Heidi Cohen's Actionable Marketing Newsletter

Published: Mon, 03/09/15

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

Last week we launched our Actionable Marketing Guide Book Corner. This section of our blog is dedicated to bringing you insightful interviews with marketing authors.

To add to the allure, each week, we’re giving away a copy of the featured book.  Here's the entry form.

Please understand that while we appreciate that our readers are located around the world, we’re only able to send physical books to people with a US address.

Zombie Loyalists on AmazonThe first book we featured was Peter Shankman’s Zombie Loyalists (Amazon link). This book is highly readable and you feel like you’re having a conversation with Peter.

I’ve known Peter for a long time and he was one of the favorite speakers when I taught at NYU. While he never had a canned presentation, he always kept my students involved so that they left inspired.

The winner of a signed copy of Zombie Loyalists is Melissa Try. Congratulations Melissa. We'll be in touch with you soon.

This week, we’re featuring Jeremy Miller’s Sticky Branding. Jeremy’s book was such a surprise success that the print version sold out and there are no more print copies available. Therefore this week’s book giveaway is an ebook version. As such it’s available to anyone regardless of location.

We hope that you like the addition of the book section. There will be new interviews appearing every Saturday. If you’re an author or represent an author and would like to participate, please drop us a line.

We’d like your feedback on the section and the types of questions you’d like us to ask authors. 
​​​Happy marketing,

P.S. It’s only another 2 weeks until Social Media Marketing World in San Diego. I hope that you’ll join me there. If you can’t afford it, I appreciate your budget challenges. In that case, you may want to take advantage of a virtual pass so that you can get all of the great content wherever you are.


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