Actionable Marketing Guide Newsletter

Published: Mon, 12/21/15

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

It’s Christmas week but the weather in New York City just isn’t cooperating. Down the street from my apartment, roses are blooming outside the church.

The other day a friend told me she finally gave in and got a Christmas tree.

The reason: She found that having a tree was important to how she felt. She realized that the tree raised her spirits during the holidays.

What do you need to feel good this season?

The holidays are about what we have in terms of family, friends and colleagues. Use this time to reach out and connect with them. This makes you feel good and lets you know that other people care about you.

Holidays can be stressful for everyone. You’ve got end-of-year work deadlines to meet, gifts to buy, and holiday gatherings to attend.

Take a break from your usual routine.

Dare I say it?

Unplug from your devices for a few days.  That’s what I’m doing. (BTW—Actionable Marketing Guide won’t be publishing its newsletter next week. You guessed it, we’ll be busy doing nothing!!!)

If you don’t like your family’s traditions or find your family too stressful, create new ones that work for you and those close to you.

Do something you enjoy. During college my father would bribe me—he’d type my papers if I went ice-skating with him. (It worked!)

We’d like to take this opportunity to wish you and those close to you best wishes for 2016!

If you’re making your 2016 plans, please join me at Social Media Marketing World this coming April.  I’m teaching a course on how to keep your blog content going! The specifics are still a work in progress but the class is going to have fresh new content.

​Happy holidays,

Heidi Cohen
Actionable Marketing Guide

A couple of weeks ago, we interviewed Daniel Lemin the author of ManipuRATED, a guide to how business owners can fight fraudulent online ratings and reviews.

Our randomly selected new subscriber, Amanda Parker, will receive a free copy of ManipuRATED. Congratulations, Amanda!


Social Media Marketing World 2016 PromotionSocial Media Marketing World

Join me at Social Media Marketing World this coming Spring in sunny San Diego, California, where I'll be presenting a session on Blogging.

Conference dates are April 17-19, 2016.

Register Now And Save!


2016 Social Media Marketing Plan For Success

Posted on December 14, 2015 by Heidi Cohen in Social Media

10 Steps To Improve Your 2016 Social Media ROI

Starting lineDo you have a 2016 social media marketing plan for success?

In 2016, social media becomes a strategic part of the marketing mix regardless of your business model.

It supports the 4 pillars of digital marketing:

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Small Business Holiday Marketing: 3 Campaigns You Must See

Posted on December 18, 2015 by Heidi Cohen in Small Business

3 Ways To Get Attention During The Holidays

dec-12-santa-flashmob-gctThe holidays are a particularly challenging time to get your message through.

People take advantage of the holidays to reach out and connect with family, friends and colleagues via a variety of platforms.

As a result there’s more communication than usual making it tough to attract attention for small business holiday marketing.

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