Heidi Cohen's Actionable Marketing Newsletter

Published: Mon, 11/10/14

actionable marketing guide

Dear , 

In preparation for my workshop at Internet Summit, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and work regarding how to make social media more effective for businesses.

While roughly 9 out 10 businesses use social media to support their marketing, most can’t attribute results directly to their efforts.

Why? Social media has its greatest impact in the middle of the purchase process so that there’s generally no measurable action that can be attributed to a sale. Here’s the data to prove the point. 

Interestingly SlideShare isn’t on this chart. It’s a must have for B2B organizations and drives qualified leads and sales. (Although to be fair it may be considered part of LinkedIn.)

What are the most underrated social media platforms in your opinion?

Happy marketing,
Heidi Cohen


You Can Put A Price On Pinterest

15 Pinterest Tactics To Drive Sales and Traffic

Pinterest is where your prospects and customers turn to get inspiration and shop on social media; it’s couch commerce at its best.

Tweet This Pinterest has 30 billion pins and 750 million pinboards according to founder Evan Sharp. Yet the beauty of Pinterest is that users never feel overwhelmed. Continue reading

The Secret To Grow Your Business Social Media Profile

20 Easy-To-Implement Business Social Media Tips

Want to know the biggest secret to grow yourbusiness social media profile?

Of course you do! (What marketer worth their salt doesn’t???)

Before I tell you, it’s important to understand that most businesses are NOT power media upstarts like Upworthy and ViralNova that average 60,000 social shares per article and get 99% of their social shares from Facebook. Continue reading

Facebook: How To Stand Out

Small Business Facebook Lessons

People spend a ton of time on Facebook socializing.

Given the amount of time spent, marketers have followed their prospects to this social media giant despite the short lifespan of a Facebook like. But they overlook the fact that people are on Facebook to engage with their family and friends not brands. Continue reading