Heidi Cohen's Actionable Marketing Newsletter

Published: Mon, 07/28/14

actionable marketing guide


Content curation is 2014's most "rad" form of content marketing. [TweetThis] 


Original content is expensive and content marketing budgets are limited. 

BUT more importantly, most companies' content marketing plans under-utilize the content that they already own!

Here are 3 major ways where content marketing is under-performing its potential:

  • Don't maximize the reach of existing content.

  • Don't fully re-imagine each piece of content.

  • Don't know what content assets currently exist. Here's the 7 step content audit to help you.

Remember content curation is NOT FREE. It requires budget and resources to do it well.

According to Joe Pulizzi, I'm the Queen of Content Curation. 

Well to be clear, he's never exactly crowned me but I'm not letting that stop me. He did ask me to teach the course on Content Curation at Content Marketing World.

I'd be thrilled if you took my pre-conference Content Curation Workshop. 

I'm so excited about my workshop that I'm offering a FREE 20-minute 1-on-1 with me in Cleveland (a $100 value) for anyone who registers for Content Marketing World via my affiliate link by Thursday, July 31st, 2014. 

Note: I'm in the process of rolling out Heidi By The Hour, where you can purchase an hour of my time via phone or Skype to help you with your marketing challenges. If you're interested in being one of the first people, please email me.

Happy marketing,

Heidi Cohen
Chief Content Officer - Actionable Marketing Guide

Attend Social Media Success Summit 2014 to get stellar insights from 45 social media experts including Mari Smith, Jay Baer, Lee Odden and Amy Porterfield.

Save 59%! Buy your ticket by August 1st to SAVE $410 off the regular price of $697 (ONLY 500 TICKETS are available at this sale price.) This offer is good until August 1, 2014 or when the tickets sell out, whichever comes first.

This important virtual (no travel cost or hassle) conference offers more than 45 sessions this October. Attend as many as you like; download the rest. 

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