Heidi Cohen's Actionable Marketing Newsletter

Published: Mon, 07/13/15

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

Today is the second day of Manhattanhenge, a natural event dubbed by Neil deGrasse Tyson of the American Museum of Natural History.  He was thinking of Stonehenge when he created the term.

Manhattanhenge is when sunset aligns precisely with Manhattan’s street grid. Since the grid is rotated 30 degrees east from geographic north, Manhattanhenge happens twice a year, three weeks before and after the Summer solstice.

ManhattanhengeIn addition to the grid you need a clear view of the horizon. New Jersey provides this view across the Hudson River. New York’s tall buildings create a vertical channel that frame the sun as it sets. In the process it creates a radiant glow of light that illuminates both the north and south sides of every cross street.

My husband took this picture in 2012 on 23rd Street and Broadway.

Later this week, retailers are following Amazon’s lead for Prime Day, July 15, 2015. (Personally, I think that Pi Day (March 14th might be better!) It’s Amazon’s version of Black Friday, the post-Thanksgiving sales day. It’s goal is to drive sales in July.  

Since Amazon is such a major retailer, others have followed suit creating rival sales.

How can you use this as a marketer?
  • Block out your promotions through out the year by creating a promotional calendar.  Here is a 13 step guide to help you.

  • Create your own sales driven holidays. Who says Amazon had the lock on making up holidays? This article gives you 7 tips for your own holidays. (BTW, it’s titled "Who Says You Have To Wait Until Black Friday?")

This week, we interviewed Neal Schaffer, whose new book, Maximize Your Social, advances the idea that because the social media landscape is always in flux, your social media marketing really should be considered an experiment.
We'll be giving away a copy of Maximize Your Social to one lucky reader next week. For details and entry form, check on The Actionable Marketing Guide.
​​​​​​​​​Last time, we interviewed Paul Roetzer, founder and CEO of PR 20/20. His new book, The Marketing Performance Blueprint, is a story about the convergence of marketing talent, technology, and strategy, and the opportunity to build performance-driven organizations.

The winner of The Marketing Performance Blueprint is Vernon. Congratulations Vernon! But don't fret if you weren't chosen – Download a free chapter from: The Marketing Performance Blueprint

​​​Happy marketing,


Content Marketing World 2015  (September 8-11, in Cleveland.) This is a MUST attend event for every marketer. ​I'll be there. Please join me.

Act now and get $100 off of the regular registration fee! 
Use promo code, Cohen, when you register.

Can't make to Cleveland this Fall. Access ICC's recordings of CMW. Get all the content when and where you want it! 


Content Marketing Performance Checklist: 1H2015

10 Step Content Marketing Performance Assessment

If you’re like me, you probably can’t believe 2015 is half over.

Before starting your 2016 content marketing plan process, assess how your 2015 content marketing is performing to-date. (To help you, here’s a content marketing checklist.)

There are two good reasons to assess your 2015 content marketing performance to-date: Continue reading

3 Content Marketing Opportunities You Are Missing

Does Your Content Plan Take Advantage Of Other People’s Audiences?

Most marketers laser focus on building their own audience. This makes sense since “know your audience” is the second step of any content marketing strategy.

What’s wrong with this approach?

It’s hard work to build a sizable base of people interested in reading your content by just talking to the people who happen to find your content by chance via social media or search. This is especially true when you first get started and no one knows who you are. Continue reading

Maximize Your Social – Book Interview

Heidi Cohen Interviews Neal Schaffer

What’s your best piece of advice for readers looking to improve their marketing?

Gain deep knowledge of social media and gather data points to help support your social media strategy. Social media is a mainstream communications channel, and you can’t afford to allow your business to get left behind.

It’s important to educate, experiment, and measure all of the different things you can do in social media so that you can determine what unique value you will derive from your social presence after creating a social media strategy as outlined in Maximize Your Social.

Continue reading