Heidi Cohen's Actionable Marketing Newsletter

Published: Mon, 10/27/14

actionable marketing guide

Dear , 

Last week I had the pleasure of meeting many of the people behind Hootsuite at a New York based event called Connect via Hootsuite.

As part of their presentation, Hootsuite shared some eye opening research. Namely, 88% of respondents thought that social media was important to maintain a competitive edge, yet 61% were challenged to transform social media data into actionable insights. YIKES!!! (Check out the entire Hootsuite presentation for yourself.)

To add to the fun, the organizers tried to get their hashtag, #CVHNY to trend on Twitter, at least in NYC. While not a great objective for many events, in this case, it worked because Hootsuite is a key social media scheduling platform. They met this goal early during the event.
BTW--Maybe I shouldn’t mention that a member of Twitter’s sales team was one of the presenters.

Happy marketing,
Heidi Cohen


Viral By Design: 3 Social Media Secrets

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Want to create a viral social media success?

Then, take a page from Upworthy’s viral playbook.

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27 Super Easy Tactics To Boost Your Twitter Strategy

Twitter Tactics 201

Twitter accounts for roughly 9% of all social media shares, about a tenth of the amount of activity on Facebook, according to analysis by BuzzSumo and Frac.tl .

YET Twitter’s contribution to lead generation and sales—marketers’ key metrics—ranks last in terms of being the initial, final or only social media platform touched, because its content and interaction occur in the middle of the purchase funnel, based on AOL Platform research (Chart). Continue reading