Heidi Cohen's Actionable Marketing Newsletter

Published: Mon, 04/20/15

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

How we view viruses and things that go viral depend a lot on the context.

When we get a virus like the flu, it’s a bad thing and often depletes our energy. Similarly we regard computer viruses as problems with bad consequences.

Yet when it comes to our marketing, having a product or campaign that goes viral yields positive results. So much so, that we work to make our content and marketing go viral.

To put this into context, the word of mouth marketplace is worth $6 trillion according to KellerFay research. Of this, 2/3 of the word of mouth impact occurs offline.

Here are 3 articles to help you make your content and social media go viral.

This week, we interviewed Jonah Berger, author of ContagiousHis book teaches you how to make your product or content go viral. (BTW--It’s already a New York Times bestseller!!) 

We’re giving away a copy of Berger's Contagious: Why Things Catch On to one lucky winner with a US postal address. Please understand that while we appreciate that our readers are located around the world, we will only send physical books to people with a US address due to customs issues.

The winners of last week's book giveaway, print editions of Pam Didner's, Global Content Marketing, are YMason and Galit Zamler. Congratulations YMason and Galit! 

Read our interview with Pam  on the Actionable Marketing Guide.

Going forward there will be new interviews every Saturday. If you’re a marketing author or represent an author and would like to participate, please drop us a line.

We’d like your feedback on the section and the types of questions you’d like us to ask authors. 

We encourage you to sign up to get related goodies even if you don’t have a US postal address for delivery.
​​​Happy marketing,


2015 US Teen Social Media Use: What You Need To Know

How Teens Use Mobile And Social Media To Communicate

Teens have always been known for having a high level of peer-to-peer communication. It’s generally characterized by being hidden from adults, namely parents and teachers.

So what’s changed in 2015?

Teens use connected devices, namely smartphones, to communicate via texts and social media. Unlike previous generations, teens can interact with their friends without their exchanges being seen or heard.  Continue reading

Streamline Content Creation: 10 Step Checklist

Don’t Panic! Avoid The Content Creation Crunch

April 15th is tax day in the U.S. It’s a deadline that instills people with a sense of panic. Similarly, content creation can cause anxiety if you’re faced with last minute crunch because it’s not finished.

Despite being an accountant’s daughter, this year was the first time since I’ve been married that my husband and I filed our taxes before the deadline. Continue reading

Contagious: Why Things Catch On – Book Interview

Heidi Cohen Interviews Jonah Berger

What’s your best piece of advice for readers looking to improve their marketing and why is it so important?

Be customer focused, not product focused.

It’s easy to get caught up in the hype of new technology, but the psychology is much more important. Understand why people do what they do and your business will flourish.

What was the inspiration for your book?

There’s lots of hype out there around social media, but much less actual science about what drives word of mouth. Continue reading