Actionable Marketing Guide Newsletter

Published: Mon, 11/09/15

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

Based on my inbox, last week was an unofficial “Survey Your Customers” Week.

One after another, I received one-size-fits-all emails from different companies whose services I use. They all asked me for a few minutes to complete their survey. 

No offers of an incentive or coupon in exchange. No prize draw. No additional benefits that wouldn’t cost them anything.

What was in it for me to respond to questions focused on their concerns not my needs?

They promised me a better customer experience.

But as a consumer I had no trust that my survey would improve my product use.

The reason was simple: the emails had no reference to my current use even for services where the companies kept computer records of my check-ins.

Specifically, here’s my experience at 2 of the firms:

Hotel Checkin
  • I had problems during my 2 recent conference hotel stays that I reported to the respective hotel managers.

    While they gave me a free night as compensation, I would have preferred a better experience.

  • I hadn’t visited my gym in 5+ months. During that time, they renovated. As a result, my recent visits weren’t efficient since I couldn’t find the exercise machines I liked.

    Also, the staff I knew had all left to work at other gyms. In fact, I spoke to the current manager while I was there.

If either of these companies had sent me an email referencing my problems and asking for feedback about how they could improve my future visits, I would have been thrilled to respond.

Actionable Marketing Takeaway:
  • Follow up on customer problems. This is your opportunity to make good by your customer and turn them into a raving fan. While this can be automated, it’s better and more personal if the employee who makes the contact follows up directly. Even a small business can do this.

  • Ask for customer input at every touch point.  Don’t wait for an annual survey to discover customer problems. Train your customer facing personnel to get feedback. Have an email box for questions online and a suggestion box in your retail outlet.
​​​This week we interviewed Melonie Dodaro, author of The LinkedIn Code, her new book showing you how to unlock the largest online business social network to get leads, prospects & clients.

We'll be giving away a free copy of The LinkedIn Code to one lucky subscriber. The winner will be announced in next week's newsletter (details.)
Last week we interviewed Jeb Blount, author of Fanatical Prospecting – Transforming B2B Marketing to meet the needs of the modern buyer. 

Our randomly selected subscriber, Cathy, will be receiving a free copy of Fanatical Prospecting. Congratulations Cathy!

Happy Marketing!
Heidi Cohen

The Social Media Success Summit is open for registration. Discover how to use social media to attract and engage quality customers, and quickly grow your business at the largest Online Social Media on the planet.
BTW, if you didn’t get to attend Content Marketing World 2015 live, you can still capture all of the learning. Get the virtual version, study the contents so that you can power your content marketing into 2016 and beyond.

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