Actionable Marketing Guide Newsletter

Published: Mon, 10/12/15

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

Happy Columbus Day to my American readers!

Columbus Day is one of those US holidays where the Stock Exchange is open and the banks are closed. Depending on the company for which you work, you may or may not have the day off. If you have children, they’re off from school.

Regardless, Columbus Day is a good marketing reason to have a fall sale. In the US, shoppers never seem to take a holiday.

By contrast, my Canadian readers are celebrating Thanksgiving. Having lived in Montreal for 2 years, it was a holiday I really appreciated. Although to my disappointment, stores started their holiday promotions the following week. That seemed early to me.

What do these differences in holidays mean for your marketing?

Take advantage of seasonal celebrations, whether it’s Columbus Day or Thanksgiving. Give your promotions a contextually relevant hook.

Understand your target audience. What type of information do they seek and at what times of the year? How do they relate to different holidays and celebrations?

This will help you create new ways to engage your audience and give them a reason to connect with you.

While we don’t have an author interview this week due to the holidays, I’d like to use this opportunity to recommend The Island At The Center Of The World by Russell Shorto. It’s a holiday appropriate read.  

The book looks at the first four decades of Manhattan's history from the Dutch perspective. It’s based on a trove of 12,000 documents that were recently found and translated.

Just as many of you are on marketing's cutting edge, these European men and women were transforming the world in which they lived. The book made me rethink how I view the city where I live and how accepted history can change.
​​Last week we interviewed Stephanie Sammons. Her new book, Linked to Influence centers around seven powerful rules for becoming a top influencer in your market and attracting your ideal clients on LinkedIn.

We're extending our giveaway of a free copy of Linked to Influence  for another week. The lucky subscriber will be announced in next week's newsletter (details.)

All of our readers, however, are lucky winners because you can Download an excerpt from this important book today!

​​​​BTW, if you didn’t get to attend Content Marketing World 2015 live, you can still capture all of the learning. Get the virtual version, study the contents so that you can power your content marketing into 2016 and beyond.
    Happy Marketing!
    Heidi Cohen

    The Social Media Success Summit is open for registration. Discover how to use social media to attract and engage quality customers, and quickly grow your business at the largest Online Social Media on the planet.


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