Heidi Cohen's Actionable Marketing Newsletter

Published: Mon, 07/14/14

actionable marketing guide


Happy Bastille Day!

While the French say "Viva La France!" at Actionable Marketing Guide, we say, "Long live our readers!" You are our lifeblood and we appreciate your continued readership.

To ensure that we continue to meet your needs, we'd love to know what topics you'd like us to cover in the coming weeks.

Lately, I've been focused on content curation since I'm creating a pre-conference workshop for Content Marketing World! (BTW-If you're one of the first 5 people to register via my affiliate link, I'll give you a FREE mini-consulting session at Content Marketing World.)

2014 is the year of content curation. 

Marketers need an on-going flow of quality content that provides the 5 basic content marketing formats. BUT, they can't keep shouting ME, ME, ME or prospects will stop listening to them.

Further, high quality, original content requires lots of human and budgetary resources. No matter how big your marketing budget, it can still be difficult to continually produce sufficient content to meet your target audience's vociferous appetite. Content curation to the rescue!

To help you integrate content curation into to your editorial calendar, I laid out the steps to create a content curation roundup post in an article last week that included key examples of content curation roundups.

This week to complement this post, I created a mega roundup post entitled, Best Marketing Advice for Recent Graduates - 100 Experts Share Their Career Wisdom.

This was the biggest roundup article I've written to-date. Usually I send out a request and see how many people respond. This time my colleague Andy Crestodina challenged me to get 100 experts since everyone was so excited to participate.

My friends and colleagues were so generous that it created a 25 page Word document! This was WAY too much information for a single blog post. Therefore, I've created a SlideShare ebook so that a broader audience can benefit from the information.

I'd really appreciate it if you'd take the time to look at the SlideShare, add your comments and share it with your friends and colleagues.

Looking forward to seeing you at Content Marketing World.

Happy marketing,
Heidi Cohen

Attend Social Media Success Summit 2014 to get stellar insights from 45 social media experts including Mari Smith, Jay Baer, Lee Odden and Amy Porterfield.

Order your ticket to Social Media Success Summit NOW and SAVE $430 off the regular price (ONLY 500 TICKETS are available at this sale price.) This offer is good until July 18, 2014 or when the tickets sell out, whichever comes first.

This important virtual (no travel cost or hassle) conference offers more than 45 sessions this October. Attend as many as you like; download the rest. 

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The Dirty Little Secret Of Content Curation Roundup Posts
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10 Super Easy Tips To Improve Roundup Results

Roundup posts are "sweet".

As a specialized form of content curation, roundup posts are the content marketing gift that keeps on giving when done well.

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Posted on July 9, 2014 by Heidi Cohen in Market Research Insights, Mobile 

Mobile App Research Reveals What You Need To Know

Smartphones are the center of our 21st century lives.

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The 2 Things Every Marketer Must Do
Posted on July 11, 2014 by Heidi Cohen in Marketing 

20 Tactics To Raise Your Marketing Batting Average

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Get your marketing up to bat a lot

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