Actionable Marketing Guide Newsletter

Published: Mon, 10/05/15

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

After a week of warnings about the potential storms and issues related to Hurricane Joaquin’s travels along the mid Atlantic states, I truly appreciate sitting in the late afternoon glow shining through my windows.

I love that one of the knitting shops I visited last week used the pending storm as a reason to encourage shoppers to buy. Stuck at home = time to knit and reason for a flash sale!

Joaquin Flash Sale

Living in New York City, you can feel fall slowly creep into the region. The fall sunlight is hitting the buildings at a lower angle than usual. This means that it’s time to prepare for the colder weather.

What does this mean for your business?

It’s time to change your business to welcome fall. Go beyond your new autumn offering.
  1. Dress up your business for the season. Decorate your store and other buildings. Get your employees and customers involved by making it into an event where appropriate.

  2. Change your social media presence. Tweak your social media profiles to show that you’re up-to-date with the seasons. Use symbols of fall like colored leaves and pumpkins. Also, dress in fall clothes on your profile photos.

  3. Extend these flourishes to your other communications. Get photographs of your customers dressed in your fall products.

Want some more fall inspiration? Here are some helpful gems.

​​This week we interviewed Stephanie Sammons. Her new book, Linked to Influence centers around seven powerful rules for becoming a top influencer in your market and attracting your ideal clients on LinkedIn.

We'll be giving away a free copy of Linked to Influence to one lucky subscriber. The winner will be announced in next week's newsletter (details.)

All of our readers, however, are lucky winners because you can Download an excerpt from this important book today!

​​​​​​​Last week we interviewed Eric Enge and Stephan Spencer about the new edition (the 3rd) of their comprehensive resource book, The Art of SEO.
Our randomly selected subscriber, Colleen, will be receiving a free copy of The Art of SEO. Congratulations, Colleen!

    BTW, if you didn’t get to attend Content Marketing World 2015 live, you can still capture all of the learning. Get the virtual version, study the contents so that you can power your content marketing into 2016 and beyond.

    Happy Marketing!
    Heidi Cohen

    The Social Media Success Summit is open for registration. Discover how to use social media to attract and engage quality customers, and quickly grow your business at the largest Online Social Media on the planet.


    Is Your Content Marketing Effective?

    Posted on September 30, 2015 by Heidi Cohen in Content Marketing

    5 Proven Steps To Improve Content Marketing Effectiveness

    Is your business creating and distributing useful, non-promotional information?
    Is your content targeted at a well-defined audience to persuade them to take action?
    Is your business able to measure results that prove your content yields profitable results associated with your business goals.
    Your answers to these 3 questions reveal whether you’re providing quality content marketing that’s effective for your company.

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    Linked to Influence – Book Interview

    Posted on October 3, 2015 by Heidi Cohen in Content MarketingSocial Media

    Heidi Cohen interviews Stephanie Sammons.

    Q: What’s your best piece of advice for readers looking to improve their marketing?

    Establish your entire digital presence on the foundation of trust and build it through influence. Think about the people who influence you. What about them attracts you? It is likely their perspective, passion, and personality.
    When you focus on growing your influence with trust as the foundation, you will naturally attract your ideal clients and customers both online and offline.

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