Heidi Cohen's Actionable Marketing Newsletter

Published: Mon, 06/29/15

actionable marketing guide

This weekend I received a call from one of my college friends letting me know that his mother had died. I only met his mother on a handful of occasions; she was a loving woman with a big personality that could fill a room.

While it sounds sad, my friend told me that he had believed his mother would die shortly after his father died 2 ½ years ago. He said every day since then has been a blessing.

This surprised me. I hung up and felt grateful for my mother. I immediately picked up the phone to reminisce with my mother and told her how much I love her.

Paul Roetzer makes a similar point in our author interview this week in his discussion of the work and personal balance.

How many of us think of each day we’re alive as a gift? Do we let those we care about know how we feel? Take the time to let those around you know that they’re important to you. Don’t assume they know it.

As marketers, Ann Handley and CC Chapman in Content Rules make the point that you need to know your audience as well as yourself.

While marketers rush to create marketing personae about our customers, do we really know who we are and what we’re trying to sell?
​​​​​​This week, we interviewed Paul Roetzer, founder and CEO of PR 20/20. His new book, The Marketing Performance Blueprint, is a story about the convergence of marketing talent, technology, and strategy, and the opportunity to build performance-driven organizations.

Download a free chapter from: The Marketing Performance Blueprint

We'll be giving a printed copy of The Marketing Performance Blueprint, to one lucky subscriber with a US postal address.

The winner of last week's book giveaway, who will receive either a hard or soft copy of Jason Miller's Welcome to the Funnel, is Brian Glidden. Congratulations Brian!

Need help and support for your social media efforts? Then join Social Media Examiner’s The Social Media Marketing Society. Membership provides you with up-to-date social media changes and answers to your questions, no matter how big or how small. 

Community plus training is a 1-2 punch for taking your social media up a notch.

​​​Happy marketing,


Content Marketing World 2015  (September 8-11, in Cleveland.) This is a MUST attend event for every marketer. ​I'll be there. Please join me.

Act now and get $100 off of the regular registration fee! 
Use promo code, Cohen, when you register.

Can't make to Cleveland this Fall. Access ICC's recordings of CMW. Get all the content when and where you want it! 

Discover advanced social media techniques

The Social Media Marketing Society  (brought to you by Social Media Examiner) is a membership community for marketers.

Join Now to receive original training three times every month, right from your office chair. You'll also connect with your peers via live Society Hangouts (online video conferencing) and in their exclusive discussion forums.

Enrollment in the Social Media Marketing Society is open only until June 30th, 2015. Enrollment won’t reopen until 2016.  Join Now!


Earned Media Metrics: How To Track Your Results

37 Experts Share Their Favorite Earned Media Metrics

How do you track earned media?

Earned media: It’s when other people, influencers and/or media entities mention you or your business on one or more media platforms.

As result, you increase your reach and garner attention that contributes to your business objectives. Continue reading

How To Unlock Your Product Stories To Increase Sales

7 Types of Content Marketing Product Stories

Did you know that the stories you create and tell about your products entices shoppers to buy them and, even, pay more for them?

In the Significant Object Project, Joshua Glenn and Rob Walker found that creating a story about a cheap product enhanced its value. Specifically, they generated $3,612.51 in sales from $128.74 of product.

Recently, my husband and I visited Aaron Faber on West 53rd Street, one of the top watch stores in New York City. The store features top of the line watches along with beautiful one of a kind jewelry by a select handful of artisans. Continue reading

7 Steps To Get Marketing Awards Every Time

Marketing Awards: How To Win And Boost Your Business

The Cannes Lions celebrated the creative communications industry’s achievements and creators this past week. While this was happening, I finished judging a set of marketing awards in much more mundane surroundings at my computer.

This experience got me thinking about why we as marketers seek recognition in the form of awards. Are we just after the attention or is it something more important that helps build our businesses? Continue reading

The Marketing Performance Blueprint – Book Interview

Heidi Cohen Interviews Paul Roetzer

What’s your best piece of advice for readers looking to improve their marketing?

Measure what matters. It’s so easy to get lost in the flood of data, and lose focus on the metrics that are most relevant to success.

Identify a core group of 3-5 prime goals (e.g. website visits, leads, sales conversions, monthly recurring revenue) to monitor, and then ensure that every campaign you run has a singular goal with a measureable outcome.

For example, you may run a Q3 lead-gen campaign in which the goal is to generate 100 sales qualified leads (SQLs).

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