Heidi Cohen's Actionable Marketing Newsletter

Published: Mon, 08/10/15

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

Greetings from New York City! My husband and I have been taking advantage of the beautiful summer weather to explore the local beauty of New York’s Hudson Valley and Western Massachusetts’ Berkshires.

Both areas are steeped in lush green and history dating back to the early European settlers. During the summer, they’re also cultural centers filled with museums, concerts, dance, summer stock theater and craft shops. 

Growing up in suburban NYC, I never appreciated the natural beauty of this part of the country. When my family spent summers on a lake in a small town in the Hudson Valley, my mother packed her three children into the car for local adventures to historical places like FDR’s home in Hyde Park and the Hancock Shaker Village in Pittsfield.

Here's a snap my husband took of Mount Greylock from Herman Melville's "Piazza".

I found that getting out of my natural habitat inspired me. It was the combination of taking a break from my normal routine and the natural scenery so different from Manhattan. 

To let you in on a secret, I’m enjoying my slower work schedule. It’s given me space to allow creative ideas to percolate. 

While it would be easy to tell myself that I’ll remember them when I need them, based on experience, I know better. Therefore as the ideas occur to me, I’ve jotting them down building a list of ideas for posts and other content. 

During the days that I’ve been out of my office, I’ve totally unplugged. No checking email or stats or social media. It’s worked wonders for my ability to be creative.

I plan to continue to write on a slower schedule for the rest of August since I need to nurture my creativity.

Actionable Marketing Tip: 

Allow yourself to take a break from your regular routine. Get out of your regular habitat and RELAX. Appreciate your family and friends

Vacations are a time to unplug and re-energize. No matter what you do, make sure that you have time to just appreciate the world and people around you. 

I plan to start the fall with a BANG! I’ll be at Content Marketing World where I’m the MC of the Social Media Track on Wednesday, September 9th. Please join my amazing line of great content marketers. At a minimum, stop by and say hello.  

​​​In Our Last book interview, we spoke with Eamonn O’Brien, founder of the The Reluctant Speakers Club, whose new book, How to Make Powerful Speeches, will show you how to connect with audiences, construct credible arguments and give talks for maximum impact and persuasion. ​

​We're proud to announce that the winner of a copy of How to Make Powerful Speeches is LeRoy Rooks. Congratulations LeRoy!
Finally, if you’re seeking to up your social media game, check out the Social Media Summit. It’s a great way to improve your skills without the travel expense. 
Happy marketing,


Content Marketing World 2015  (September 8-11, in Cleveland.) This is a MUST attend event for every marketer. ​I'll be there. Please join me.

Act now and get $100 off of the regular registration fee!  Use promo code, Cohen, when you register.

Can't make to Cleveland this Fall. Access ICC's recordings of CMW. Get all the content when and where you want it! 

The Social Media Success Summit is open for registration. Discover how to use social media to attract and engage quality customers, and quickly grow your business at the largest Online Social Media on the planet.


Why Content Marketing Trumps Advertising

7 Ways Content Marketing Works When Advertising Does Not

Face it – the more advertising people receive, the more they hate it. As a result, to reach today’s information savvy customers, content marketing trumps advertising.

What was once interesting and special back in the MadMan days is now something we try to avoid. (Check out what Mad Man Leo Burnett had to say about advertising.) Continue reading