Heidi Cohen's Actionable Marketing Newsletter

Published: Mon, 04/13/15

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

The spring sunlight is finally streaming into my second floor apartment. It makes me see my work and my life differently. I feel energized and ready to tackle the challenges ahead of me.

With building construction down the street from my apartment, this energy is quite real.

With Google’s mobile focused changes slated for April 21st make sure that your website and blog are mobile-friendly. Otherwise your sites won’t appear on search results. At a minimum, check Google’s suggestions. 

This week, we interviewed Pam Didner, who spent a large part of her career inside Intel. We’re giving away two copies of Didner's Global Content Marketing to two lucky winners with US postal addresses. Please understand that while we appreciate that our readers are located around the world, we will only send physical books to people with a US address due to customs issues.

The winner of last week's book giveaway, a print edition of Mark Schaefer's, The Content Code, is Eugenia. Congratulations Eugenia! For those of you who didn’t win, we still think that you’re a winner with us. Here’s a free chapter from The Content Code.

Read our interview with Mark on the Actionable Marketing Guide.

Going forward there will be new interviews every Saturday. If you’re a marketing author or represent an author and would like to participate, please drop us a line.

We’d like your feedback on the section and the types of questions you’d like us to ask authors. 

We encourage you to sign up to get related goodies even if you don’t have a US postal address for delivery.
​​​Happy marketing,


2015 Social Media Benchmarks: Can You Guess The Results?

How To Measure Your Social Media Marketing [Research]

Do you track your company’s social media results? If so, what do you measure and what benchmarks do you use

Before you respond, check Hubspot’s analysis of 3 key social media benchmarks: post frequency, following size, and follower engagement.
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Why You Need Earned Media In Your Marketing And PR Mix

Earned Media Defined: 7 Key Attributes

Earned media is the new PR. It’s not only just an organic by-product of your social media or content marketing strategy.

Earned media isn’t a media entity in terms of being a set collective communication outlets or tools used to store and deliver information or data. Nor does earned media meet the 15 characteristics of a media entity.
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How To Get Your Blogging Mojo Back: 10 Tips

Does Your Blog Suffer From The Dunkin Donuts Syndrome?

Have you reached the point where you dread turning your computer on to start writing a new blog post? You look at the blank screen. The cursor keeps blinking at you but somehow no words flow from your brain to your fingertips?

You have “The Dunkin Donuts Blogging Syndrome.” It’s named for the 1980s Dunkin Donuts television ad where the sleepy baker keeps muttering, “Time to make the donuts.” The difference is that you feel this way about having to craft another blog post.
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Global Content Marketing – Book Interview

Heidi Cohen Interviews Pam Didner

What’s your best piece of advice for readers looking to improve their marketing and why is it so important?

Understanding your business objectives and audience is the core, then use analytics to test and re-test in order to refine your marketing execution. The former helps you explain “why” and the latter helps you do “what” better.

What was the inspiration for your book?

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