Actionable Marketing Guide Newsletter

Published: Mon, 09/21/15

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

Customers matter! I’m not saying anything new since you’re a consumer and you have expectations when you purchase goods and services. 

As marketers we tend to focus on the early dating phase of the customer process when everything is new and exciting. That’s our job.

Therefore we may not realize how difficult providing a consistent quality customer experience is especially since it happens post-marketing.

The reality: Customer experiences with your brand and offering vary. When they’re not positive, they can hurt your sales and tarnish your brand.

Face it—customers talk to other customers, often more than we realize. According to KellerFay, 75% of word of mouth happens face-to-face.

For Content Marketing World, I stayed at the Westin Downtown Cleveland despite my positive past experience at the Marriott across from the conference center.  

But my sister, the business road warrior with preferred status on airlines and at hotels, highly recommended Starwood hotels. Even better, it was $10 per night cheaper.

Here’s my Westin Cleveland experience:
  • First day: My room was never cleaned.

  • Second day: I received an orange note regarding a package. I spent 10 minutes trying to get it at the front desk without success. The night manager left a  message to call her before 11:00pm since she heard I wasn’t happy.

  • Third day: I tried to use the WiFi to check-in for my flight but it didn’t work.
When I checked out, James, the front desk manager, and Bobby, the bellman, did their best to turn things around.

James admitted that the hotel had problems with WiFi due to the adjacent building. YIKES – This was one of the main hotels for a digital conference. Didn’t anyone consider adding special capacity for the conference?

To make things better, James removed one day’s charges and gave me a coupon for Starbucks in the hotel.

Both James and Bobby are employees every business should hire. They get that customer experience is an important part of their job. (BTW—When I asked if I could take their photo they were pumped as you can see.)
James and Bobby
But from a marketing perspective, their activity was lost. Nowhere in the Westin’s system was any notation about my problems and how James fixed them.

As a result, Starwoods sent me a “personalized” post-trip email to encourage me to take their survey and review their hotel. Did they really want to know how my stay was a #FAIL?
Westing Thank You Page
Actionable Marketing Tips:
  • Train your employees to make your customers satisfied. Empower them to take action.

  • Track customer issues. The 80-20 rule works for dissatisfied customers. Bad experiences get communicated more often.

​​​​This week, we interviewed Jeffrey Hazlett. His new book, Think Big, Act Bigger promotes the rewards of being relentless in your approach to business and life.
We'll be giving away a free copy to one lucky US resident. The winner will be announced in next week's newsletter (details.)
Last week we interviewed Joe Pulizzi, the godfather of content marketing. His latest book, Content chock full of really useful information on building a business based on a content-first model. 
Our randomly selected subscriber, Sunny Charlebois, will be receiving a free copy of Content Inc. Congratulations, Sunny!
Happy Marketing!
Heidi Cohen

The Social Media Success Summit is open for registration. Discover how to use social media to attract and engage quality customers, and quickly grow your business at the largest Online Social Media on the planet.


Improve Your Content Marketing To Drive Performance

Posted on September 16, 2015 by Heidi Cohen in Content Marketing

5 Content Marketing World 2015 Takeaways

When it comes to content creation, marketers are on a treadmill trying to create ever more content to fill consumers’ voracious need for instantaneous information when, where and how they want it.

Let’s put that in context:

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The Content Marketer’s Guide To Attending Conferences

Posted on September 18, 2015 by Heidi Cohen in Content Marketing

How To Maximize Your Conference Content

Conferences like Content Marketing World are content bonanzas.

By their very nature, conferences are a hotbed of targeted content opportunities. They raise awareness around a key industry topic. This allows you to share information, gather new ideas, and network.

Conferences require significant resource investment, both time and budget.

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Think Big, Act Bigger – Book Interview

Posted on September 19, 2015 by Heidi Cohen in CareerMarketing

Heidi Cohen Interviews Jeffrey Hayzlett

Q: What’s your best piece of advice for readers looking to improve their marketing?

Define your conditions of satisfaction. Know what you want to achieve and how you will measure your success. Then, stop making excuses. Steamroll obstacles, don’t take no for an answer, don’t listen to naysayers. It’s time for you to act.

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