Heidi Cohen's Actionable Marketing Newsletter

Published: Tue, 02/17/15

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

Love was in the air this weekend. On the train home, women were showing the red.

In New York City, it was a very chilly Valentine’s Day.  This combination made it difficult to flag a cab down Saturday afternoon.

I finally got a cab because I was going in the same direction as the driver who was heading home to take his wife out to celebrate. Cab drivers turn their top light off when they’re on their way home.

The cab driver shared with me that he was married for 10 years and that he had spent a lot of time looking for a special present. He showed me a picture of the coat he had bought his wife for Valentine’s Day because the weather was so cold and he wanted her to be warm.

I was touched by his story and tipped him $5 for a $7 ride because I wanted to help him enjoy his evening out. In New York, the average tip is 10% to 20%.

What does this mean for you as a marketer?
  • Let your stories make a connection with your customer.  Understand that the stories you tell enhance your products and services and set you apart from other competition.
Happy marketing,


Social Media Quality VS Quantity

Why Your Content Needs Social Media Targeting

Why Your Content Needs Social Media TargetingBrand message repetition has long been a key to advertising success.

The rule of thumb is that your target audience must see your message 5 to 7 times before they believe it.

To achieve this objective, today’s marketers must distribute their content on social media because it’s where their prospects spend their time, over an hour a day!!!

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How To Develop Your Content Curation Editorial Calendar

Content Curation Editorial Calendar: 5 Easy Steps [Chart]

Content Curation Editorial Calendar: 5 Easy Steps [Chart]Content curation ensures that your content marketing isn’t a once and done process.

To maximize the value of each piece of content you’ve created, plan future content use in your content curation editorial calendar.

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14 Ways To Romance Your Audience With Content Marketing

How To Create Content Your Audience Will Love

5 Content Marketing Call-To-Action TacticsRomance is key to successful content marketing. Without it, you risk turning prospects off before they have the chance to experience your products and services.

I’m not saying this because it’s Valentine’s Day because true romance doesn’t need a special holiday to celebrate your relationship and care. Rather it’s something you do everyday.

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