Heidi Cohen's Actionable Marketing Newsletter

Published: Mon, 03/16/15

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

The past week has been chock full of fun dates that marketers and content creators can use as hooks for content.

Among the options were:
  • March 13 – The second Friday the 13th in a row! A few years ago, I wrote Blogging Tips To Avoid Triskaidekaphobia (fear of Friday the 13th).
  • March 14 – Pi Day (3.14). It’s not just content. MIT used the date to send out their acceptance notices and attracted a lot of fun press as a result.
  • March 15 – The Ides of March. Julius Caesar's assassination day celebrations anyone?
  • March 17 – St. Paddy’s Day when everyone is Irish and wears green. For inspiration, here are 17 Pieces of Blogging Blarney.

To add to our Actionable Marketing Guide Book Corner’s allure, this week, we’re giving away a free copy of Arnie Kuenn’s Content Marketing Works (Amazon link).  All you have to do is sign up on this entry form.

Please understand that while we appreciate that our readers are located around the world, we’re only able to send physical books to people with a US address. We encourage you to sign up to get related goodies even if you don’t have a US postal address.

The winner of an ebook version of Jeremy Miller’s Sticky Branding is: William Wagnon. Congratulations William!

We hope that you like the addition of the book section. Going forward there will be new interviews published every Saturday. If you’re an author or represent an author and would like to participate, please drop us a line.

We’d like your feedback on the section and the types of questions you’d like us to ask authors. 
​​​Happy marketing,

P.S. It’s only another 2 weeks until Social Media Marketing World in San Diego. I hope that you’ll join me there. If you can’t afford it, I appreciate your budget challenges. In that case, you may want to take advantage of a virtual pass so that you can get all of the great content wherever you are.


2015 Small Business Social Media Trends [Research]

How The Inc 500 Use Social Media In 2015

How The Inc 500 Use Social Media In 2015

93% of the Inc 500 use at least one social media platform or tool based on research by University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.

As the fastest-growing private companies in the US, the Inc 500 collectively demonstrate how businesses leverage evolving marketing tools and trends cost-effectively to drive profitable revenues. By definition, these businesses are trendsetters who continue to improve their reach by pushing the limits of new methods. Continue reading

Post-Purchase Content: How To Keep Your Customers Happy And Buying 

5 Ways To Increase Lifetime Sales With Content Marketing

Social Media Editorial Calendar: 5 Key Elements

When a customer buys from your firm is a pivotal marketing moment. P&G considered it so important that it coined the phrase: The Second Moment of Truth.

Does your offering still work the way your customers expected when they get it into their office or home?Continue reading

13 Content Curation #FAILS 

Improve Your Content Curation To Yield Results

Social Media Editorial Calendar: 5
Key Elements

Content curation is hot!

It’s a no brainer for marketers like you who need to continually feed your target audience’s insatiable needs for information.

Don’t take our word for it. Here’s what research by Trap.it found: Continue reading

Content Marketing Works – Book Interview

Heidi Cohen Interviews Arnie Kuenn

Social Media Editorial Calendar: 5 Key Elements

What’s your best piece of advice for readers looking to improve their marketing and why is it so important?

Well of course I have to recommend they focus on content marketing. And the approach I recommend they follow is to start by creating a really useful, core piece of content like a free guide, whitepaper or case study.

Put it behind a lead capture form and promote it via social media, blogs posts on their site, and maybe even a press release announcing it. Continue reading