HazzardNet Presents The 2010 Rear End in Your View!

Published: Sun, 01/02/11

HazzardNet Presents The 2010 Rear End in Your View!

Whups, that's "Year End In Review."  You knew what we meant, right?

Welcome to the HazzardNet Year-End Yap & Wrap / January Thaw Newsletter! 

There's so much packed into this one we just don't know what to call it.  "January Thaw" is appropriate since this is our first ever centerfold issue!   Betcha can't wait.  First though, let's cover the highlights of 2010, before we uncover what's new for 2011!

Salute to All 2010 Fans of the Month!
Congratulations to HazzardNet's Fans of the Month during 2010!  These people have all contributed a great deal to our forums, stories, photos, and are very active in our corner of Hazzard County.   Join us once more as we give a big Sal-ute to:

Lori Davenport (November)
HossC (October)
Ray Kohn (September)
Jami Lee Hogg (August)
Lizzy Jackson-Davenport (July),
Texasdaisy09 (June)
DaneyDuke (April)
Pendragon1980 (March)
BoJamesDuke (February)
GarrettDuke (January)

Even the HazzardNet Staff got a tip o' the hat in December. No, we're not ones to toot our own Dixie horns but the recognition was appreciated and humbling. All three of us have always said and believed that the community is what it is, because of y'all.

In fact, since so many people have given a great deal to our community, we decided not to do a "Fan of the Year" for 2010 because we just couldn't narrow it down to one person fairly. 

We do, however, want to recognize two special people who have given many creative contributions to HazzardNet:

Roger Duke: Roger joined us in March of 2007.  Roger manages our "Fan of the Month" recognition program and does an excellent job.  He also leads the welcome wagon when newcomers arrive to HazzardNet.  He's a longtime regular on the HazzardNet Forums, and his wit and creative contributions keep the discussions lively. 

Heck, Roger has been on CNN via written commentary on a couple of programs. He's not one to brag, (really he's not!) but the next time you see "Roger from Pennsylvania" for a viewer comment on a news program...it might just be him!

Sal-ute, and thank you Roger!

HossC:  Our cousin in Ireland joined us in July 2010. Hoss's artistic contributions spurred us to create a Fan Art thread. Several of Hoss's wallpapers and renditions of Hazzard vehicles can be found in the Fan Art forum.  Here's a couple recent samples:

Hoss also contributed some fun and challenging Dukes themed crossword puzzles that we added to our "Fun Stuff" section of the site.

(What? There's more Hoss has done? MaryAnne, doesn't this guy sleep?)
Hoss, along with Roger, has also been a regular participant in our Official Trivia Thread challenging all of us with some great questions.   Sal-ute, and thank you HossC!

Forums Frenzy!
With the contributions of y'all, many of our Forums  topics have been running record lengths!  Take for example the Trivia thread and the points-based Dukes game which lasted from March 2010 until November until it was finally determined that Jesse Duke won out.  Word association has also been running for two and half years - since May 2007 - and shows no sign of stopping. 

A Picture is Worth A Lot of Yap!
Many contributors to the HazzardNet Image Gallery also deserve recognition!  A big thank you and Sal-ute go to the following for their prolific picture postin':


Any fans of John Schneider or Tom Wopat will enjoy the Gallery pics waikiki23 and dukesrule2000 posted here and here.  

CMT Brings Back the Dukes of Hazzard!
2010 brought us the return of The Dukes of Hazzard on CMT, with weeknight broadcasting as of September 10, 2010.   We encourage ya'll to watch CMT's Dukes of Hazzard broadcasts and think kindly of the sponsors who make the airing of The Dukes of Hazzard possible.  This is at least the 3rd time that the Dukes of Hazzard series has been on a major cable network since the original CBS run from 1979 to 1985. 

That's not counting the many televised Dukes of Hazzard cast interviews or related TV specials.  February 2010 even brought us a Dukes-related "MTV Cribs" episode which featured the homes of James Best and John Schneider.

Beats All You Never Saw Since 1979!
Why do people keep watching The Dukes of Hazzard?  It's probably the intricate plots and the subtle delicacy of the subject matter.  Really though, it could just be stuff like this:

Or maybe this:
Yes, the Dukes of Hazzard has something for everybody!  More than pretty people and a hot car, this show is good ol' fun.  The Dukes of Hazzard has proven itself to be a cult classic, with references in many popular television shows and in country music.  

Warner Bros is paying attention, and at long last they made "The Dukes" animated series available on DVD.  The first 400 DVD's with the autograph of James "Rosco" Best sold out quickly during November 2010.  Sales of the non-autographed DVD are still going on and have been brisk enough that WB named it as a "top seller" in their DVD Archive collection.

Meanwhile, DVD sales of the original series reached a milestone when Amazon literally SOLD OUT of the Complete Series box set, which as of this writing is still out of stock. (Individual season sets are still available).

Between the season sets, the animated series and the two reunion movies, there's no excuse for not getting your fill of Dukes!

The Naked Truth
Now, we did say this is a centerfold issue, so it's time for a sexy picture! Look at the sleek body here, the curves, the hot stance, the smooth flanks...

Yeehaaw!  We could all use a cold lemonade after that.

All said, 2010 was a great year for the Dukes of Hazzard franchise and community.   HazzardNet also ended the year on a strong note, despite some challenges in 2010 that affected our Staff during much of the year.  Again, it was the contributions and support of our friends, cousins, neighbors, and all of ya'll who visit HazzardNet that kept the place going.   Thank you!
In Memoriam
Although we had a year of gains in 2010, we also had a few unexpected goodbyes, including the sudden passing of Catherine Bach's husband Peter Lopez. 

2010 also saw the passing of English actor Simon MacCorkindale who guest starred as the fake "Gaylord Duke" in the episode "Duke of Duke."

Closer to home, we give our deepest respects and final salute, to HazzardNet member and all around Hazzard County citizen "Dale the Bold."  In the earliest days of Dukes of Hazzard online fandoms, Dale was an active participant, being a member of several message boards. He was a good ol' boy in the truest sense.  He could also be a real cuss if the occasion called for it, possessing a scathing wit that would have been absolutely devastating in the wrong hands.  Fortunately, Dale had a good sense of humor, a kind nature, and an adventurous soul that made him a friend to all.  

During his life, Dale accomplished a long-running personal dream: to own a General Lee.  But his true legacy is alive in the family and friends who will never forget him.  

Dale's posts will remain the HazzardNet archives.  Salute, and Rest in Peace, Dale the Bold.

The Road for 2011
There was a lot to look back on for 2010.  Now it's time to focus on what's ahead of us.  Right away, we have a couple of Cast Appearances to tell you about:

John Schneider and Tom Wopat will be appearing in concert at the Fallsview Casino and Resort in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada on January 21st and 22nd, 2011.  For more info, visit: http://fallsviewcasinoresort.com/entertainment/event.aspx?id=170

John Schneider will be appearing at the Canton Hot Rod and Custom Bike Show at the Canton Memorial Civic Center in Canton, OH, January 29th and 30thhttp://www.cantonhotrodshow.com/carshow.nxg

We will keep you posted on other cast appearances as they're announced.  We're expecting more good news for Dukes of Hazzard fans in 2011!

Meanwhile, here at HazzardNet, we're in the process of adding more good stuff for Dukes of Hazzard content.  As we add to our features, we'll announce it in our homepage, our Forums, and Newsletters, so you'll have to ignore us pretty hard to miss it. 

Speaking of hard to ignore, our February Anti-Freeze Issue will be issued in...February! Give or take a couple days.  February's Newsletter will feature the General Lee.  We'll also include cast news, announce new HazzardNet fan contests, and throw in the usual nonsense you've come to expect.

To sum it all up...we're glad so many of you spent 2010 with us, and we look forward to having you along for the ride in 2011.  Thanks for reading, and may 2011 bring you all the best!

Sincerely, the HazzardNet Staff,

Meadowmufn, MaryAnne, and Brian







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