[GrowWeedEasy] How Long Does it Take to Grow Weed?

Published: Sun, 05/27/12


Issue #6 - Sunday, May 27, 2012


Dear Fellow Grower,

In today's main article, Nebula Haze answers an age-old question we get frequently here at GrowWeedEasy.com... How long does it take to grow weed?
Also in today's issue...

You'll learn where you can learn even more advanced techniques from some elite growers in Check it Out, a Quick Tip about where you can get a personal diagnosis for your sick plant, and the answer to a question about purple stems in Your Questions

We hope you enjoy your issue of Grow Weed Easy!

To your success!
Nebula and Sirius 

"Death has come for me many times but finds me always in my lovely garden and leaves me there, I think, as an excuse to return."

~Robert Brault


How Long Does It Take to Grow Weed?
by Nebula Haze


I get asked this all the time, so today I decided to answer, once and for all, how long it really takes.

How long does it take to grow weed?

The short answer is, from Day 1 of your weed plant's life to actually smoking your harvest, it takes 8.5 weeks - 7+ Months.

But that's a huge range, right?

That's why most growers won't give you a straight answer. The honest truth is, many factors will affect the total time.

So a more fair answer might be to say that the average grower takes 3-4 months to grow, harvest and quick-cure a few ounces to a pound of buds per plant (depending heavily on your strain choice and setup).

And, for at least the first time you grow, you also need to consider the time needed to get your equipment and seeds/clones.

I'm going to give you the total breakdown, so you can plan out exactly what your grow needs to look like in order to achieve the times you desire:

Before You Start Growing

Total time needed: 0 days - 4 weeks

Here's the breakdown...

Get equipment - 0 days - 2 weeks

Get seeds or clones - 0-4 weeks: if you have instant access, this doesn't take any time. If you order from a seed bank, this step takes about 2-4 weeks to get seeds.

Time Needed to Grow the Weed, From Seedling to Harvest

Total time needed: 6 weeks - 5 months

Here's the breakdown...

Germinate your seeds: 1-5 days (skip this step if you start with clones)

Vegetative Stage: - 0 days - 2+ months.

The length of this stage is a matter of personal preference. You get to choose how long your plant spends in this stage, because you're the one to 'flip the switch' and get your plant to enter the next life stage, where she starts flowering.

Wait, how do I switch my plant from the vegetative stage to the flowering stage?

The size your plant achieves in this stage has a lot to do with your final yields, since bigger plants produce more.

Some people put their seedlings or clones right into the flowering stage if they want to harvest quickly (and grow extremely small plants).
For example, super-stealth growers who are growing in small hidden spaces, like out of a computer case, would want to put their seedlings into flowering right away to keep their plants as small as possible. 

I personally recommend at least 3 weeks or more in the vegetative stage for the best results, since plants flowered sooner than that don't yield much compared to how much work you put in.

Also, your plant will likely double in size (or more) from when you first put her into the flowering stage, so make sure you end this stage before your plant reaches half the final height you want, or she may overgrow your grow space during the flowering stage!

To give you an idea as to what your FINAL plant will look like depending on how long she spends in the vegetative stage...

← This plant didn't spend any time in the Vegetative Stage. She's so small that she spent her whole life in a solo cup.

← Generally what I prefer is 3-4 weeks in the vegetative stage for well-managed indoor plants. That's about how long this plant stayed in the vegetative stage before being changed over to flowering

← This girl (my very first plant actually, from 2004) spent nearly 2 months in the vegetative stage before I realized to turn her over. She got way too tall for her space and started falling over. Click for a closeup. :)

Article continues below....



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Nebula, I got the eBook. I'm not sure why I did it but I just wanted to say THANK YOU. On page 440, Ryan Riley breaks down the whole process of growing outside, and I'm finally going to do it. Before I was too afraid that I'd mess everything up, but after Ryan laid it all out I knew exactly what to do.

Turn on images to see this

Flowering Stage: 6 weeks - 3 months

Here's the breakdown... 

The length of time needed to stay in the flowering stage depends heavily on the strain. Once you have switched your plant into the flowering stage  Here's a list of popular strains by length of flowering period:

Short (6-8 weeks)
Medium (8-12 weeks)
Long: (12-14+ weeks)
  • Almost any Haze strain, including my all-time favorite Haze 1 

As you can see, most strains are in the mid-range as far as how long they take to flower.

And remember, there's a 2-3 week harvest window for most plants, and keeping your plants in the flowering stage for a bit longer tends to increase your yields. This is because the plants tend to really bulk up their flowers once they've become 'ripe'.

So oftentimes, even though you could harvest at the shortest recommended time, waiting an extra week or two will give you an extra 20-30% more yields.

Note: Please realize that a 6-week plant is going to produce just a few grams of smokable harvest. With a 4 week vegetative stage, the time from seed to harvest averages 3-3.5 months for me growing with CFLs in coco coir, and with that setup I get 6-10 ounces per plant, depending heavily on strain.

Post-Harvest (before you smoke you have to do this stuff too)
Drying - 3 days
Curing - 2 weeks - 2 months

2 weeks is considered the minimum time to cure your buds, but I personally cure all my buds for a month or longer. Curing really seems to make the effects of buds feel less 'speedy' and be better suited to medical applications like treating anxiety, reducing pain, and improving feelings of depression.

Total post harvest time needed: 2.5 weeks - 2 months

Total for everything (after you've bought seeds and equipment): 8.5 weeks - 7 Months

Average: 3-4 months from seed to smoking your harvest (at least with bubbleponics or growing indoors with coco coir)

I hope that answers your questions, and definitely keep them coming my emailing me at [email protected]
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Plant looking sick?

It happens to every grower.

So don't beat yourself up about it.

Luckily, many problems are easy to fix once you know what you need to do. 

GrowWeedEasy.com has a Nutrient Problems & Symptoms page as well as a Bugs & Pests page so you can learn how to diagnose and treat the problems yourself.

Or... starting today, we now have a Waiting Room where you can get your sick plant diagnosed by the Grow Weed Easy Plant Doctors!


Q: Hey Nebula! About 1/2 way through flower, my leaves start to turn yellow. What are the plants trying to tell me?

A: This is totally normal behavior considering your plant is halfway through flowering. When cannabis plants start to reach the end of their lifecycle, it's natural for the lower leaves to start turning yellow, similar to what happens with a nitrogen deficiency. This process is actually beneficial, and slowly takes all the good stuff out of the leaves to make bigger, better buds. 

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