Heidi Cohen's Actionable Marketing Newsletter

Published: Mon, 04/06/15

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

As this past weekend’s religious holidays highlighted, we’re in a period of renewal.

By chance, at the recommendation of a friend in my knitting group, I read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizingby Marie Kondo. It’s a quick read about how to organize your stuff.

While the book focuses on physical things, the act of cleaning up helps clear your mind and get organized. Since reading the book, I’ve started removing the things and activities that are cluttering my home and impeding my work.

As a marketer, you can use this time to revitalize your marketing. Go through each element of your marketing plans to determine if they are working towards your key goals. Also, check whether they need to be freshened up for the spring.

This week, we interviewed Mark Schaefer. We’re giving away a copy of Schaefer’s The Content Code to one lucky winner with a US postal address. Please understand that while we appreciate that our readers are located around the world, we will only send physical books to people with a US address due to customs issues.

Content Chemistry coverThe winner of last week's book giveaway, a print edition of Andy Crestodina’s Content Chemistry, is Debra Fioritto. Congratulations Debra! And for all our readers—Improve your website with Crestodina’s The Ultimate Website Launch Checklist.

Going forward there will be new interviews every Saturday. If you’re a marketing author or represent an author and would like to participate, please drop us a line.

We’d like your feedback on the section and the types of questions you’d like us to ask authors. 

We encourage you to sign up to get related goodies even if you don’t have a US postal address for delivery.
​​​Happy marketing,


The One Element Most Marketers Forget About Social Media

How You Can Attract And Build A Social Media Community

Building my personal network is so important to me that last week I flew 2,340 miles from New York City to San Diego to attend Social Media Marketing World. My only goal was to meet in real life the people I connect with on social media.

I wasn’t alone. Continue reading

The Definitive Guide To The 4 Key Types of Media

The Ultimate Media Definition

Media is a key element of any marketing or PR plan. Marketers and PR professionals monitor, create and place content and their messages via different media types in order to expand their audience reach to attract and convert prospects.

Due to technology and the dynamic nature of online communications, media has evolved. As a result, how you use the different types of marketing media to achieve your goals and reap measurable results has changed. Continue reading

Improve Your Business Immediately (Social Media Included)

7 Social Media Lessons From #SMMW15

What you take away from a conference isn’t necessarily what’s taught in the keynote or individual sessions.

Rather the power of an industry conference is the gestalt of the entire event and the people you meet. For me, this was true of Social Media Marketing World 2015(aka #SMMW15). Continue reading

The Content Code – Book Interview

Heidi Cohen Interviews Andy Crestodina

What’s your best piece of advice for readers looking to improve their marketing and why is it so important?

I think the overwhelming challenge today is cutting through overwhelming information density. It is getting harder and harder to cut through the noise to become the signal. We need to think about new platforms, new channels, new niches to occupy. We need to focus on content ignition. Continue reading