Heidi Cohen's Actionable Marketing Newsletter

Published: Mon, 12/01/14

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

With holiday shopping season in full bloom, find some time to think beyond the sales and rush.

As I sat in my favorite knitting shop, Knitty City, celebrating Small Business Saturday with wonderful woolly purchases that will become special holiday gifts, I watched how this local shop set itself up for long-term success.

Here are 5 small business lessons I learned from Knitty City last Saturday. You too can learn from what they did:
  • Sent an email reminding its loyal customers about the promotion. The email provided a link to American Express to register for their $10 rebate. This got more than the regulars in the door. People need to be reminded.

  • Helped customers make difficult choices. Clerks ran up and down the stairs to check for more inventory and other options. The staff’s help and insights make the shop a standout specialty choice. They make shoppers want to come back due to the relationships they build.

  • Provided product help. Despite the holiday rush and the long line at the cash register, the staff took time to explain instructions to confused customers. This will keep customers coming back again.

  • Got extra help to handle the overflow. The owner’s husband worked non-stop winding wool. (Note: He’s not a regular member of the staff but pitches in on busy Saturdays.) Go that extra mile for your customers! On busy days most other knitting shops make buyers come back to get their yarn wound.

  • Keep the regulars happy. Despite the sale and extra traffic, the regulars had enough space to sit and knit. For a small business, it takes a community.

What’s your best small business marketing tip and why?

Happy marketing,
Heidi Cohen


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Amazon, Walmart and other big stores have their marketing, promotions and inventories set. But what gives them clout is a double-edged sword; they have to pray their plans work.

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