Heidi Cohen's Actionable Marketing Newsletter

Published: Tue, 05/26/15

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

It’s a short work week in the US due to Memorial Day.

Jerod Morris explained the significance of Memorial Day with eloquence on Copyblogger. He started with the following quote from Oliver Wendell Holmes who almost died during the Civil War:

“At the grave of a hero we end, not with sorrow at the inevitable loss, but with the contagion of his courage; and with a kind of desperate joy we go back to the fight.”

My husband and I listened to President Obama tell the personal stories of two of the last US soldiers killed in Afghanistan. They were very different men brought together by service and war. Their stories symbolized and made real the loss a family feels when a son or daughter gives their life in service to their country.

It was the 70th anniversary of VE Day. As the audience in Washington, DC stood, our eyes glistened. And we too stood in our living room in New York to remember our veteran fathers who were both in Europe on that day. We thought about where our dads were 70 years ago and the stories they told us about their service.

What does this mean for your marketing?

Stories are critical to your brand and your business. It’s how you and your customers explain the world. It makes your products and services real and memorable. More importantly, stories enable your audience to identify with you.

Find the stories about your company, products and people. Transform them into information that your target customers will remember. 
​​​​This week, we interviewed Carson Tate about her book, Work Simply – A wonderful book that will teach you how to embrace the power of your personal productivity style.

We'll give away a copy of Work Simply to one lucky winner with a US postal address.* ​
​​​​​The winner of last week's book giveaway, a print edition of Ardath Albee's, Digital Relevance, is Jennifer Weiner. Congratulations Jennifer!
We encourage you to sign up to get related goodies even if you don’t have a US postal address for delivery. 
​​​Happy marketing,

* Please understand that while we appreciate that our readers are located around the world, we will only send physical books to people with a US address due to customs issues.


3 Power Pinterest Search Marketing Tips To Maximize Traffic

Pinterest: The Visual Discovery Search Engine Marketers Overlook

Is Pinterest part of your search marketing strategy?

Read that question again. I want to make sure you didn’t replace the word search with the word social.

Pinterest is characterized as a female dominated social media platform.
Continue reading​​

Owned Media VS Earned Media: Which Yields Better Results

How Owned Media and Earned Media Differ

Owned media vs earned media—Which should you use to distribute your content marketing?

Not sure they’re different?

Don’t worry. You’re not alone. Continue reading​

How To Get Your Content In Shape For The Summer

5 Summer Content Marketing Tips

This month, my gym has been pushing memberships. I’m not surprised since it’s the time of year when people start thinking about getting into shape to look their best in their skimpy summer clothes and bathing suits.

The same holds true for your content marketing. You need to get your content in shape for the summer. Continue reading​​

Work Simply – Book Interview

Heidi Cohen Interviews Carson Tate

What’s your best piece of advice for readers looking to improve their marketing and why is it so important?

We all think and communicate differently. As a marketer, your primary objective is to ensure that your message is being heard and clearly understood by your targeted audience.

To improve the impact of your marketing messages, ensure that you are answering the following four questions when marketing – “what”, “how”, “who” and “why”. Continue reading