Heidi Cohen's Actionable Marketing Newsletter

Published: Mon, 07/06/15

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

It’s time to celebrate—no matter where you’re from.

July is a month of country birthday celebrations. They include: Canada Day (July 1st), Independence Day (US-July 4th) and Bastille Day (France-July 14th).

American celebrations include backyard cookouts, beach time and fireworks.

In New York City, one of the biggest events, Macy's Annual Fireworks Show, is free. The police close the parkway to cars. People walk on to it to stake out their spot overlooking the East River for the free show. It’s an amazing feeling to be under the fireworks.

As a marketer, birthdays make your work easy. Choose one of these many related promotional hooks, especially through the use of the red, white and blue. Take advantage of them to show your creativity. 

Similarly, it’s a good idea to celebrate your business’s birthday as well as your customer’s birthdays. While most people beyond the age of 10 don’t like to reveal their true age, they do appreciate being remembered. 

Need some help celebrating birthdays? Here are 50 ideas to help you.

​​​​​​​Last week, we interviewed Paul Roetzer, founder and CEO of PR 20/20. His new book, The Marketing Performance Blueprint, is a story about the convergence of marketing talent, technology, and strategy, and the opportunity to build performance-driven organizations.

Download a free chapter from: The Marketing Performance Blueprint

Because of the 4th of July holiday, we're extending the giveaway offer for The Marketing Performance Blueprint another week until July 12.  For details and entry form, check on The Actionable Marketing Guide.
​​​Happy marketing,


Content Marketing World 2015  (September 8-11, in Cleveland.) This is a MUST attend event for every marketer. ​I'll be there. Please join me.

Act now and get $100 off of the regular registration fee! 
Use promo code, Cohen, when you register.

Can't make to Cleveland this Fall. Access ICC's recordings of CMW. Get all the content when and where you want it! 


Millennials Outnumber Boomers: The Meaning For Marketers

5 Key Millennial Marketing Tips Based On Research

Millennials now outnumber boomers.

Dear marketers, while numbers vary based on how different organizations bracket the age groups, have no doubt that millennials are ascendent. And they think very differently from previous generations.

As Ann Handley and C.C. Chapman point out in Content Rules, you have to not only understand your audience but also your organization. Continue reading

The Social Media Revolution: Make Money Or Die

5 Steps To Prepare For The Social Media Revolution

“No taxation without representation” was the rallying point that started the protests and rebellions that led up to the American Revolution.

Colonists were opposed to British taxes on tea, legal documents and many other goods. You can’t blame the British Parliament; it’s easy to tax people who are an ocean away.  Continue reading