Update from HCMI

Published: Wed, 04/12/17

Get Well Stay Well At Home
Dr. Reuben T. DeHaan
To All those who love Dr. D & miss him,

I am very sorry that I have not been updating about Dr. D. There has not been much to tell before last week.

However, on Monday, April 3, he was transferred to Atlanta which is a federal processing center. HORRIBLE place, he says what nightmares are made of. He was then processed and transferred to Bennettsville, SC Thursday morning. We have no idea how long he will be held there, but at least it is a minimal security camp.

He now has the ability of getting some fresh air and slightly better food. He has to pay for every tiny thing, but he does have access to email and of course regular mail.

For anyone who wishes to mail him please address to:

Bennettsville Federal Camp
Reuben DeHaan BOP #32765-058
PO Box 52010
Bennettsville, SC 29512.

We are only 2 weeks short of a full year but last week we finally got to see him and it WAS an amazing, emotional reunion. Watching our sons who seemed to stare in awe that Daddy was real and right there then even little Trystan going right to him and the next 4 hours literally eating him up! With no way to entertain them for 4 hours as usual his magical way of connecting they were laughing, playing, crawling all over him, awesome to see!

I am in complete awe of this man that I have chosen to walk life's journey with. Instead of being miserable, depressed, angry etc at all that he has endured & continues to endure he spends all his time creating new ways of how he can help people.

You will all be blown away with his new 'heart emotional release' system, he is not sure if that will be the final name but believes he has tapped into a way of teaching people how to process their emotions about current situations in their lives with levels 1& 2, levels 3-5 are the deep layers of pain, suppressed things even from generations before them and help release emotional programming that you pass on to your generations following! 

As soon as we know more about his next step which we are hoping will be to a hallway house soon, I will update the Facebook page and send another email.

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. or your love, support and prayers during this difficult time.


Dr. DeHaan & Ginger with sons