Heidi Cohen's Actionable Marketing Newsletter

Published: Mon, 10/20/14

actionable marketing guide


Happy Fall!

Lately I’ve been writing about my business travels. This weekend, I went to the New York Sheep and Wool Festival to feed my creative side – knitting.

The New York Sheep and Wool Festival (NYSW) is one of the biggest fiber events in the U.S. What was once a farmer-only event is now a sprawling family oriented one.

Being a marketer, I view every sales and exchange of wares through a marketing lens. Here are 3 observations with tips you can add to your marketing

1. Broaden your audience appeal. When I first started attending the NYSW in 2004, only farmers, knitters and the 4-H attended. Now it’s a destination event for yarnies, an affectionate name for people who love the various fiber crafts.  

Further, the fair is a family outing complete with kid-friendly activities such as exotic animals, balloon figures and Halloween makeup.

Actionable Marketing Tip:
  • Reassess your marketing persona on a regular basis. Determine whether your market has changed and if you’re reaching the appropriate target groups.

2. Offer products to entice your audience. The array of vendors has expanded beyond livestock and wool. Sales of spinning tools and fibers have become a major offering category. There was also a book signing area where attendees could meet the authors IRL.

Actionable Marketing Tip:
  • Present shoppers with ancillary goods. Smart vendors lured prospects into their booths by hanging a knitted garment outside. Since knitters like to have both the wool and the instructions together, sellers added the incremental cost of the pattern to the sale, even though it was cheaper to purchase online.

3. Encourage sales of other products. This is an area many marketers underestimate. This year’s fair offered a wider selection of eateries. Additionally the NYSW has a barn dedicated to local food and wines. (BTW—I’m a fan of New York ice wines.)

Actionable Marketing Tip:
  • Test different products to determine the optimal mix. Selling food itemss gives attendees something to remember the fair by or give to family and friends.

Apply this type of thinking when you’re at an event or new market. Make a checklist of ideas to test on your business.

Happy marketing,
Heidi Cohen,  Chief Content Officer - Actionable Marketing Guide


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