Actionable Marketing Guide Newsletter

Published: Mon, 11/30/15

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

As I traveled through New York City on my way to Thanksgiving dinner, I was struck not by the Christmas decorations but by the pre-Christmas sales promoted in the windows. I couldn’t help but wonder what they’ll do after the holidays.

Thanksgiving heralds the beginning of the Christmas buying season. Many retailers forget the true meaning of Thanksgiving. It’s a holiday to celebrate family and good friends, not a time to rush through eating to head out to the nearest big box store to fill up on savings opportunities.

I know that it sounds corny and I can see my mother doing an eye roll if she read this but I was lucky to spend Thanksgiving with the people I love.

At my parent’s house, we gathered in the kitchen to cook traditional dishes while the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade played in the background. My husband supervised cooking the turkey and the rest of us enjoyed being together. While my entire family couldn’t be together this holiday, we were happy to talk to them via phone.

As my husband and I got ready to leave, I realized that it was one of the best Thanksgivings I had ever celebrated. It was filled with good company and love. We laughed and enjoyed being with each other.

Similarly, I challenge you to look at what you’re thankful for and what makes you happy. If I had to guess, it’s not your latest marketing promotion.

For me, it’s my family and friends. I know that I’m very lucky to have them.  Take the time to show the people you love that you really care.

In that same vein, carve out some time for yourself. Think about what you want to accomplish in the coming year.

Skip the New Year’s Resolutions! Short-term changes don’t last. It’s why diet products and gyms do so well in January. If you really want to get healthy, start changing your habits now. 

The same holds true for your marketing.

But the thing is, if you don’t take care of yourself, how will you take care of your business?

Need help? Read The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business. I picked this book up in an airport and plowed through it. Take advantage of the research!

Start now so that you can get on track to achieve big things in 2016. Get started in December when everything is already in the works. This way you can get yourself in shape when the New Year rolls around.

Check out Cal Newport’s blog. It’s my new favorite reading. Newport writes about how to work more efficiently without working a ton of hours. How does that sound? The system helped him get a PhD from MIT and write a bestseller.

Speaking of books – ​​​​​​​See our recent interview with Pat Spenner, one of the authors of The Challenger Customer, a fascinating analysis of how business purchase decisions are made by teams and a valuable guide to winning sales by leveraging team dynamics.

We'll be giving away a free copy of The Challenger Customer to one new subscriber. The winner will be announced in next week's newsletter. (details.)
Happy Marketing,

Heidi Cohen
Actionable Marketing Guide

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