Actionable Marketing Guide Newsletter

Published: Mon, 11/02/15

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

New York City was the place to be this past weekend.

It was a New York City triple celebration depending on your interests:
  • The NY Mets played the World Series game 3 at home in CitiField and won but they lost the series.

  • The Village Halloween Parade started on Spring Street and worked its way north on Sixth Avenue to West 16th Street.

  • The NYC Marathon crossed through all 5 of the city’s boroughs.

Regardless of your business’s specialty, there’s a hook that you can use to engage with your prospective customer.

This year, I loved how JetBlue had fun with their email offering. They used:
  • Wordplay that wouldn’t work on a webpage since it would appear to be misspellings.

  • Graphics that presented Halloween candy in their brand colors.

JetBlues Halloween Ad

Here's another email ad from Bed Bath & Beyond that ties into the ending of Daylight Savings Time in the US.

Bed Bath and beyond Ad

How can you use holidays to help your promotional, content and social media marketing?
  • Incorporate relevant holidays into your marketing calendar. Promotions and content require planning and resources. Don’t limit yourself to the major consumer holidays if they don’t apply to your business.

  • Check which holidays you spotlighted last year. Do you need to update your content or can you just re-promote it? Of course this assumes you’ve got the appropriate metadata to find it.

To help, here are 3 useful resources:

What are you focused on now? Where are your marketing challenges?
This week we interviewed Jeb Blount, author of Fanatical Prospecting – Transforming B2B Marketing to meet the needs of the modern buyer. 

We'll be giving away a free copy of Fanatical Prospecting to one lucky subscriber. The winner will be announced in next week's newsletter (details.)

Last week we interviewed Carlos Hidalgo, author of Driving Demand – Transforming B2B Marketing to meet the needs of the modern buyer.
Our randomly selected subscriber, Sarah Pelchat, will be receiving a free copy of Driving Demand. Congratulations Sarah!

Happy Marketing!
Heidi Cohen

The Social Media Success Summit is open for registration. Discover how to use social media to attract and engage quality customers, and quickly grow your business at the largest Online Social Media on the planet.

    BTW, if you didn’t get to attend Content Marketing World 2015 live, you can still capture all of the learning. Get the virtual version, study the contents so that you can power your content marketing into 2016 and beyond.

    Got Boring B2B Content? How To Make It Engaging

    Posted on October 26, 2015 by Heidi Cohen in Content Marketing 

    7 Ways To Enrich Your B2B Content To Yield Results

    Yawn-Boring B2B ContentMost B2B content is like the fiber in your diet. You need to eat it but it generally tastes terrible.

    Do your prospects look like they’re using your information but, in reality, they just download it for later use but never take the time to read it?

    Continue reading

    2015 Fortune 500 Social Media Use [Research]

    Posted on October 28, 2015 by Heidi Cohen in Market Research InsightsSocial Media

    Social Media: What You Can Learn From The Fortune 500

    Father and
son learning to ride a bike! | Flickr - Photo Sharing!2015 Fortune 500 social media use research yields insights into what’s working and what’s not for the big companies.

    But don’t assume your small firm can’t benefit from this research as well.

    Unlike smaller, less well-funded firms and organizations, the largest publicly owned US corporations have mega marketing budgets and headcount for existing marketing programs as well as the resources to test the newest innovations. Continue reading

    How to Make Your B2B Content Stand Out From the Crowd

    Posted on October 30, 2015 by Heidi Cohen in Content Marketing

    5 MarketingProfs B2B Forum Take-aways Every Marketer Can Use

    How to Make Your B2B Content Stand Out From the CrowdIf you really want to make your B2B content stand out from the crowd, you can’t do the same thing as everyone else.

    It won’t work.

    Their company is different. Their resources (including employees) are different. Their timing is different. And most importantly, their experience is different. Continue reading

    Fanatical Prospecting – Book Interview

    Posted on October 31, 2015 by Heidi Cohen in Lead GenerationSales

    Fanatical ProspectingHeidi cohen interviews Jeb Blount

    Q: What’s your best piece of advice for readers looking to improve their marketing?

    Step into your prospective customer’s shoes and learn to speak their language. This is the key to connecting with them and pulling them in. 

    Continue reading