Heidi Cohen's Actionable Marketing Newsletter

Published: Mon, 09/22/14

actionable marketing guide


Don't feel badly if you didn't make Content Marketing World. I'm putting together 2 pieces of EPIC content, one with the help of my workshop participants and one with the help of other Content Marketing World speakers. They'll be available soon on a variety of content platforms.

The fall conference season is just getting into swing. You can see me at Content 14 in Copenhagen, Denmark, on September 25th; Content Jam in Chicago on October 2nd or at MarketingProfs B2B Forum in Boston October 9th and 10th.

With these conference appearances comes lots of content creation and opportunities so I'll have to make this email note short.

Hope to see you in real life at one of these events. 

Happy marketing,

Heidi Cohen,  Chief Content Officer - Actionable Marketing Guide

P.S. If you want to take your social media skills to the next level, this week is your last chance to SAVE $200 on your ticket to Social Media Success SummitONLY 300 tickets are available at this price. Act now and save.

Attend Social Media Success Summit 2014 to get stellar insights from 45 social media experts including Mari Smith, Jay Baer, Lee Odden and Amy Porterfield.

Buy your ticket now to SAVE $200 off the regular price of $697!  ONLY 300 tickets are available at this sale price. This offer is good until September 26, 2014, or when the tickets sell out, whichever comes first.

This important virtual (no travel cost or hassle) conference offers more than 45 sessions this October. Attend as many as you like; download the rest. 


3 Post-Sale Content Marketing Strategies You Need
Posted on September 15, 2014 by Heidi Cohen in Content Marketing
The 1 Element Missing At Content Marketing World

Content Marketing World 2014 was epic: over 2,400 people and over 40 amazing speakers (including Kevin Spacey). Yet everyone missed one important element: post-sale content marketing.

Why? Continue reading

5 Video Marketing Tricks To Increase Your Results
Posted on September 17, 2014 by Heidi Cohen in Content Marketing, Social Media
Video Content Converts

Skip the selfies—Videos rocked Content Marketing World 2014. It seemed like everyone was creating some piece of video.

As a form of visual content, video has been white hot for a while. In case you missed the email, both Instagram and Twitter (aka Vine) rolled out short form videos last year. (In fact, I called short form video the new black of content marketing!) Continue reading

25 Tactics To Overcome A Bad Small Business Location
Posted on September 19, 2014 by Heidi Cohen in Small Business
Turn Your Bad Small Business Location Into An Asset

Location, location, location is the real estate catchphrase because it can be the make or break it decision for many business.

For small businesses a bad location is often one of many challenges they face due to budgets and priorities. Continue reading