Heidi Cohen's Actionable Marketing Newsletter

Published: Mon, 02/23/15

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

I’m writing this letter from the chill of my living room where we’ve been without heat since last Monday when our heat pipes froze and burst when the temperatures dropped.

I can’t really blame them. It was very cold and unfortunately, our heating pipes like everything else in New York City are crammed for space. In this case, the pipes are in the few inches between the outside brick wall and our kitchen’s plasterboard.

While there’s a charm to older buildings, it’s best appreciated during the mild temperatures of spring and fall when you need neither heat nor air conditioning.

How does this apply to your marketing?

Give your content space to shine. Swish everything into a small space and it’s difficult to see your message. The words are tiny and blur together for your reader.

Here are a few actionable marketing tips to help your content presentation across platforms.
  • Make your message short and to the point.
  • Bold and outline the main highlights so they stand out.
  • Consider the contrast in the colors you use. For example, skip white type on a light color. People can’t see it.
  • Edit for good grammar and spelling. People can tell the difference.
  • Give your words space so that they’re readable.

What else would you add to this list and why?
Happy marketing,


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