Milk! It Does a Body Good??

Published: Fri, 03/18/16

Get Well Stay Well At Home
Dr. Reuben T. DeHaan
Blog Series on Milk
Happy Friday everyone! Here in the Southeast US Spring is coming on strong, maybe to strong! As the weather warms I would encourage you to get outdoors and take in some sunshine no matter where you are in the world.


In Dr. D's book, "The Foundation", he spends a fair amount of time discussing milk and, contrary to what you've probably been taught your whole life, how it is not good for the human body. He's decided to share some of that information with you in his blog so over the next few newsletters we'll discuss milk.

To kick off the series we wanted to share the actual experience of one of Dr. D's clients.

“I started seeing Dr. Dehaan around 2005. When I went to my first appointment I picked up a copy of his book, The Foundation. At the time I wasn’t as committed to natural health and healing as I am now so when my 2 year old son started having allergy symptoms (runny nose, etc) we took him to his pediatrician. All the doctor did was give us a handful of allergy pills and told us to try one until his symptoms cleared up.

We hadn’t given him any of the medicine yet and were on a trip to Blowing Rock, NC. I was reading the book that evening when I got to the part about milk and how cow milk is not good for the human body. As it turns out, milk/dairy can cause allergy symptoms. Now at the time my son LOVED milk. He drank at least 3 to 4 baby bottles of milk a day. I remember looking over at him as I was reading that section and there he was, drinking his milk!

I showed my wife the book and the next day we drove over to Boone and got some rice milk at Earth Fare and from that day on we gave our son a milk alternative. An amazing thing happened. His symptoms disappeared and to this day haven’t returned. We continue to drink milk alternatives such as Almond or Coconut Milk.”

Stay tuned and we'll talk about milk protein, digestion of milk, how it relates to heart disease, how it feeds infection, and why is down right disgusting.

GWSW on Facebook

We've shared a few posts on Facebook since our last email. In case you missed them here's a summary:

5 Scientific Reasons to Practice Mindfulness Meditation

Allergy Testing At Home

Detox is Not the Same As Cleansing

That's all for this week!  Talk to you soon,
The GWSW Team!