Heidi Cohen's Actionable Marketing Newsletter

Published: Mon, 08/25/14

actionable marketing guide


To celebrate the last full weekend of summer, my husband and I spent the weekend with friends in the rustic beauty of their Catskills Mountains cabin in Margaretville, a small town northwest of Woodstock, NY.

Despite being hard hit by the economic downturn and Hurricane Sandy, Margaretville is slowly coming back. It's a lovely town with a combination of local residents and city people with weekend homes, like our friends.

Supporters of the local businesses, our friends had to show us the newly spiffed up Home Goods of Margaretville. I'm telling you this story because it has 3 important marketing lessons for small businesses as well as big ones.

The new owner, Jess Olenych, moved the shop into a prime selling location. Despite it's lime green décor, the shop is a showpiece because it's a converted bank. Jess's office is the old bank vault. Even better, she's displayed an old $20 bill issued by the Bank of Margaretville! 

Jess Olenych Home Goods of Margaretville

Here are 3 marketing lessons you can apply to your marketing.

  • Curate a variety of products. The core product selection offers experienced cooking hobbyists like my friend's husband the high quality products they want and need. Also there's a selection of unique, well presented vintage products. (My guess: This offering is highly profitable; if it's not, it should be.)

  • Be findable. Jess understands that, even a small local shop like hers, needs to appear top on Yelp, Google, and other search and mobile options or her core audience may forget about her shop. This is critical regardless of your business size.

Google SERP for Home Goods of Margaretville

  • Showcase your products on social media. Jess plans to add a Pinterest presence to support the shop. In true "Actionable Marketing Guide" mode, I suggested she add a place where visitors can snap an Instagram shot. She loved the idea and decided to use the vault. What a great talking piece!!! (Check out Pinterest Versus Instagram.)

Regardless of the size of your business, you need to think "curation" in 2014, especially where content is concerned. It sets you apart from the crowd and reinforces your position as a tastemaker.

Learn how to become a Hall of Fame worthy content curator at my Content Marketing World pre-conference workshop. (BTW, here's how to make the business case for content curation.)

Want to get social media lessons from Lee Odden? Then join him at Social Media Success Summit. Sign up now to save over 50%! 

Happy marketing,
Heidi Cohen
Chief Content Officer - Actionable Marketing Guide

Attend Social Media Success Summit 2014 to get stellar insights from 45 social media experts including Mari Smith, Jay Baer, Lee Odden and Amy Porterfield.

Buy your ticket by August 29nd to SAVE $370 off the regular price of $697 (ONLY 500 TICKETS are available at this sale price.) This offer is good until August 29, 2014 or when the tickets sell out, whichever comes first.

This important virtual (no travel cost or hassle) conference offers more than 45 sessions this October. Attend as many as you like; download the rest. 

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