Actionable Marketing Guide Newsletter

Published: Tue, 09/08/15

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

It may be the official end of summer but I’m in a content state of mind as I pack my bags and head to Cleveland for ​ Content Marketing World, the must-attend conference for anyone who uses content.

If you’re attending #CMWorld live, I look forward to meeting you IRL. Of course, you can always follow along on Twitter – #CMWorld.

Please join me on Wednesday when I’m curating the Social Media track. These sessions will rock your content marketing plans for the rest of 2015 and get you on track to succeed for 2016.

We’ve got an amazing line up of experts in both social media and content marketing.  They include Bob Gilbreath, Erin Monday, Lee Odden and Matthew Patrick.

Bring your toughest questions to get expert input. If that’s not enough, we’ll be giving out prizes at the sessions to increase the fun.

Please stop by the social media room to say hello and let me know who you are. You can spot me by my content marketing rockstar, black leather jacket and orange shawl and accessories. 

Don’t be shy! Find a reason to say hello to me. Hey, you already know me, you’ve been reading my emails. Let’s get a selfie of the two of us!!

Whether you’re attending Content Marketing World live or via social media, please accept our invitation for your own moment of Content Marketing Stardom.

Contribute to our mega post-Content Marketing World content post by answering these 2 questions by Tuesday, September 15th.

Email your answers to: [email protected]
  1. Why is social media critical to content marketing?

  2. What is your favorite piece of contextually relevant social media content? Please explain why? 
Don’t forget to include your name, company and Twitter handle!

BTW—Last year’s post based on contributions from my presentation attendees, How To Curate Content Like A Pro (8 Examples) appeared on CMI where it was one of the top performing posts of the quarter! To-date, it’s garnered 3000+ social media shares—How’s that for visibility!

P.S. Here’s how I define social content.

​​​​We have a new book to give away this week: 51 Content Marketing Hacks by Scott Aughtmon. Scott provides a series of extraordinary lessons on creating content that will help you sell more and gain more customers.
Read our interview with Scott Aughtmon on the Actionable Marketing Guide. We'll be giving away a copy of 51 Content Marketing Hacks: to a randomly chosen subscriber next Saturday (details.) So, please forward this newsletter to your friends and associates.
Last week, we interviewed Bob Gilbreath. His new book: The Next Evolution of Marketing shows you how to connect with your customers by "marketing with meaning."
We'll be sending a copy of The Next Evolution of Marketing to our randomly selected winner: Jeff. Congratulations Jeff!
Happy marketing,


Content Marketing World 2015 (September 8-11, in Cleveland.) This is a MUST attend event for every marketer. ​I'll be there. Please join me.

Can't make to Cleveland this Fall. Access ICC's recordings of CMW. Get all the content when and where you want it! 

The Social Media Success Summit is open for registration. Discover how to use social media to attract and engage quality customers, and quickly grow your business at the largest Online Social Media on the planet.


Expert Content Marketing Advice: 13 Tactics To Improve Your Results

Posted on August 31, 2015 by Heidi Cohen in Content Marketing

7 Experts Tell You How To Create Great Content Marketing

Expert Content Marketing Advice

Want to stand out from the 86% of US B2B marketers who use content marketing as part of their strategic marketing approach?

Done well quality content attracts and keeps an audience that yields profitable customer action. Continue reading

The Best Social Media Advice For Content Marketers

Posted on September 2, 2015 by Heidi Cohen in Content MarketingSocial Media

How To Integrate Social Media Into Your Content Marketing Strategy

Social media runs on content, whether it’s status updates, photos (including videos), comments or your best content marketing.

This social content is the information that your target audience seeks and finds important, entertaining and useful. It’s not sales or promotional noise. Continue reading


51 Content Marketing Hacks – Book Interview

Posted on September 5, 2015 by Heidi Cohen in Content Marketing 

Heidi Cohen Interviews Scott Aughtmon

51 Content Marketing Hacks

Q: What’s your best piece of advice for readers looking to improve their marketing?

I think that the biggest error that content marketers or marketers make is believing that they can create desire for their product or service.


Continue reading