[Your Weekly Heart Whisper] Just Be

Published: Mon, 10/29/12

Your Weekly Heart Whisper
Weekly Heart Whisper 5

BIG WELCOME to all our new subscribers! We're adding new peeps to our community every day which is awesome!  Wherever, or however you got here, I want you to know that I love having you as part of the Inspiration from the Heart community!
 Please share your thoughts and questions if you would like by hitting the reply button ~ I love hearing from you.        
Suzie's Weekly Update:Being Patient
The last week has been a real test of patience for me so I have had to do more listening to my heart whispers and be still. After my wonderful intentions to do live video to share my scarves and quilts, not to mention a practice run, on the day the sound went belly up. Ustream malfunctioned. Then I suddenly had no energy, a slight fever and I found myself sleeping away a large part of the weekend.

I am doing a lot of work each day on healing and I now understand that this taxes my body and I must listen and rest. I also had another message that maybe was a sign to BE STILL. On Wednesday I slipped in the middle of the night on the bathroom floor, landing on my hip and taking the fall with my left wrist, I climbed back into bed- giving my wrist reiki and praying nothing was broken. Imagine my delight when I woke up and saw there was no swelling, no bruises and I could move my wrist- painful but not fractured.  I was delighted, this was a sign my bones are growing stronger. Happy dance time!. My friend Stephanie reminded me that wrists were a sign of
reaching too far!!! ..... Well maybe just a little:) Louise Hay says it is about movement and ease- maybe I was trying too hard.

Wrist is today almost good as new and no side effects from the hip. I felt very blessed.

Studio Sale Update

I am making videos to show you the scarves and how to tie them  and then I will share the quilts via video.  Great news is I have made my first sale. The sale will continue for another week or so. Make sure you have entered TO WIN at http://suziecheel.com/studio-sale

Develop Yourself Tips Bonus Giveaway

I am part of a giveway that ends on 31 November.  Check out Develop Yourself Tips Bonus Giveaway and see what I am offering as a bonus. Each and every one of us contains the amazing power to change our life at any time we decide to do so.  Here is the link http://developyourselftips.info/?u=suzie


Get Daily Inspiration!

You can set today's Heart Whisper as your desktop image on your computer for the week  To do this  right-click (or ctrl-click if you're using a Mac) on the image. Select "Set as desktop background" from the menu and enjoy.


Please join in the Inspiration from the Heart Tribe and do contact me if you have a questions or a story to share.

Remember listen to your heart whispers!
With gratitude, in abundance and love always,
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