by the Grow Weed Easy Plant Doctors!


Q: Why do I not want male marijuana plants?

A: Only a female marijuana plant makes flowers/buds that contain a usable amount of THC. Male marijuana plants only make pollen sacs that they use to fertilize the females. Most growers will throw away any male plants that they encounter to keep them from fertilizing the female plants. If your female plants do get fertilized, they will use all their energy to produce seeds instead of making buds. This is good if you want seeds, but you will run into the same problem since half of the seeds will also be male.

If you would like to start a breeding program to make your own hybrids, I recommend using a method that creates all-female (feminized) seeds so that you don't waste time having to identify and throw out male plants.

Getting clones of female marijuana plants or buying feminized seeds online from a seed bank are other ways you can ensure that all your marijuana plants are female.

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