Heidi Cohen's Actionable Marketing Newsletter

Published: Mon, 03/30/15

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

I just returned from Social Media Marketing World in San Diego. It was an amazing event that involved the Who’s Who of Social Media. 

USS MidwayThere was even a party on the USS Midway. How cool was that???

Social Media Marketing World was chock full of knowledge from the experts on the front lines. (Even I learned a few new tricks!)

While the sessions were excellent, more important to me was the opportunity to see my social media colleagues IRL. This included people I knew from other events as well as people who I've been interacting with for years on various social media platforms.

I was deeply touched by those of you who came up and told me that you read my Actionable Marketing Guide. Of note were my former Rutgers students, Dave Cutler and Heidi Garland (How could I forget someone with the same first name?) who ran up to me and ask to take a selfie together. 

If you missed Social Media Marketing World, you may want to consider getting the virtual version of SMMW and access all of the quality education without the travel cost.

Content Chemistry coverThis week, we’re giving away a copy of Andy Crestodina’s Content Chemistry to one lucky winner with a US postal address. Please understand that while we appreciate that our readers are located around the world, we’re only able to send physical books to people with a US address.

We encourage you to sign up to get related goodies even if you don’t have a US postal address for delivery.

The winner of last week's giveaway is Ethel Black. She'll receive a print edition of Gini Dietrich’s Spin Sucks. Congratulations Ethel!

Now, as a special treat, Gini has agreed to make the workbook companion to Spin Sucks available to all our readers. You can download your copy from: http://spinsucks.com/book/spin-sucks-workbook/ 

The Actionable Marketing Guide publishes a new book review or author interview every Saturday. If you’re a marketing author or represent an author and would like to participate, please drop us a line.

We’d like your feedback on the section and the types of questions you’d like us to ask authors. 
​​​Happy marketing,


The Social Media Opportunity Most Businesses Miss

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How The Inc 500 Use Social Media In 2015

Social media is a critical business communication platform.

Social media has overtaken search as the place prospects turn first to research potential purchases.

Social media is where your target audience including your prospects, customers, influencers, end users and thought leaders spend their personal time. Continue reading

Why Use Media When We Have Content Marketing?

The Ultimate Media Definition

Media continues to evolve. Media is the communication of information. It’s no longer defined solely by the channel or device by which it’s delivered.

Today, anyone can start a media entity. There are fewer barriers, at least in the US. All you need is a connected device, computer, smartphone or tablet to create and deliver media. No education or money is necessary.Continue reading

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Why Your Business Blog Is A Team Sport

Your company’s blog is the link that brings the different aspects of your business together for your target audience.

Your business blog must be integrated with the rest of your marketing – content, social media, PR, sales, customer service and investor relations. That’s why your business blog is a team sport. Continue reading

Content Chemistry – Book Interview

Heidi Cohen Interviews Andy Crestodina

What’s your best piece of advice for readers looking to improve their marketing and why is it so important?

Focus on two things: traffic and conversion rates. Every action you take in your marketing should be designed to move one of these numbers. Your traffic times your conversion rate equals success.

Continue reading