Actionable Marketing Guide Newsletter

Published: Mon, 10/26/15

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

I’m back from Boston where I spoke at MarketingProfs B2B Forum (#MPB2B). 

Ann Handley, Julie Pildner, Rob Zaleski and the rest of the awesome MarketingProfs team put on an event (calling it a conference doesn’t do it justice) that creates relationships and memories.

MarketingProfs not only packs the forum with amazing content targeted at B2B marketers but also bakes fun into the event. For example, there was a marching band the first morning to get everyone into the kickoff talk and a mariachi band welcoming everyone to Fiesta! – the big party closing the first day.
Mariachi Band at MP B2B Party
The team’s attention to detail is amazing. Nothing was too small to overlook. For example, the restrooms contained fun posters about Instagram and baskets of necessary and unnecessary supplies. Hubspot’s Laura Finton picked up a fake long colored nail in the ladies room and wore it getting lots of laughs.

As Handley instructed us during her opening talk, find your squad.  You my readers are my squad.

On a personal level, the people I met touched me. I loved that readers and social media connections like you came up and said hello.  
Ann Handley, Heidi Cohen and Julie Pildner
Ann Handley, Heidi Cohen and Julie Pildner

Of note was Sharon Mostyn who I chatted with at the House of Blues party on Thursday evening. It took me a while to realize that we’ve been chatting via Twitter for years on #SMChat.

Actionable Marketing Takeaway:
  • Get out from behind your computer.  Spend time with colleagues in real time to build your squad. This means making connections and nurturing relationships.

Thank you for your readership!

If there are topics that you’d like to see covered, please let us know.

This week we interviewed Carlos Hidalgo, author of Driving Demand – Transforming B2B Marketing to meet the needs of the modern buyer. 

We'll be giving away a free copy of Driving Demand to one lucky subscriber. The winner will be announced in next week's newsletter (details.)

​​​Last week we interviewed Ruth Stevens, coauthor of, B2B Data-Driven Marketing, a comprehensive, practical guide to managing and executing business marketing plans and strategies. 
Our randomly selected subscriber, Mohamed Eid, will be receiving a free copy of B2B Data-Driven Marketing. Mohamed!

Happy Marketing!
Heidi Cohen

The Social Media Success Summit is open for registration. Discover how to use social media to attract and engage quality customers, and quickly grow your business at the largest Online Social Media on the planet.

    BTW, if you didn’t get to attend Content Marketing World 2015 live, you can still capture all of the learning. Get the virtual version, study the contents so that you can power your content marketing into 2016 and beyond.

    3 Ways Business Blogging Yields Measurable Results

    Posted on October 19, 2015 by Heidi Cohen in BloggingSearchSocial Media

    Make Your Blog Contribute More to Your Business

    3 Lego Musketeers-1Blogging remains a key element of your marketing mix.

    As an integral part of your content, social media and search strategies, business blogging generates sales and reduces expenses.

    Most businesses, both B2B and B2C use blogs. They are rated by marketers as very effective. According to 2016 US Content Trend Research by Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs, 
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    Blog Post Content Creation: How To Boost Your Results

    Posted on October 21, 2015 by Heidi Cohen in Blogging

    40 Blog Post Creation Tips With Examples

    Colour Pencils-Flickr-40 blog tipsEach month, 54.2M new blog posts are published and 409M readers view 19.6+B blog pages according to WordPress.

    Business impactEach of your blog posts faces heavy competition to break through to your audience and yield tangible results for your business.

    Despite this, 81% of B2B and 77% of B2C businesses employ blogs as a content marketing tactic.

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    Driving Demand – Book Interview

    Posted on October 24, 2015 by Heidi Cohen in B2B Marketing

    Heidi cohen interviews Carlos Hidalgo

    Driving Demand Book CoverQ: What’s your best piece of advice for readers looking to improve their marketing?

    I think the biggest thing marketers (and sales people) need to understand is that everything is about the buyer. It is no longer what we as marketers think our value proposition is, how we want to sell or what channels we want to use.

    It is about the content the buyer wants to consume, how they want to buy and how they want to engage. With this in mind, B2B marketing and sales professionals need to change their mindset and cannot do it soon enough.

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