Heidi Cohen's Actionable Marketing Newsletter

Published: Mon, 06/22/15

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

Yesterday was Father’s Day in the US and I’d like to congratulate the fathers among you. 

For many American marketers, Father’s Day is a key holiday on their promotional calendar. It’s great opportunity for sales and evergreen content.

I love Father’s Day because it reminds me of how important my dad was in my life and how he influenced my career choices. 

Here’s a secret very few people know about my dad. When I was in college my father wanted me to become an actuary for an insurance company since I had great math skills. I’m sure this isn’t on the top of most dads’ lists of career choices.

Since you’re on this list, I’m pretty sure you’d find this career choice at least as mind-numbingly boring as I did. The only bright spot was that it was a specialty at the University of Edinburgh. 

Instead, I did more of what my father did than what he suggested. I followed in his footsteps as a Mad Man and a publisher.  I’m glad that I did since I love the ever-changing world of marketing and media. 

Need help and support for your social media efforts? Then join Social Media Examiner’s The Social Media Marketing Society. Membership provides you with up-to-date social media changes and answers to your questions, no matter how big or how small. 

Community plus training is a 1-2 punch for taking your social media up a notch.

​​This week, we interviewed Jason Miller, LinkedIn's multi-talented, global content marketing lead. Jason is a new dad himself. Congrats Jason! His new book, Welcome to the Funnel, is full of proven tactics that'll turn your social and content marketing up to 11! This book contains a foreword by Ann Handley. 

In addition to his amazing content career, Jason is a professional photographer. His specialty: Heavy Metal Bands. Check out the photos he shared in his interview. 

BTW—Jason is evangelizing content marketing so he’s giving away either a hard or soft copy of Welcome to the Funnel to one lucky subscriber. Everyone anywhere can jump on this offer! 

​​​The winner of last week's book giveaway, a print edition of Dana Rothman's, Lead Generation for Dummies. is Cheryl Fleisher. Congratulations Cheryl!

​​​Happy marketing,


Content Marketing World 2015  (September 8-11, in Cleveland.) This is a MUST attend event for every marketer. ​I'll be there. Please join me.

Can't make to Cleveland this Fall. Access ICC's recordings of CMW. Get all the content when and where you want it! 

Discover advanced social media techniques

The Social Media Marketing Society  (brought to you by Social Media Examiner) is a membership community for marketers.

Join Now to receive original training three times every month, right from your office chair. You'll also connect with your peers via live Society Hangouts (online video conferencing) and in their exclusive discussion forums.

Enrollment in the Social Media Marketing Society is open only until June 30th, 2015. Enrollment won’t reopen until 2016.  Join Now!


Social Media Advertising Success: How To Stand Out

10 Steps to Successful Social Media Advertising

Social media is where we spend our time.

As such, marketers must be present to attract your attention for their products and services.

Yet, social media is no longer the “free” marketing platform.

If you had any doubts, the senior management shakeups at Twitter and Pinterest underscore the need for these media entities to yield sales, not just equity valuations. 
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3 Types of Basic Content You Can’t Afford To Ignore

17 Landing Page, Welcome Series and Purchase Confirmation Tips

Creating awesome lead generating content marketing is sexy. It attracts marketing attention and budget.

The problem: You need more than bait to attract prospects and nurture them into qualified leads.

Many marketers hand off leads to another department for conversion. 
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How To Wow Your Customers And Generate More Business

5 Small Business Marketing Tips Any Business Can Use

Recently my husband and I vacationed on Virgin Gorda in the British Virgin Islands, which are known for their sailing and snorkeling sports. They have the pristine beaches and turquoise water you imagine when you think beach.

Don’t take my word for it, Richard Branson and Larry Page own islands there.

Ever since I first met my husband, he’s talked about the Bitter End Yacht Club in glowing terms. We were overdue for a beach vacation and didn’t have time to research TripAdvisor and other online travel services for a new destination. 
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Welcome to the Funnel – Book Interview

Heidi Cohen Interviews Jason Miller

What’s your best piece of advice for readers looking to improve their marketing?

The number one thing you can do to improve your marketing is to become a better writer. At the core of good content is great writing. Focus there first, because at the end of the day, we can all be better writers.

Secondly I would recommend broadening your marketing skillset in order to become what I call a hybrid marketer. For example, a good hybrid marketer isn’t an expert in only one thing; they understand multiple disciplines and apply that daily to their marketing campaigns.
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