Heidi Cohen's Actionable Marketing Newsletter

Published: Mon, 12/08/14

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

The holidays are a time for going out to celebrate.

While in Sanibel, Florida, my husband and I ate at a local fish restaurant called Timbers. It’s a popular priced, nautical themed restaurant with a fish market and bar attached that serves food and drinks. 

We called to make a reservation and were told that they didn’t take reservations but we could call a half hour before we arrived and our name would be put on a list.

Since we had eaten at Timbers earlier in the week and chatted with the waitresses and the manager, I asked to speak to the manager. He remembered us and told us we could have a reservation.

The restaurant was empty when we arrived.  Ignoring our reservation, the hostess just seated us.

When the manager stopped by, we told him that the lack of reservations was a turn off. He said that it was the owner’s idea. The owner didn’t like reservations since customers might be disappointed if their table wasn’t ready within 15 minutes, a problem during high season.

Here are my actionable marketing recommendations:
  1. Train staff to answer the phone better. Thank people for calling. Take their names and tell them to call back a half hour in advance to confirm their place on the line in season. Make customers feel better and more bought into the experience.

  2. Take reservations during the offseason. It doesn’t matter. There’s tons of room. Make customers feel good. That’s what the manager did for us. This is a no-brainer. Why lose prospects because you don’t meet their expectations?

  3. Selectively re-price items. The drinks, usually a high-profit item, were low priced. Don’t touch the highest priced or the lowest priced offerings. Go for high volume, high profit items. I did this with every promotion at Bookspan. Start during high season when people don’t necessarily remember and are less price sensitive.

How does this apply to your business?
  • Assess your pricing. Are there products and services where you can selectively increase your prices without customers really noticing?

  • Analyze whether you can appeal to a special segment. Are there customers who would buy more or more frequently if you made them a special offer? For example try early morning shopping with free coffee or last night hours for special customers with wine.

Sometimes all your business needs is a fresh look to find new opportunities to increase your sales and profitability. That’s one of the reasons that I’m attending Social Media Marketing World in San Diego.

Happy marketing,
Heidi Cohen


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