[GrowWeedEasy Newsletter] Quickly diagnose your sick plants with pictures!

Published: Sun, 07/15/12

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GrowWeedEasy.com - Advanced Tips and Insider Secrets for Serious Growers
Issue #13 - Sunday, July 15, 2012

Dear Fellow Grower,

In today's issue you'll discover...
  • How to diagnose your sick plants with pictures
  • Your answers to questions about marijuana nutrients in Check it Out
  • The answer to a question about what to do if your marijuana plant has gotten too big and is totally out of control
  • A review of marijuana garden saver book in the Marijuana Growing Book Review section

We hope you enjoy this issue of Grow Weed Easy!

Happy Growing!
Nebula Haze and Sirius Fourside (founders of GrowWeedEasy.com)

"We know from our clinical experience in the practice of medicine that in diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment, the individual and his background of heredity are just as important, if not more so, as the disease itself."
~Paul Dudley White

   How to Diagnose Your Sick Marijuana Plants with Pictures

By Nebula Haze 

Every grower eventually runs into a plant problem, nutrient deficiency, or encounters pests like bugs or mold.

Luckily, when you're armed with the right information, you can easily conquer these issues and get on with life.

Most nutrient problems can be cleared up by flushing your system with clean, pH'd water that contains about half the correct amount of nutrients needed by the plant. Learn more about the nutrients you need for your marijuana plant.

In addition to nutrient deficiencies, there's also various bugs, mold, and other pests that can attack your marijuana.

Many bugs, molds, and pests can be eradicated with SM-90. Mist your plants in a solution made of 1 part SM-90, 5 parts water.

Click any picture below for more detailed information about a particular marijuana problem or symptom:

If you have something to say about today's article, join the discussion on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/growweedtoday

About Nebula Haze

In response to the need for more tutorials aimed at new growers, Nebula co-founded GrowWeedEasy.com in 2008 with fellow grower Sirius Fourside.

Since then, Nebula has published dozens of growing articles in print and online, stars in several online video lessons, and continues to dedicate herself to serving the needs of the medical marijuana growing community.

"My mission is to show other medical marijuana patients how easy and fun it can be to grow pounds of killer weed out of your closet."

Join Nebula Haze on Twitter

Join GrowWeedEasy.com on Facebook 

Check It Out!

Most mold and pests can be eradicated with SM-90: Mist your plants in a solution made of 1 part SM-90, 5 parts water. When you spray the plants, make sure you get the undersides of the leaves.
A good nutrient system formulated for flowering plants like tomatoes like General Hydroponics Flora Series for hydro and Fox Farms Nutrient Trio for Soil can be followed at half strength to prevent 99% of nutrient problems or deficiencies!

Quick Tip

Plant leaves look sick?

Hey, it happens to every grower.

So don't beat yourself up about it.

Luckily, many problems are easy to fix once you know what you need to do. 

Today we tried to teach you how to diagnose and treat the problems yourself.


...you can take advantage of our Waiting Room, where you can get your sick plant diagnosed by the Grow Weed Easy Plant Doctors!

Mixing incompatible nutrients and
too-high pH caused these symptoms
Turn on images to see this
(click for closeup)

Look Who's Talking

I just got received this note from a reader on GrowWeedEasy.com:
"You've been a BIG help. Definitely keep the Sunday mail coming! I spend hours reading each newsletter over and over plus past issues. I've learned a lot and look forward to future issues. Nice to know you guys are here to help and advise. As I'm sure you know, the forums can be a rough place to learn!"


Your Questions Answered

Question: My plants are getting tall and nearly touching the 600w light what's the best way to go about this.... I'm new to this by the way
Answer: Don't beat yourself up, it happens.

Tie them down, change over to 12-12 right now so they start budding/the second half of their life. The idea now is just to hold on until it's over for this crop.

This article breaks down all the best techniques for keeping plants short so it doesn't happen again, and some techniques, like defoliation, can be used now to keep plants from getting taller: http://growweedeasy.com/how-to-grow-short-bushy-marijuana-plants

Marijuana Growing Book Review
Marijuana Garden Saver: Handbook for Healthy Plants

Marijuana Garden Saver by J. C. Stitch at Amazon by J. C. Stitch (Author), Ed Rosenthal (Editor)

This book is unlike any other marijuana books on the market. It's one of the first marijuana grow books I bought and definitely one of the few ones I actually still flip through occasionally.

If you're just starting out, or even if you're an experienced grower, there's TONS of useful information and pictures in this slim little book.

A sneak peak of the Marijuana Garden Saver (on the inside)Definitely formatted like a handbook, you can quickly and easily find whatever it is you're looking for.

Contains detailed information on how to diagnose and fix just about any problem you may face while growing marijuana, whether you grow in water or other hydroponic growing medium, in soil, indoors, outdoors, or just about any way you can grow weed!

This book has everything you need to know, including why you're experiencing your problem, how to prevent it in the future, and all the different ways you can go about fixing it.

This is honestly a gold mine of information and any serious grower should invest the couple of bucks it costs to get this books.

It's basically like having a full-time marijuana doctor on call.

So whether you have questions about....

  • Nutrient Deficiencies
  • Mold
  • Viruses
  • Bugs
  • Just about any other marijuana problem...

This book has everything you need!

Order hard copy or get instant access to the Marijuana Garden Saver on your Kindle 

Read More GrowWeedEasy.com Grow Book Reviews

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Disclaimer: Grow Weed Easy only recommends products that we've either personally checked out ourselves, or that come from people we know and trust. For doing so, we may receive a commission. 

Nothing in this e-mail should be considered personalized Financial, Legal, or any other kind of Advice. The contributors to this magazine grow legally under their local laws. If you cannot legally grow where you live, we DO NOT recommend that you start growing marijuana, as you can be arrested, put in prison, or worse! 

Any decision to grow marijuana should only be made after consulting with an experienced lawyer or other legal adviser. Although our employees may answer your general customer service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment or legal situation. No communication by our employees to you should be deemed as personalized Financial or Legal Advice. Any investments and steps recommended in this letter should be made only after consulting with your lawyer or other legal or investment adviser. 

Nothing in this e-mail should be considered personalized Health Care Advice. Although our employees may answer your general customer service questions, they are not licensed health care professionals. No communication by our employees to you should be deemed as personalized Health Care Advice. Any Health Care recommended in this letter should be made only after consulting with your Doctor and licensed Health Care Advisor.

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